8 lab-engineered dog breeds
It's hard to find anyone who doesn't fall in love with dogs, as they are so docile. However, few of us know the history behind some breeds. So, get to know the lab-modified dog breeds here!
Find out which dogs have transformed over time
Do you know which breeds of dogs are modified in laboratories? Well, many times, when we go through the one pet Shop, we are enchanted by the puppies, aren't we?
But did you know that, behind that cute face, it is possible that this animal is the result of the human being himself, who modified the animal according to his preferences? So it is!
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However, what few people know is that such changes can represent a burden on the dog's health. To understand more about what we are talking about, we suggest you read the following text.
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Lab-engineered dog breeds: the animals whose appearance passed through human hands!
08. Pug
First on our list of lab-modified dog breeds is the pug. This animal has undergone aggressive transformations, but so aggressive that it has serious breathing problems.
In fact, these complications even put his life at risk. And despite being a cute-looking dog, the pug is actually nothing like that.
Difficult truths to swallow, but he is a malformed and sick animal, which should not even exist, because his existence is painful for this little dog. For example, think of the pug's short, flat snout.
He has small, narrow nostrils, which makes it difficult for him to breathe. Other than that, this feature makes it difficult for the animal to pant, an act that dogs perform to cool off.
And, since pugs cannot successfully cool their bodies, this can lead to organ failure. Another serious problem is regarding their bulging eyes.
They are the fruit of its small, flat head that has been modified by humans. Because of the misshapen shape of the face, the eyes are commonly bulging.
And therefore, they can have prolapse, which is the exteriorization of the eye. Trying to reverse the situation, that is, placing the eye inside the ocular cavity creates a risk of infection, and the animal needs treatment for the rest of its life.
07. English Bulldog
The English Bulldog is recognized as an excellent family pet because of its tendency to form strong bonds with children.
However, he is also one of the breeds of dogs modified in laboratories and, because of this, he has several health problems, such as overheating (heat stroke or hyperthermia).
Like the pug, this breed's nose has been modified and shortened; as a result, the animal finds it difficult to pant, which causes overheating, especially in summer.
English bulldog: know all about this breed!
The English bulldog is one of the most beloved dogs in the world. Learn more about its charms and learn how to create one at home!
In addition, its robust, diminutive and wrinkled physique favors various problems in the joints, eyes and skin, requiring specific care.
For example, when not well cared for, it is common for English Bulldogs to have facial fold dermatitis, which is the skin condition that occurs when the facial folds trap moisture, causing an infection.
Finally, this breed is very prone to obesity and is very lazy, which increases the chances of dogs getting fat. For this reason, it is important to prepare and discipline the owner to walk every day.
06. Basset
Derived from the French word “bas” which means “low” or “dwarf”, the Basset is a breed of dog from France and was developed by monks during the Middle Ages in order to carry out hunting on foot.
Its scent is very powerful, because, after all, that's what this dog was created for, isn't it? As you can predict, the heightened sense of smell is the result of human modification.
In the case of the Basset, there is excess skin that is intended to cover the dog's eyes when he bends down to sniff, leaving him temporarily blind.
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Consequently, all its attention is focused on the smells, because the animal, not seeing anything around it, is not distracted by other things. But the modifications didn't just stop with the Basset's skin.
Over 100 years, the dog, which was never one of the tallest breeds, has grown even shorter with transformations. The hind legs became shorter, causing several problems in the vertebrae.
Added to the excess skin and its shortened stature, the droopy eyes, which also bring a series of complications and make the Basset prone to developing entropion.
This is a condition in which the eyelid turns inward against the eyeball. That is, the eyelashes begin to irritate the eyeball. If this happens, surgery is the only way to fix it.
05. Dachshund
Who never played with a sausage, right? This breed, which has been a sensation in the past, is one more on our list of those modified by humans.
However, like the Basset, this dog also went through a “shortening” process. Before being transformed into a laboratory, the Dachshund had more functional legs and the neck was proportionate to the body.
Today, however, they have a more elongated back, the chest is more projected forward and the legs are extremely short.
With these modifications, especially with regard to the shortening of their legs, the "sausages" can suffer from serious problems in the vertebrae and are even prone to paralysis.
Yeah, exactly the same health issues the Basset faces. Also, you can imagine that this breed can't walk and run very well, can't you?
This means that the Dachshund, in addition to having spinal problems, is also more prone to obesity, as it cannot exercise properly.
