
Cat pee: 5 tips to clean and remove the bad smell

Anyone who has a domestic feline has probably been irritated by the smell of cat pee. Learn how to deal with it today!


Learn how to deal with cat pee in the best way

Urina de gato
cat urine

The smell of cat pee is one of the main complaints of tutors. What to do, then, so that the house always smells good? See how to combat the bad odor of feline urine.

Cats are famous for being clean animals. And this is not for nothing. After all, they bury their own feces and urine. Also, they take daily baths and alone. Still, they like organized places, with a tendency to irritation in the face of disorganization.

However, even with all this, the smell of urine can be quite uncomfortable. And that's not just for litter box refusers. Even the most polite of felines have unpleasant smelling pee.

This is due to numerous reasons, most of a biological nature. But then how to deal with it? Today, we're going to look at some tips to keep your house always smelling. While you can't change the smell of cat pee, you can learn how to neutralize it.

Why is cat pee smell so strong?

Como reduzir o odor da urina de gatos
How to reduce cat urine odor

The smell of feline pee is undeniably stronger. And why is cat urine like that? What causes this phenomenon? There are basically three reasons. Check out:

  • Presence of bacteria: feline urine naturally has a bacteria that decomposes with the time it remains in one place. This starts to happen right after the cat pee deposit. This decomposition, in turn, gives off an ammonia odor that is quite annoying (and even excruciating!). This is due to a bacteria that is present in cat urine.
  • concentrated urine: furthermore, cats tend to ingest little amount of water daily. Because of this, your urine is more concentrated and less diluted. That is, the elements that cause the odor are in concentration and, therefore, are noticeable;
  • to mark territory: here we are talking, more precisely, about that cat pee that is done on the wall. This is their way of marking territory. In doing so, the urine is different. It has a stronger odor precisely to demonstrate its presence.

How to make the cat not urinate outside the litter box?

If your cat is averse to the litter box, don't despair. First, it is natural that over time he will approach her. Especially if there are other cats in the house that he can look up to as a puppy.

However, it is not always possible (or pleasant) to wait for the “right” time for him. Still, of course, there is the possibility that this is a prank. Many cats use urine to show their displeasure. Or else, to protest against the presence of other animals and mark their territory.

There are some tricks that can be quite interesting in these cases. See below for some tips to avoid cat pee out of place!

What to throw on the floor so that the cat does not urinate

First, a tip is, right after peeing occurs, throw alcohol and white vinegar in the region. You can clean, before, and after doing it. But let the alcohol and vinegar dry naturally.

That way, the smell stays longer. Thus, your cat realizes that there is not a suitable place. In addition, he is also amazed by the smell, which tends to be uncomfortable for the feline.

neuter your cats

Another way to avoid cat pee out of place is to neuter them, especially when more than one feline lives in the same house. In addition to the health issue, know that after castration, cats tend to stop marking their territory.

Keep the litter box clean

Still, it's essential that you keep the litter box clean at all times. Cats care (and a lot) about hygiene. Therefore, they will not use a place where they can get dirty. So, clean the place daily and whenever you see new “gifts”.

In this matter, another important point. If you have more than one cat, make sure you have enough litter boxes for them. 

How to choose a suitable cat litter?

Anyone who is a cat tutor knows that the cat litter box is one of the most important things for those who have these cats at home. Learn more here!

How to get rid of bad cat pee smell? 5 essential tips!

Xixi de gato
cat pee

Finally, here are some tips to get rid of the strong and unpleasant odor of feline urine. Thus, you guarantee that your home always smells good.

1. Space can indicate cause and solution of pee out of place or bad smell

Both cat pee out of place and bad smell have some common explanations. So, when they occur, you need to analyze the space in which the feline (or felines) live together.

For example, cleaning the litter box, as we have already pointed out, is an important fact. When she is dirty she can scare the kitten away. Also, it generates a bad smell. So don't let the waste build up. Remove them daily.

By the way, do not just remove the feces. Some sands, as we will talk about below, form granules. By removing them, you remove the urine from the site and avoid the smell of ammonia. Also, ensure that there is at least 01 litter box per cat in the house.

2. Choose scented and granule-forming sands

The choice of sand makes all the difference in controlling the bad smell of cat pee. Therefore, give preference to those that form granules with pee. Also, avoid wooden ones, whose dust tends to spread around the house and stick to your friend's paws.

Also, prefer scented sands. They are developed especially for cats. Therefore, although they contain a scent, it does not irritate the kittens.

This type of sand has an odor control that greatly improves the situation. For this, of course, it must be cleaned daily.

3. Disinfect the litter box before adding new litter.

It is important that you frequently change the sand in the box. For this, analyze if she is still loose and what the smell is. Don't leave it for more than 2 or 3 weeks. When replacing it with a new one, remember to disinfect the container before adding new sand.

Otherwise, the box will still contain bacteria and cat pee residue. In a short time the bad odor reappears and you will have to throw away the sand. So, prevent this from happening and always do the complete cleaning process when changing the sand. 

4. Dry the cat pee target site before applying products

Before cleaning the cat's target area outside the litter box, do not apply the product directly. The pee neutralizes the products, which no longer exert disinfectant power. So, first of all, dry the place with absorbent paper and discard. Only then apply the product. 

5. Use specific products to clean places affected by cat pee

Our fifth and final tip is to always clean feline urine with specific products. They are specifically developed to neutralize feline pee odor. After drying, apply them on the surface. 

All about cat pee

Cats, like all animals, pee to release substances that pass through the kidneys, but are not useful to the body. Learn more here!

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