Parasites that attack cats: what are they and how to get rid of them?
Learn about the different parasites that can attack your cat and find out how to safely and effectively get rid of them. Also, understand when you should take the little bug to the vet!
Parasites that attack cats: learn more about them to keep your pet healthy and protected!
The scene is common: your cat comes home from his walk and starts to itch; a few hours pass and some red dots appear on his body. Ready! Your pet has fallen victim to the parasites that attack cats!
In this case, by fleas. But what to do? Well, you need to know that fleas, ticks, parasites and lice (because animals are also subject to lice) are everywhere. And that doesn't mean your house is dirty.
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Understand here what diseases attack cats and look for a veterinarian to help your pet!
It's something simple: fleas and ticks are part of the lives of dogs and cats, just like they are part of ours. Therefore, to get rid of them, you just need to know how to prevent them from reproducing and surviving.
So the question is: how to do this? How to prevent and prevent these parasites from harming your cat? Thinking about these issues, we went to research about pests that attack pets. So, read our article, and have no more doubts!
Before you start: what are parasites?
In general terms, a parasite is a being that will attach itself to your cat to use it as a source of food, whether or not you can suck its blood: that depends, because some like it, others don't.
Parasitism is a relationship between species called “symbiosis”, that is, two different species coexist because one benefits from the other. Freeriding, however, is a symbiotic relationship that only benefits one party.
Like this? Let's look at the fleas: they will suck your cat's blood, lay eggs in his skin, grow and reproduce... Your cat will suffer, have illnesses and may even die. That is, in this symbiosis, the cat has no advantage.
What are the parasites that attack cats? Learn 6!
So, let's go to them now: the parasites that attack cats. But, remember: this is a guide text. For more information, treatments and diagnoses, look for a veterinarian!
1. Mites
Mites are species of arachnids (and ticks are species of mites), most of the time, impossible to be perceived with the naked eye. Among us, they are mainly known for respiratory allergies.
However, mites also attack cats. The most common disease in this case is Ear Scabies. And, like almost all parasites, dust mites prefer places that are poorly ventilated, poorly lit and dirty.
Therefore, to avoid them, you need to keep your home always airy and sanitized. Even so, if your cat is affected by this parasite, be aware that the treatment includes specific remedies, depending on the type of infestation.
2. Ticks
The tick is a type of mite, as we said before. However, it deserves to be understood in a different way, because it is more harmful than a respiratory mite, for example, due to its bite.
After all, most of them feed exclusively on blood, and in that bite, infections and diseases of the most varied types can happen, after the parasitic ticks attack the cats.
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Rabies is a controlled disease in Brazil, but pets need to be vaccinated, as this is a zoonosis that has no cure. See more details about the campaign.
And, more than that, unlike fleas, they live in the dark places of the house - not attached to the fur and skin of cats. This means that ticks come out of their burrows, attack cats, and then come back.
So, to avoid them, it's important that the house is clean and airy, and your cat sanitized. Even so, treatments include medicine, ointments and baths, plus a vet appointment.
3. Bedbugs
Although this happens more frequently in humans, bed bugs can also attack dogs and cats. They are not as harmful as fleas, but the bite can still transmit disease and cause local pain.
Therefore, the best way to avoid bedbugs is through hygiene. That is, changing bedding frequently, and always cleaning gaps, as well as behind curtains and doors, you avoid their presence.
And, in most cases, you can cure bed bug bites with proper hygiene of the area. But the veterinarian may order an ointment or formula, depending on the case.
4. Lice
Less common than fleas and ticks, lice are also among the parasites that attack cats.
The good news is that cat lice are a different species than human lice. What's more, human lice do not attack cats, and vice versa. Finally, they are less aggressive – that is, they are easier to find and eliminate.
Identifying a lice attack in cats is easy: the hair falls out, the area becomes red and blotchy, and the animal becomes irritable, scratching. Despite the fact that the animal is all hairy, cat lice do not spread so much.
The best prevention is always hygiene. If your cat likes walks, always give her a bath when she returns. The main form of transmission is from animal to animal.
For treatment, you can use veterinary healing ointments and creams. In more serious cases, medicine. Always under the supervision of the veterinarian, all right?
5. Fleas are the worst parasites that attack cats
The worst of all the parasites that attack cats is the flea, for sure. That's because there are several species of them, but fleas don't usually make a distinction. That is, a rat flea can attack cats, people, horses, etc.
Virtually all warm-blooded animals are subject to them (including birds). Furthermore, in addition to jumping long distances and being resistant to cleaning products in adulthood, the flea is also a transmitter of numerous diseases.
The life cycle of a flea goes through 4 stages – egg, larva, pupa and adult – and the most important thing is to try to end the infestation in the first one. Once an adult, the flea becomes more resistant, but it is not impossible to beat it.
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The best way to prevent the spread of fleas is by cat hygiene and space hygiene. Not by chance, markets for antique objects and clothes are called “Flea Markets”.
Avoiding contact with street animals and wild animals is also essential. Identifying insects at the beginning of contamination, due to wounds or the presence of an adult, is essential.
There are hundreds of products, of varying effectiveness, but more advanced infestations require more invasive drugs and creams. But this diagnosis must necessarily be made by the veterinarian.
6. Worms
Worms are internal parasites and most of them live in cats' digestive systems. Its main problem is to cause malnutrition in the animal and, consequently, death. Most worms are invisible to the naked eye.
However, some signs indicate the infection. Hair falling out, lack of appetite, urine and feces with a very different color and smell, vomiting... At the first symptoms or suspicions, take your cat to the vet.
Probably, the doctor will ask for feces collection and should apply an internal vermifuge and some specific food.
Transmission and contamination by worms happen through contact with contaminated water and food, exchange of fluids with other animals and contact with unhygienic places.
So keeping the house and litter boxes always clean is very important. This is for both the cat's health and yours, as some cat worms attack humans as well.
And if you want to know more about felines in general, just stay with us. Below, we talk about possible causes for cats that are crying a lot. Log in and check it out!
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A cat crying causes, in addition to pity, a lot of concern. After all, he is trying to say something and may be sad, in pain or hungry. See how to identify.
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