
Angora cat: learn all about this breed here!

The Angora cat is one of the best known in the world. But do you know how to recognize it, its behavior and how to take care of it? Keep reading to check out all this and more!


Discover all about the Angora cat breed

Qual é o gato Angorá? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
What is the Angora cat? Source: Adobe Stock.

Among the breeds of cats that exist, the Angora cat is one that stands out. Famous, he is a grace and delights those who know him. See, today, all about it!

This is a long-haired cat that enchants for its personality and appearance. Born in Turkey, today it is present all over the world, including Brazil. Thus, it became one of the most famous breeds of domestic felines.

Want to know more about this kitten? Then read on. Below you can find everything about it. Check out how to recognize this breed, the value of the Angora cat, its size and what care is essential in its creation.

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What is the Angora Cat?

The Angora cat (also known as the Turkish Angora cat in English-speaking countries) is well known. It has records from the 17th century. Despite this, it has undergone many genetic modifications since then. They were due to the search for improvements in the coat, as well as natural crossings.

This cat's main feature is its abundant and long coat. However, he has no undercoat. In addition, the Angora cat's tail is quite full and striking. Although the most famous cats of this breed are white, they also come in other colors. Among the main ones, in addition to white, are bluish black, lilac and tortoiseshell. 

Another interesting point is that they usually have two eye colors, with one of each color, although there are exceptions. About that, a curiosity: white Angora cats with blue eyes are deaf. This is due to a genetic issue.

Also, when they have one eye blue and one eye of another color (such as yellowish or green) the ear on the same side as the blue eye is usually hearing impaired. 

Still, the Angora cat has some behavioral characteristics. He is very affectionate and very attached to his owner. Despite this, it can show some stubbornness, which is largely due to its high degree of intelligence.

Another very interesting point about their behavior is their love for water. In other words, Angora-type cats not only like to play with water, but also enjoy bathing, unlike most felines.

How much does an Angora cat cost?

Quanto custa um gato Angorá? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
How much does an Angora cat cost? Source: Adobe Stock.

The value of cats of this breed varies greatly. In general, it is possible to find an Angora kitten between R$ 400 and R$ 1000. However, always remember to check if the breeder is certified to breed this breed. Equally, it treats animals well, both breeders and offspring.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

The Angora cat is a medium-sized animal. Thus, he usually weighs between 5 and 7 kilos when he reaches adulthood. Its height varies between 40 and 50 centimeters.

As far as the longevity of the Angora is concerned, the average lifespan is 12 to 18 years. Therefore, see that this is a pet that can accompany you for a long time in your life, especially when you take the necessary care with its health. Below, see tips on how to raise and care for your Angora cat to ensure the maximum possible life with the best quality and well-being.

How to breed an Angora Cat?

Como criar um gato Angorá? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
How to breed an Angora cat? Source: Adobe Stock.

Below, finally, check out some tips on how to raise your Angora with all the attention and care it deserves. With this, you guarantee the happiness and well-being of your pet and its longevity.

fortnightly baths

Due to the thick coat and the absence of undercoat, the Angora cat requires fortnightly baths. For this, shampoo suitable for cats should be available. Also, be careful to dry it well to avoid hypothermia situations. Still, here the chances of bath resistance are low as they love water.

Daily hair brushing

Another necessary care for the Angora cat is daily brushing. Again this is due to the abundant hair that is predisposed to form knots. And they, in turn, can cause pain in the feline. Also, brushing is essential to maintain the beauty of the hair and to keep it always clean and away from dust and harmful microorganisms.

Balanced diet

Like other felines, the Angora cat requires a special and balanced diet. With this, essential nutrients are guaranteed for him, avoiding excess sodium and preservatives. Be sure to consult the veterinarian about the best option for your pet.

toys and distractions

The Angora cat is full of energy and a great explorer. So, even if it adapts well in apartments and small houses, it requires games and distractions. That way, remember to adapt the space for him and offer toys.

For example, great options are vertical scratchers that have more than one level. Utilizing the vertical space in your home is perfect for cats, especially Angoras. Also, don't forget to have toys like balls, wands and others suitable for domestic felines.

screens and grids

Finally, as we saw above, the Angora cat shows itself as an excellent explorer. Therefore, it is natural that he tries to explore the space and the region. However, it is essential that you prevent him from leaving the house. After all, this poses several risks, such as loss, fights with other animals, disease infections and even being run over.

So invest in screens. In apartments they are already indispensable for the safety of the pet, but they are also interesting in homes. Remember to check your yard, if the cat has access to it, to make arrangements to prevent it from escaping.

With this care, then, you guarantee the safety, well-being and longevity of your Angora cat, with access to everything it needs to be happy and healthy.

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