Do you brush your cat's teeth? Learn all about this practice!
An important question about your cat's hygiene: do you brush your cat's teeth? Know that practice is very important to maintain your animal's oral health. Learn more here!
Find out how to take care of your cat's teeth
Do you brush your cat's teeth? An act of hygiene that is not talked about much, even among the most dedicated tutors, but cleaning your furry fangs is super important to maintain his health.
A lot of people don't suspect that dogs and cats need to have their teeth brushed. If we stop and think, it will seem that it makes sense: in nature they don't brush their teeth, right?
Things change when we discover a health problem that we don't see in TV series and movies: cat cavities. In addition, wild cats have a lower life expectancy than domestic cats – precisely because, at home, felines have us to take care of them.
So what are the care we should have with the cat's mouth? What are the problems? Find out here, and help your cat not have “jaguar breath” anymore.
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The cat's dental arch
Before we talk about diseases and brushing a cat's teeth, let's talk about a cat's dental arch. Do you know how many teeth a cat has? When do teeth appear?
A cat's teeth usually come in around three weeks after birth. With about eight weeks, the furry mouth will have 26 teeth. And, at about three months, those milk teeth start to fall out, to make way for the 30 teeth that make up an adult cat's mouth.
With 30 teeth, you can already imagine that your cat will want to bite a lot of things, right? Therefore, many veterinarians emphasize the importance of brushing.
In addition to leaving your teeth clean and stronger, when brushing, you will be removing dirt that can accumulate bacteria, and cause infections beyond the mouth.
Cats, like humans and dogs, can have a variety of problems if their teeth are not properly cleaned. From the lightest – like bad breath – to the most serious – tooth extraction.
Another factor that greatly influences the oral health of your cats is their diet. Human food, or just one type, can disrupt the acidity of the feline's mouth, attack tooth enamel, cause more or less salivation and tartar...
Sounds like a lot of things to think about. But the truth is that taking care of your cat's teeth is much simpler than it seems.
the caries of cats
When we talked about caries in cats above, we were referring to a problem that affects felines, but which is not, exactly, a caries, in the same way that human caries are.
The problem has a somewhat confusing name, Feline Odontoclastic Resorption Lesion (FROF). The bad news is that your cat is likely to be affected by it when they are older – some veterinarians say that 60% cats will, at some point in their lives, have LROF.
However, correct brushing will ensure that LROF is not such a serious problem.
What happens is that, over time, cats' teeth suffer small erosions. These erosions are covered with the gum, causing pain and gingivitis in the animals.
The origin of this erosion is not fully known. But changes in diet, feline immunity, and infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis are often associated with LROF.
Thus, it is essential that the tutor always brush his cat's teeth. And that he brushes with anti-bacterial paste for pets, it is worth mentioning.
Another vital behavior for feline oral health is visits to the veterinarian. This professional will determine if the cat is starting to have LROF or not, and then determine the best treatment.
Do cats go to the dentist?
The best professional to assist your cat in matters of oral health is a veterinarian. Generalist veterinarians will know how to examine teeth, recommend rations, say which toothpaste and brush are best.
For some treatments, however, you may need to see a veterinarian who specializes in animal orthodontics. However, these are more extreme cases.
In your pet's periodic check-up, the veterinarian will tell you what you need to do for your cat's oral health.
However, don't wait for this professional to talk: you should start brushing your cat's teeth as soon as he says he enters your house.
The toothbrush, at first, can be one for human teeth, as long as it has very soft bristles. The paste, on the other hand, must be exclusively for cats (or the generic one for animals).
It is noteworthy, however, that this folder, you will only find in petshops.
When is the best time to start brushing your cat's teeth?
Well, at what age should you start brushing your cat's teeth?
The best time is to start in the first few months, as soon as your pet starts eating solid food.
However, adult and elderly cats that have never gone through the process should also receive this care. It's never too late for you to start being careful.
The advantage of smaller cats is that for them everything is being a very new experience. So they won't have such a fright when you start.
Older cats will freak out, and even scratch and bite you. But you must resist the pains and protests, be patient and take care of your friend. This care will be very important to him.
Brushing your cat's teeth
Thus, to begin with, it is essential that the cat understands brushing, in some way, as a game. Let him relax, try to caress his back and neck. And of course, deal with toys and snacks.
He doesn't need to be lying on his back, but he needs to be well "embraced", to avoid an unforeseen "escape".
If at first, the cat finds the brush very strange, do it with your finger wrapped in gauze. The most important thing is never to forget the paste, as this product will help fight bacteria that cause bad breath and tartar.
Frequency varies from cat to cat, but the ideal would be to brush at least 3 times a week. If your cat allows it, brush it every day.
And, if your cat is the type that goes out to hunt mice, birds or insects, then brushing its teeth will be of double importance.
As they are wild animals, in direct contact with nature and with urban waste, rats, birds and insects become vectors of bacteria and parasites. If your cat bites them, these bacteria and parasites become an additional problem for your cat's oral health.
Now you know: those who brush their cat's teeth are not just practicing a hygiene act. It's an act of love for and with him! And you certainly love your cat. So don't be afraid to hold him, lovingly and do whatever is necessary. Scratches are part of it.
Your cat will even learn to smile, just to thank you!
And if you want more tips on how to care for your cat, check out our recommended content below!
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