
Myths about cats: meet the 5 most famous!

There are many myths about cats. Get to know the main ones today, as well as the origins and truth behind each one.


Discover the biggest myths about cats

Mitos sobre gatos
myths about cats

Myths about cats are diverse. Some give them countless lives, while others give them special powers. But where do they come from and, above all, are they true?

Myths are natural in society and around the world. They are usually born out of general, layman notions of something. Also, they explain natural phenomena in a non-scientific way, with attributions and relationships that do not always exist.

With regard to myths about cats, this is no different. Most of them came about based on some feline behavior. Also, in their anatomy. This is something that is repeated all over the world, regardless of the origin of the cat. Therefore, many of these myths are famous in many countries.

For example, consider the myth that cats have 7 lives. Know that he finds variants around the world. In England, cats are believed to have 09 lives, not 07. In Turkish regions, the belief revolves around 06 lives.

But what makes this myth so famous? What is the belief that felines have more than one life? Below you will see the answers to these questions in detail. In addition, you will also get to know other famous myths about cats.

So keep reading and check out the top 5 myths, their origins and the truth behind them. So, check out what is true and false about the feline world and find out about some very interesting curiosities.

5 myths about cats: see what they are!

Veja os mitos sobre gatos
See cat myths

Find out right now, in the items that follow, the main myths about cats and learn more about them. Some of them are even dangerous for the kittens. Therefore, the more information, the better.

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1. Cats have 07 lives – one of the most famous myths about cats

This is probably the most famous myth about cats. Also, with the greatest diffusion in different countries, even if with small differences in the legend according to each place. However, obviously it is not a fact.

Felines, like any other animal and like humans, have a life. What motivates the legend is the felines' independence. Equally, their ability to run and jump with dexterity, climb and descend from high places, as well as hunting.

Therefore, legends began based on feline reflex and agility. His ability to climb trees, twist his body and land safely are also skills that give him a reputation for living long.

2. Black cat is bad luck

Mitos sobre gatos
myths about cats

This is one of the most famous myths about cats. And he is not simply an innocent legend. This is a type of belief that can do a lot of harm to kittens and put their physical integrity at risk.

The legend that black cats bring bad luck is nothing more than that, a legend. And, unfortunately, many people blindly believe this. With that, they end up practicing acts of violence against black fur kittens. This is especially true on Friday the 13th.

Therefore, it is essential that everyone knows that this is nothing more than a myth about cats. No type of feline or other animal is capable of causing bad luck. Therefore, attacking them accomplishes nothing and is a pure act of cowardice.

But what created this fame? What drives the myths about black cats? In the West this legend appeared in the Middle Ages, having dissipated and being famous until today. At the time, when myths and supernatural explanations were common, the animal was associated with bad luck.

On the other hand, this story also has another side of the coin. In the countries of the UK, as well as in Japan, it is believed that this animal is good luck. So, if you want to believe in myths about cats, choose this version. After all, she doesn't put the feline in danger, unlike the other one.

3. Cats are not sociable

Another myth about cats that is very famous is that felines are not sociable. Furthermore, this unfolds into another feline legend: that they associate with the house and not with people. However, it is not like that.

Cats like some time to themselves, exploring the house and showing independence. But this is not incompatible with companionship and affection. After all, they love to play, hunt and spend long hours sleeping close to their tutor.

In addition, they also get along well with other animal companions. Of course, sometimes they need a few hours or days to adapt, but that's the least of it.

By the way, to dispel the myths about cats being antisocial once and for all, know that some species wait for their owners at the front door. This is the case, for example, of the Siamese cat, which has dark ends and the rest of the coat lighter. 

4. Cats always land on their feet

Another common myth about cats is that they always land on their feet. However, don't bet on it. At great heights this can be fatal or at least generate a serious fracture. But does that mean they don't land on their feet?

No. Usually at a height of at least two feet they tend to turn around in time and land on their paws. However, at high altitudes it can hurt them (and even cause more serious things). Already at lower heights, there is no time for this to occur.

The origin of this myth, by the way, is related to another of the myths about cats, that they have 07 lives.

5. Cats can see in the dark

To finish our list of myths about cats, we have the legend that they can see in the dark. And, again, it's a legend. However, it is not completely unrealistic, as in the case of the belief involving bad luck.

When compared to human vision in the dark, cats have 10 times better vision. So they have a better view. However, they need some kind of light or reflection from it. They don't have the ability to see in complete pitch.

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About the author  /  Aline Mesquita

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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