
Manx cat: learn all about this breed here!

In addition to having a very exotic appearance, the Manx cat attracts the attention of humans thanks to its charming personality. In that sense, he likes to follow his favorite human around the house and is quite docile and affectionate.


Discover all about the Manx cat breed

Então, conheça tudo sobre a raça de gato! Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, know everything about the cat breed! Source: AdobeStock.

Also known as the Manês cat, the main characteristic of cats of this breed is the absence of a tail. In addition, they are docile, affectionate animals and can be great companions for their guardians. By the way, the Manx cat breed has a typical way of walking, arousing people's curiosity.

Although there are several legends as to the origin of this breed, everything indicates that the Manx cat has British origin and is one of the oldest in the world. So, are you curious and want to know everything about this loving pet? Just continue reading to discover all its features.

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What is the Manx cat?

Although its origins have not yet been confirmed, the most accepted theory is that cats of this breed came from the Isle of Man in Great Britain, which is why its name is Manx cat. By the way, some people say that this kitten ended up losing its tail on Noah's Ark, while others believe that it is the result of a cross between a cat and a rabbit.

However, everything is just legend and fallacy, and the most accepted theory so far is that the Manx's striking characteristics come from a genetic mutation. In this sense, it is worth remembering that the natural mutation that causes the absence of a tail does not bring any benefit to this animal, and may even cause other health problems.

Furthermore, due to its charming personality and exotic appearance, islanders ended up continuing the species, making it very popular in the region. In addition to being a docile and cute animal, its eyes are large and expressive and its head is rounded.

However, the kitten is also famous for its peculiar gait, caused by the hind legs that are longer. Together with its absence of a tail, these are the main characteristics of the Manx cat. Incidentally, these felines have a hole in place of the tail, also known as rumpy.

In this sense, they can be classified by their size and depth, and when they have a small tail, this cannot exceed 3 centimeters. Finally, the coat of this pet can be quite varied and many colors are accepted. In addition to gray, black, brown, beige hair, piebalds are also common in this breed.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

Afinal, qual o valor? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what is the value? Source: AdobeStock.

First, it is important for you to know that the Manx cat breed is not very popular outside its region. In this sense, this pet may have some health problems precisely due to its genetic alteration that causes the absence of a tail.

Thus, he may have spinal problems, as well as other changes in his anatomy. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to find a copy to buy here in Brazil. By the way, this genetic mutation needs to be closely monitored, so it is extremely important that you visit the cattery or breeding center where you are going to acquire the puppy.

This way, you can check if your pet's ancestors are healthy and if they have a more serious illness. In addition, many breeders do not respect the well-being of animals and, by purchasing a puppy from these places, you may be funding animal cruelty.

That said, the value of a Manx puppy can range between R$200.00 and R$800.00 currently. It is worth remembering that the animal's descent, Pedigree and its sex can interfere in the price variation. So, do a lot of research before buying your pet.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Although the Manx cat is best known for its genetic mutation that causes it to lack a tail, it also causes other problems that can seriously affect its health. In this way, your kitten can present deformations in the spine, and it is important to follow its growth closely.

In addition, changes in the spine can affect other organs in the animal, for example causing urinary incontinence in some pets. By the way, 20% of the Manx have what we call Manx Syndrome. In this sense, this name is given to animals that present these diseases and deformities.

Although this kitten can present so many health problems, its life expectancy is quite prosperous, and can live up to 18 years. However, good follow-up with a veterinarian, with regular exams and consultations, can help extend a healthier life for your Manx cat.

In addition, this pet has a very robust body, although its height does not exceed 25 centimeters at the withers. In fact, its back is small and its chest is wider and this cat belongs to the medium-sized category. In addition, there is not much variation between males and females in terms of size, and their weight can reach 5.5 kg.

How to breed a Manx cat?

Então, como cuidar desse gato? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So how to care for this cat? Source: AdobeStock.

As you can see, kittens of this breed are peculiar and attract people's attention wherever they go. However, it is not just for its exotic appearance that it enchants its tutors. In this sense, the Manx cat is known to be a very docile and affectionate animal, and it greatly appreciates the company of its human family.

By the way, this animal tends to choose its favorite member of the family and usually follows him around the house, trying to get his attention. This is also an excellent pet option for those who have children at home or even other animals. Because he is very loving, he likes affection and is a patient and playful cat.

Also, this is a pretty smart cat. Therefore, it is interesting to offer good environmental enrichment, in addition to interactive games that challenge their mental capacity. It's worth remembering that bored cats can develop unwanted behaviors, so it's so important to play with your pet.

Furthermore, the main concerns with this animal is that it easily develops irritations in its eyes. However, there is nothing to worry about, as most of the time a good cleaning in the region can solve the problem. Incidentally, remember to take your pet to regular vet appointments, and keep vaccines up to date.

So, you like exotic looking cats? Because in addition to the Manx cat, there are other interesting breeds with unique characteristics, such as the Sphynx. Want to know more about this hairless cat? Just access our content below to find out all about it!

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