04. Bull terrier
Like the others on this list, the Bull Terrier is also one of the laboratory-modified dog breeds. Conceived by James Hinks, this breed emerged from crosses between the old bulldog and the English white terrier.
This happened around 1860 and its purpose was to fight bulls. Yes, this is exactly what you read! In 19th century England, blood sports involving dogs and bulls were common.
This practice, called bull baiting, from which the dogs are named, became illegal in 1835, but clandestine fighting continued. Some time later, this custom finally fell to the ground.
So, the characteristics of the Bull Terrier were transformed. In the past, it was a slender and beautiful dog, with an “athletic build”, but man ended up artificially modifying it.
Among the changes, the shape of the head and the more elongated skull were the most visible in this breed. Reading this far, I noticed that these forced modifications brought several damages to the animals.
With the Bull Terrier, it would not be different. Interventions caused this breed to acquire skin diseases, excess teeth and other negative factors, such as compulsive tail chasing.
03. Boxer
The Boxer is a dogue-type dog breed, originating in Germany and whose direct ancestor is the extinct German Bullenbeisser, used for hunting and fighting large animals such as wild boars, bulls and bears.
It is believed that these dogs crossed with the old English bulldog and, from this crossing, the Boxer emerged. The first recorded boxer was Muhlbauer's dog Flocki at the Munich dog show in 1895.
He, in turn, was the result of mating an ancient white bulldog with a female bullenbeisser. From that same year, the first Club of Boxer Breeders in the world was founded.
How many dog breeds are there? Find out here!
To find out how many dog breeds there are, check out our list of the main types and the best known, such as the Beagle and the Dalmatian.
From the first boxer to the current ones, there have been several modifications along the way. Today's dogs have a shorter face, with a slightly upturned and flat muzzle.
Consequently, they have difficulty controlling their temperature in the summer because they are brachycephalic. In addition, other noticeable changes from the boxer are the fact that his head has become higher and his neck is more elongated.
Fortunately, among all the problems that this breed already faces, such as hyperthermia and its greater tendency to cancer, these specific modifications did not cause so much damage.
Boxer Dog: learn all about this breed here!
If you have small children at home and want to have a companion dog, then the Boxer dog is ideal for your family. Know more about him here!
02. Saint Bernard
Considered the dog that is the face of Bariloche, Argentina, the Saint Bernard did not pass unscathed from human modifications and is yet another of the breeds of dogs modified in laboratories.
Originally from Switzerland and Italy, their survival was guaranteed thanks to the monks, who, since 1660, began to raise them in a monastery called Hospice du Grand St. bernard. We don't even need to say that's where it got its name, right?
As with many breeds in Europe during the world wars, these dogs almost disappeared. In order for them not to disappear completely, those that remained were crossed with Newfoundland.
These are dogs originally from Newfoundland Island in Canada. The result of this crossing was a very different Saint Bernard: if before they were smaller and less hairy, now they have become huge and with a long coat.
However, this “new” Saint Bernard, who became known for appearing in books and films such as Beethoven in 1992, was bigger and heavier, with an exaggerated amount of skin.
This made it more difficult for these dogs to stabilize their body temperature, thus increasing cases of bone cancer and paralysis.
With the São Bernardo, we reached our number 01 of laboratory-modified dog breeds. Can you guess what's to come?
01. German Shepherd
So it is! Not even the German Shepherd escaped human modifications... Currently used more as a guard dog and police dog, he, in his origin, was used as a herding dog, being considered hybrids of wolves.
Another curious fact about its history is that it speculates a possible kinship with the Bohemian Shepherd breed, which is quite old, but there are no facts to prove this relationship.
Anyway, one thing is certain: they too have transformed over time. About their changes, they are much more “gentle” compared to the rest of this list of lab-modified dog breeds.
German Shepherd Dog: Know everything about this breed
Despite appearing to be angry, the German Shepherd is a very intelligent and docile dog. Ideal for owners who have availability to entertain them. Know everything about him!
The main difference is in the size of the animal, which went from 38kg, on average, to 25kg.
In addition, dogs of the current German Shepherd breed have a wider chest, leaning back, which does not bring as many burdens to their health, as in other cases.
And, in this way, with this dog that is practically part of our daily life, we end our text on dog breeds modified in laboratories.
And if you want to know more curiosities about the world of dogs, check out our recommended content below!
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The cutest dogs of all breeds can vary for each person, such as the beagle, the poodle, the lulu, among others. So, meet the most adorable breeds here!
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