
Do you know what feline diabetes is?

Did you know that cats can get diabetes too? Do you know how to identify the first symptoms? Do you know how the treatment is? Find out all about feline diabetes here.


Feline diabetes: learn all about the disease and learn how to take care of your pet!

Saiba mais sobre como a doença funciona em gatos. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about how the disease works in cats. Source: Pexels.

Diabetes is a disease that affects people all over the world. What few people know is that this problem can also affect animals. By the way, do you know what feline diabetes is? Yes, it exists!

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That's right, cats are also attacked by diabetes mellitus, which is basically an irregular or ineffective production of insulin in the pancreas. Consequently, there is an excess of sugar in the blood.

What is the relationship between cats and diabetes?

About 30% of cats over 7 years of age will suffer from diabetes. This number increases to 65% after 10 years of life. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 – up to 80% of occurrences.

In this case, the pancreas produces insulin, but it is not effective against the level of sugar in the bloodstream. However, cats can also suffer from type 1 diabetes, when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.

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Similar to human diabetes, feline diabetes is also related to diet and weight control. High carbohydrate consumption can lead cats to obesity - causing diabetes in the animal.

It is worth remembering, however, that it is not just obese cats that can suffer from diabetes. Obesity can be a factor, but not the only one, okay? So, it is important to know the subject well.

What are the symptoms of a cat with diabetes?

Sede e fome intensas são sinais de diabetes felina. Fonte: Pexels.
Intense thirst and hunger are signs of feline diabetes. Source: Pexels.

Feline diabetes has initial symptoms similar to that of humans. One of the most common is excessive thirst, followed by excessive hunger. That is, your cat may be drinking or looking for more water than usual.

The same goes for hunger. Your cat has an ideal weight, and an amount of food corresponding to that weight. If he, even after eating, continues to ask for food, or tries to steal yours, it is a symptom to be investigated.

So, to know if your cat is consuming the right amount of water and food, visiting a vet is always the first step, okay? And in addition to these symptoms, weight loss can happen.

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The weight loss associated with over-starvation could be diabetes, or some other illness such as a parasitic infection. For this reason, it is essential that you take your cat to the vet, as we said.

In addition to eating habits, a symptom of diabetes can be increased urine volume and episodes of urination. That is, if your cat is peeing a lot and many times a day, consult the veterinarian.

severe symptoms

These symptoms, by themselves, are already quite complicated. However, feline diabetes is in its most serious phase when vomiting, dehydration, apathy (a more than typical feline indisposition) and walking difficulties begin.

In the latter case, it is worth observing whether the cat is putting all its fingers on the ground, or just its heel. And, if your cat has the symptoms described above, take him immediately to a consultation with the veterinarian.

Dietary changes, exercise, and feline insulin will almost certainly be prescribed. But, as we always point out, this text does not replace a consultation with the specialist. Here, we are only giving alerts.

How to treat feline diabetes?

The first treatment will almost always be a change in diet. It is worth remembering that cats are more carnivores, so they can even eat some vegetables and fruits. However, their main food is meat.

Therefore, they digest proteins much more easily than carbohydrates. Therefore, if your cat's diet is rich in carbohydrates, the chance that he will suffer from diabetes is greater.

Filhote de gato comendo ração da dieta felina oferecida por sua dona

Important recommendations for the feline diet

The health of cats depends on respecting the recommendations for a feline diet. Get to know the main ones for the well-being of kittens and find out what they can or cannot eat.

Therefore, the best way to get a balanced diet for your cat is to take it to the vet. He will tell you how to feed your cat and probably ask to buy diabetic cat food.

This food can be more expensive than a normal food, so if you live with more than one cat at home, the ideal is that the diabetic cat eats separately from the others, is that okay?

However, if this is not possible, the most appropriate thing is for all cats to start eating this food. But this, who will determine is the veterinarian, as well as the amount, periodicity and type of food.

Living with the disease

A diabetes felina não tem cura. Fonte: Pexels.
Feline diabetes has no cure. Source: Pexels.

If your cat is diagnosed with diabetes, first, you need to be aware of what this condition will be for the rest of his life. Second, that with strict control, your cat will live as long and as well as a cat without diabetes.

Thus, some of the animal's eating habits will change. Another action that will help control feline diabetes is encouraging the cat to spend energy – with toys and scratching posts.

The tutor, in turn, will need to learn some things, such as administering insulin injections and measuring the cat's glycemic level. Increasing water sources and sandboxes is also essential.

It might seem like a lot at first, and yes, your cat will be freaked out by you sticking a needle in her. But think: it's for the sake of the kitty that you're doing this.

What is feline diabetes remission?

This can happen in some cases. In this condition, glucose rates return to normal levels, even without the use of insulin. However, this does not mean that your cat is completely cured.

Veterinary monitoring should still be constant, food controlled, and sedentary lifestyle discouraged. Even with diabetes remission, the disease can come back.


Finally, don't forget: your cat needs to be stimulated to expend energy and have its food strictly controlled, limited to cat food. Even so, your cat may develop feline diabetes.

In fact, she can arrive, mainly, in maturity (around 10 years old), because in this phase his body is aging and the organs, too. So, illnesses like that can happen.

The most important thing is that the tutor does not get discouraged. May he receive the proper treatment, veterinary care and be patient and dedicated to his friend.

Having all this at home, your cat can live up to 16 years (or more in rare cases). But still, it's important to prevent yourself, right? So, find out below how to hire the NoFaro health plan for your pet!

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NoFaro pet health plan: find out!

Protect your pet friend with the NoFaro health plan. This way you have access to several procedures, in addition to home and emergency consultations. See how it works!

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