
5 professions on the rise: they have vacancies left!

The more the market expands, the more new job opportunities arise. Areas such as engineering, IT and nursing lead the list with the highest number of vacancies left. Understand!


Health, IT and many other areas have vacancies open for professionals!

Confira quais as vagas disponíveis! Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out which positions are available! Source: AdobeStock.

Despite the fact that the country is facing a huge wave of unemployment that reaches more than 8%, it is strange to think that there are professions that are on the rise and with vacancies available!

So let's get to know a little more about these areas, what are the employability possibilities and what you need to do to occupy these spaces!

Homem sorrindo estendendo a mão com equipe ao fundo

See several open job vacancies SEST SENAT

Want to find an interesting vacancy for you to work? See all the opportunities offered by SEST SENAT with very varied options for different levels.

By the way, this is a situation that happens with different levels of schooling! So, regardless of your area of expertise or training, know that it is possible to have a career change!

You can look for opportunities that require more basic training. In addition, you can seek a simple course to reorient your career. That way, you can apply for one of these vacancies that are left!

What professions are on the rise with vacancies to spare?

Afinal, quais são as oportunidades de trabalho? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what are the job opportunities? Source: AdobeStock.

First, one of the sectors that most suffer from a lack of labor at the moment is the area of Information Technology.

So, let's see more about these professions that are on the rise in the market and that could be your next job opening!

IT Analyst

In case you don't already know, the IT analyst is the one who plans, designs, configures, manages computer networks of companies. In addition, this professional is responsible for providing technical support.

This is a very technical job and one that keeps growing in demand. By 2024, more than 400,000 professionals will be needed. This is a great opportunity to fill one of these vacancies!

Incidentally, the salary for a professional in this area can be approximately R$4.7 thousand per month. However, remember that the greater your experience in the area, the more you can earn! 

nursing technician

The health area is part of those that always have a lot of demand for workers. Thus, sometimes there are vacancies left over, as is the case for nursing technicians.

In this way, this is the professional who assists nurses in all types of hospital procedures and patient care. This is a necessary job in both clinics and hospitals!

Mulher sorrindo apertando mão

Infojobs app: find your next job!

Get to know the Infojobs app and find out which is the next job opening for you! There are more than 17 thousand companies advertising daily through the app.

Thus, whoever chooses this area will help patients with post-operative hygiene and safety care! In addition, it is possible to work in homes, providing assistance to elderly people and people with health difficulties.

Furthermore, the salary of a nursing technician can reach R$ 3.5 thousand per month. However, the amount depends on the place of work.

Digital Agriculture Technician

I bet you've never heard of this profession, but the area of agriculture linked to technology offers professions on the rise and with vacancies available in the job market.

So, in case you are confused, the digital agriculture technician must optimize agricultural production through digitalization tools. That is, you will need to act in the management of farms.

In this way, it will manage the operations of the machines used in planting and harvesting, in addition to monitoring the climate, managing pests and even marketing. It is necessary to combine IT with field practices.

Furthermore, this area can offer salaries of R$ 5.9 thousand per month, depending on skills and experience in the area.

Digital Agronomist Engineer

The Digital Agronomist engineer is the one who will work in partnership with the digital agriculture technician and will put all decisions into practice correctly!

That is, you will need to understand a little topography and large-scale agricultural production. So, it will be essential to take a specific course for this area.

So, if you find this job interesting, be aware that salaries vary between R$7,5k monthly. Looks pretty attractive, doesn't it?

Price Analyst

To finalize our list of examples, the price analyst is another one of the professions that is on the rise and has plenty of vacancies!

So, in this role you must analyze the prices of goods and services. The goal is to increase revenue and ensure a better profit margin on whatever is for sale.

Shall we go to the information that matters most? A Pricing Analyst's salary can reach R$5 thousand per month! 

How to find vacancies for high professions?

Então, que tal começar a se preparar para as entrevistas? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So how about starting to prepare for interviews? Source: AdobeStock.

Finding job openings for popular professions isn't that difficult, but there are a few things you need to do to prepare! So, let's check out a step-by-step with suggestions for you to find your ideal vacancy?

The first step is to define a goal. That is, take a good look at the vacancies we present above! Did any of them catch your attention? If so, start planning what you need to do to fit one of these vacancies!

Mulher usando notebook entre as máquinas

5 companies that offer free training

Some companies are partnering with teaching platforms offering training courses in the technology area! Options range from PAN Bank to Cisco.

In this way, research elsewhere, find out more about this profession, if it offers a career opportunity for you. But once you establish and define this goal of yours, you need to put actions into practice!

If necessary, find a course to help you reach that goal. Studying is always a step that can help you a lot! By the way, if money and time is a problem, know that you can find several free online courses!

Create a routine and schedule

Once you find the ideal course for you, create a schedule, not only for studying, but also for submitting your resume to different vacancies.

There are many good platforms on the internet with unique job opportunities like LinkedIn. In addition, you will also need to update your resume and social media.

Finally, after starting your new career choice, taking a course and creating a profile on job networks, you just need to prepare for the interviews.

Also, remember to maintain a polite posture and use Portuguese correctly!

Discover other recommended courses: Caregiver for the Elderly Edune!

There are several professions that are high and with several vacancies at the moment! So, you can look for an opportunity in any of the areas that we present or in others that also have openings available!

So, how about getting to know Edune's Elderly Caregiver course? This is a unique opportunity for you to move forward or specialize in a part of the Nursing Technician, for example!

That is, if taking care of the elderly seems like a good possibility for you, learn about some of the advantages that the Edune course offers! Check out all the additional information in our course review!

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Free Edune Elderly Caregiver Course!

Edune's free Elderly Caregiver course is free and offers a certificate, being a gateway for professionals who want to specialize.

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual by the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A great curiosity, who likes to study a little of everything and share these learnings in his texts.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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