
How to remove cat hair from clothes? 8 practical tips!

Does your pet cover you in fur after a petting session? So learn how to remove cat hair from clothes with some simple and practical tips!


Find out how to get cat hair out of clothes easily

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Removing cat hair from clothes

The presence of pets at home brings a lot of joy, but also fur. Therefore, your pieces may suffer from this. Learn how to remove cat hair from clothes and end the problem!

Pets often don't even have to go near the piece. But it was enough to sit in a place where he was previously and that's it! Your clothes are already full of fur. And this is not something desirable, as it directly affects the look of your outfit.

Other common situations are parts that come out of the washing machine still full of hair. How to get rid of them if even washing is not enough? Well, don't despair. There are several tricks to remove cat and dog hair from clothing.

With them, then, you harness the joy and companionship that the pet brings to the house without the need for its look and clothes to suffer. Keep reading to check out 08 special tricks to get rid of fur on clothes once and for all.

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What is good for removing fur from clothes: 8 tips!

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how to remove cat hair from clothes

We brought 08 tips that will make all the difference in the care of your clothes against pet hair. With them, you can go to any event, social or otherwise, without worrying about hair on your clothes. So, see practical ways to eliminate them!

use kitchen sponge

First of all, to remove cat hair from clothes, use green and yellow kitchen sponges. She is able to help extract most of the hair from clothes, especially those in black.

To do this, first slightly humidify the object. Then use it on the garment you want to clean. Give preference to the yellow side of the garment, as it is less aggressive to the fabric. However, for those who are thicker and do not pull threads, it is possible to use the green part.

Scotch tape

Another trick to remove cat hair from clothes uses duct tape. Here you can use whatever you have at home. That is, tape, crepe, insulator... anything, as long as it is capable of sticking to surfaces. So, take a piece and quickly feel and remove it from each space.

Keep changing the piece of tape as it fills with hair and repeat the process until the piece is properly cleaned. In the end, then, your clothes will be free of hair, whether they are from cats or dogs.

Pumice stone

The pumice stone is also presented as a way to remove cat hair from clothes. In this case, use is made of the roughness of the object that is capable of removing the threads. However, precisely because of this roughness, care is needed when using it. Otherwise, the part may be damaged.

So, use it gently. Likewise, never use it on pieces of sensitive fabrics, such as satin, silk, wool (knitting and crochet). On the other hand, you can use it in jeans as well as cotton clothes. In this way, it is enough to pass the object over the fabric, gently and in the same direction.

Rubber gloves

Another common object in Brazilian homes and that helps in how to remove cat hair from clothes are rubber gloves suitable for housework. Due to the material they are made of, they make the wires stick to them. So they are great at this task!

So, just put on the gloves, dry and clean, and press them on the places where the hairs are. In that case, by the way, know that gloves are also great for removing hair from other fabrics, such as sofas, sheets and chairs. 

Hair removal rollers

Today there are also rolls of duct tape that are suitable for the task of how to remove cat hair from clothes. They are found in the markets and have a cable that comes with the ribbon roll. That way, when it gets full, just peel it off and discard it, and there will be another ribbon underneath.

This is a very good option for cleaning wool coats, for example. Overall, it's the best alternative for the most delicate fabrics. After all, here there is no danger of pulling a thread or damaging the piece.

How to remove cat hair from clothes after washing?

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how to remove cat hair from clothes

If the problem refers to hairs that stick to the garment even after washing, there are some tricks. First of all, remember to remove the excess hair before putting the pieces in the washing machine. Otherwise, they will just spread across the tiles.

Also, if they are still present after washing them, you have a few options. The first is to place the piece in a deep bucket filled with water. With that, hair tends to break loose and go to the surface. Remove them and then remove the piece, rinse and that's it.

Another option here is to use a clean, damp sponge, as we've seen before. Finally, another way to get rid of cat hair on clothes, even after washing them, rinse them again in the washing machine, but this time with fabric softener.


Velcro is also an option for removing cat hair from clothing. It, in the same way as other materials that we present here, adheres to the hair. With that, just press it on the clothes and remove quickly.

Prevent excess hair on clothes

Finally, in addition to thinking about how to remove cat hair from clothes, it is also necessary to take action to avoid them. With a few tricks you can get rid of excess hair around the house, furniture and the pet itself. 

First, brush it regularly. For those with short hair, 1 to 3 times a week is good enough. On the other hand, for cats with long hair, it is best to brush them daily.

Also, bet on pet hydration and balanced and quality food. With that, your cat tends to lose less hair and it's much easier to keep your clothes clean!

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