
Strongest and most dangerous feline in the world: which one is it? Find it out!

The animal kingdom is full of felines and imposing animals. But which is the strongest and most dangerous feline in the world? Was it really the lion, king of the jungle? Check it out here and discover even more curiosities.


Find out who is the strongest among the cats!

Será que o leão é o felino mais forte e perigoso do mundo? Fonte: Pexels.
Is the lion the strongest and most dangerous feline in the world? Source: Pexels.

Domestic cats aside, jungle cats are strong and dangerous. But among them, which is the strongest and most dangerous feline in the world? Can you tell?

The lion is nicknamed the king of the jungle, so that many attribute to him the greatest strength and size. On the other hand, we also have felines typical of regions of the world that dominate them.

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In that sense, consider the jaguar, America's largest. At the same time, there are the tigers, originally from Asia. But how to determine which one is the strongest?

Is it possible to measure the danger that each of them offers and delegate one as the greatest? That's what we'll see today. Therefore, if you are interested in curiosities of the animal world, be sure to continue reading!

What is the strongest and most dangerous feline in the world?

In order to know which would be the strongest and most dangerous feline, it is first necessary to know what are the characteristics of each one. After all, this is the only way to measure and compare data.

Also consider that felines are in different regions of the globe. Therefore, the comparison depends on this database, since clashes or disputes between them do not occur naturally.

This is precisely because of its presence in different parts of the world. So, meet below three imposing, strong and powerful felines from the globe and find out which one is the most dangerous!


O Tigre é um animal fortíssimo e muito veloz. Fonte: Pexels.
The Tiger is a very strong and very fast animal. Source: Pexels.

First, let's go to the imposing tiger. This is one of the strongest felines in the world, undeniably. And not only that, it's also the biggest. After all, animals of this species can reach up to 2.2 meters in length.

By the way, this is not counting the tail. This then adds another 1 meter to the animal. That way, see how much bigger they are than they look on television. Yet, how much more do they go than a kitten raised in the wild.

In addition, the tiger weighs, on average, 230 kg. However, it is not rare for him to reach 300 kg! Now, imagine the strength that a fast animal like the tiger has with that weight and length.

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Therefore, he is a great candidate for the strongest feline in the world. Also consider that there is more than one breed of tiger and they compete with each other for that podium.

This, therefore, the tigers of the south of Asia are smaller and they keep those proportions that we mentioned. The Siberian tiger, which lives in cold regions, is even larger, although it is also rarer.


The lion is commonly seen as the king of the jungle. But is he the strongest feline in the world? He is typical of Africa and stands out for his magnificence and mane, when male. However, know that the real hunters are the lionesses!

As for size, the lion usually measures between 1.8 and 2.1 meters in length. In this case, the tail is not as big as that of other cats, so it does not make a big difference in this account.

Regarding the weight of lions, it is possible to state that they maintain the same average as tigers. That is, 230 kg. 


A onça-pintada é um animal típico da América. Fonte: Pexels.
The jaguar is a typical American animal. Source: Pexels.

Also, we have a feline that is well known in Brazil, present in the Amazon and Atlantic forests and in the Brazilian Pantanal. We are talking about the jaguar, a typical American animal.

Not only typical, but also the largest on the continent. Despite this, she seems almost small compared to the aforementioned cats. After all, while the tiger and the lion maintain an average of 230 kg, the jaguar usually reaches up to 120 kg.

In other words, a big disadvantage. The length of the jaguar is usually 1.8 meters, not counting the tail. 

But then, what is the most dangerous feline in the world?

If the subject referred to the strongest bite of a feline, the jaguar would take this dispute with one foot on its back. After all, it has fangs capable of tearing even alligator armor. Also, he has extreme jaw strength.

However, that is not what is in dispute, but which is the strongest feline in the world. In this regard, we can consider that the proportions of tigers give them advantages in relation to strength. After all, they are bigger and heavier.

On the other hand, it is also possible to analyze some facts and characteristics of hunting and fighting. This, then, would not fail to be seen in a dispute between the animals.

And what is the strongest feline in the world?

First, let’s consider some historical facts. In 2011, for example, a tiger killed a lion in a zoo in Ankara, Turkey. However, this killing was done in a way that is not typical of tigers.

Here, the lion was killed with a blow to the jugular. However, it is worth noting that tigers are more likely to hunt cleanly. In this sense, they attack directly in the spine.

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With this, they kill with a single blow the victim who does not even have time to understand what is happening. Likewise, consider other situations.

Lions are animals that work in a group and, when they do, they become the strongest felines in the world. Note, therefore, that the situation changes according to the scenario that is set up and the details that are added.

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And, although most experts point out that the tiger would be stronger, a Discovery Channel documentary bets on the opposite. According to calculations and simulations made by them, the lion would be able to win this dispute.

The best thing, by the way, is the justification given for this fact. After all, the bet was based on the lion's mane. According to the makers of this documentary, the tiger would be incapable of making a direct, deadly and surprise blow to the lion.

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That, then, the king of the jungle would be able to escape by the protection that the mane gives to his spine. That way, the lion would have time to defend itself, which would increase the chances of success, even more so with other lions in the group around.

And, if you want to continue reading about animals and interesting curiosities, we suggest that you follow the article below. In it, we talk about the rarest animals in the world. Check out!

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