See when adult cats attack kittens and how to avoid it
Cats are quite territorial animals. Therefore, when introducing a new feline member into the house, it is important to have a lot of patience to avoid fights and attacks. Here are some tips for having a peaceful and safe meeting!
Check out 4 essential tips to better adapt your cats!
It is common for even experienced cat keepers to find it difficult to adapt to a new feline member of the family. By the way, did you know that adult cats attack kittens and other new cats in the house?
Although cat lovers have a certain tendency to adopt other kittens, it is important to be careful when adapting. Otherwise, you might end up contributing some trauma to your kittens.
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By the way, it is very important to respect the time of your cats and not to force any interaction. In fact, there are some adaptation tips that are essential when introducing a new member.
Therefore, we have brought some suggestions to make living together more friendly and peaceful. So keep reading to understand why adult cats attack kittens and how to avoid this behavior.
After all, why do adult cats attack kittens?
Although dogs are sociable animals that enjoy company, felines have a completely different personality. In that sense, cats are solitary and reserved animals.
While you may have a cat who is talkative or who likes to be around you, felines generally prefer to be alone without other cats around. In addition, these animals value their territory and their routine very much.
Cat's first visit to the vet
If you are a first-time owner, or even if you have more than one pet, it is important to understand what to do on your cat's first visit to the veterinarian.
Meaning, when you come home with a new feline member that's here to stay, older cats can feel threatened. Incidentally, it is important to note that this is an instinct of these animals!
So don't force socializing! After all, first impressions can be traumatizing for both older and younger cats. So try to be patient and respect your time.
In addition, you can invest in some behavioral techniques to minimize the stress of the kittens. Keep reading to check out some unmissable tips on how to adapt your kittens!
How to adapt your cats: 4 tips to avoid fights
In addition to developing a possible behavioral problem, you also have to think that adult cats attack kittens or new members of the family. But, is it possible to avoid this kind of behavior?
Well, with the right techniques and a lot of patience, it is perfectly possible to adopt new kittens and have a good coexistence at home. Here's what to do to adapt new and old family cats.
preparation for arrival
If possible, it is very important that you separate a room especially for the new family member. In this sense, it is worth investing in a synthetic pheromone spray, for example.
There are some brands with handy devices that you can plug in a few days before your new kitten arrives. Also, prepare the environment with boxes, food and water.
Thus, he will feel more comfortable and secure in his new home, which contributes to relaxed behavior. Consequently, your relationships with other members of the household tend to be better.
Although many people think that it is necessary to visually present one cat to another, this practice is not recommended! At first, the first contact that both must have is just by smell.
In this way, you will have to let the new kitten enjoy the space prepared for him as mentioned earlier. Meanwhile, the other cats in the house continue to live as normal.
By the way, it is very important that you do not allow any other cat to enter the space reserved for the kitten. That way everyone will feel safe, even if there are a few growls under the door.
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odor exchange
About two or three days after the arrival of the new feline member, it's time to mix some scents so that everyone starts to get used to it better. In this way, separate objects from the older and younger cats.
Then swap room objects so they can smell each other. It's worth the tip to rub a towel on the older cats and the new member and then let them feel the smell.
Finally, you can remove the new kitten from your room without any other kittens seeing it, and let the cats in the house come in and smell it.
Do the same with the new kitten, allowing him to walk around the house. But don't forget that they shouldn't have eye contact yet!
Now that everyone knows each other's scent, it's time for a visual encounter between them. Remember that this can take weeks, so be patient to avoid any further trauma.
By the way, the ideal for the first meeting is to have a barrier like a window, glass door or open gate between the animals. Thus, if any of them are aggressive, adult cats do not attack kittens or vice versa.
In fact, it is worth remembering that some felines may take longer to get used to another newcomer. That is, there is no magic formula for adaptation and the important thing is to be patient!
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In addition, during the face-to-face meeting, a good tip is to use snacks and toys to positively associate the interaction between them. So don't skimp on the attention and affection at the time of the meeting.
However, if you also have a dog and want to introduce him to a new companion, feline or not, know that the procedure is almost the same. Did you know that there are online trainings that can help you?
In this sense, the dog handler of the stars, Henrique Perdigão, has a complete course with tips on behavior and dog training. Check below how to sign up to participate!
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