
10 signs your cat loves you

There are several feline behaviors that express attachment and affection for their owner. So, check out the 10 signs that your cat loves you!


Find out which are the feline behaviors that show affection and affection for their owner

Mas, afinal, quais os sinais de que seu gato te ama?
But after all, what are the signs that your cat loves you?

Have you ever wondered how cats show love? Because today you are going to discover the 10 signs that your cat loves you and see how feline behaviors reveal how they feel. Check it out below!

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1. Cats show love with slow blinks

In general, when cats encounter strangers or other cats, they will greet them with a fixed, attentive gaze. Whenever your cat slowly blinks at you, consider yourself loved by your feline. You can reciprocate by slowly winking back at your cat as a way of communicating that you love them too.

2. Cats show love with licks

Mas, afinal, quais os sinais de que seu gato te ama?
But after all, what are the signs that your cat loves you?

That cats have the habit of licking themselves for hygiene, we all know. But if your cat usually licks you, it means that he is showing you affection, and he accepts you as part of his family. Licking is also a way for your cat to claim you as his “property”.

3. Cats show love by rubbing against you

Rubbing its face against you is also a way for your cat to “mark” you as its property. Your cat has glands on its face that secrete pheromones, as a way of signaling familiarity and marking territory.

4. Cats show love by being close to you

If your cat follows you around the house, this is a sign that your cat wants to be with you. Even cats that aren't extremely affectionate will show love simply by being in the same room as you. It's your cat's subtle way of saying it loves you.

5. Cats show love by bringing you “gifts”

We know how unpleasant it is to discover that your cat has brought home yet another dead mouse or bird, but for your feline, this is a way of seeking your approval. It is essential not to punish him when this happens, as for him this is a way of showing you love.

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6. Cats show love by waiting for you to come home

It's not just dogs waiting for their owners to come home. Most cats that are attached to their owners react with enthusiasm when they hear the car in the driveway or the key in the door. If your cat is waiting for you at the door when you come home, that means he missed you!

7. Cats show love by showing off their belly

Mas, afinal, quais os sinais de que seu gato te ama?
But after all, what are the signs that your cat loves you?

When your feline exposes his belly in your presence, he is signaling that he trusts you and feels safe enough to let his guard down. Showing your belly means exposing your most vulnerable part.

8. Cats show love with their tail

Many cats use their tails in a question mark or upright position to greet people they like. This demonstrates affection, trust, and familiarity.

9. Cats show love by “kneading bread”

This instinctive gesture stems from birth, when your cat would knead its mother to encourage milk flow. As your cat gets older, this act demonstrates contentment, pleasure, and adoration. This is one of the greatest expressions of love your cat can give you.

10. Cats show love with gentle bites

Mas, afinal, quais os sinais de que seu gato te ama?
But after all, what are the signs that your cat loves you?

Although it's not one of the most common signs, if your cat usually gives you light bites, he's trying to show you affection!

Remember cats show affection in subtle ways, but that doesn't mean they don't love you as much as you love them.

And if you want to know more about the world of cats and discover practical tips on how to train your cat, check out our recommended content below!

Cat training: 5 tips on how to do it!

Cat training is a way to keep them much calmer indoors, avoiding escapes that could put their health at risk. Look!

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