American Curl cat: learn all about this breed here!
American Curl cats are affectionate and calm animals, and can be ideal companions for the elderly and children as they are very patient. Furthermore, its folded ears make it an exotic and peculiar breed. Find out all about it here!
Discover all about the American Curl cat breed
First of all, the American Curl cat has an unmistakable characteristic! In fact, you may have already seen him online, the cat with the curved ears. By the way, this is a fairly recent breed, having only been recognized in the 1990s in the United States. That is, it is still not very popular outside its country of origin.
Although its peculiar appearance gives it an air of alertness, the American Curl cat is quite affectionate and playful. In addition, they get along well with other animals and can be ideal pets for families with children. So, are you interested in having a kitten of this breed? Well, read on and we'll tell you all about it!
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What is the American Curl cat?
First of all, it's hard to begin describing a breed without mentioning the characteristic ears. Medium to large in size, the ears are rounded and wide, folded back. By the way, the folds can be from 90º to 180º and come from a dominant genetic mutation.
The mutation ends up causing a curvature of the pinna, which can have up to three levels, with the complete curvature being the most sought after by those who want to buy a puppy. In this sense, it is important to inform that the puppies of the breed are born with straight ears, and the curvature appears until they are five months old.
In addition, the American Curl cat has a robust body, with a long and wide tail and a proportional head. Their eyes are walnut-shaped and have no specific or coat-related colors. By the way, cats of the breed can have short or medium hair.
In addition, almost all coat colors and patterns are accepted, with the exception of the chocolate color. Cats of the breed have very glossy and soft hair, with a good undercoat. But don't worry, a weekly brushing will be enough to keep the coat healthy.
The first cat of the breed on record was a stray female adopted by a couple in California in the 1980s. So, months later, the cat gave birth, to which two kittens from the litter had the same characteristic ears. However, it was only in mid-1993 that the breed was made official, and it is still little known outside the United States.
How much does a cat of this breed cost?
First of all, if you intend to acquire a kitten of the breed, know that it will be almost impossible to take home a very small kitten, as it usually happens. In fact, the breeder will only determine the value of the animal when it reaches four months of life.
In that sense, the reason for the wait is, as you can guess, the curvature of your ears. That's because the American Curl cat is born with straight ears, without any peculiar characteristics. So, only from the first week onwards do they start to curl up, reaching their final degree only at four months.
In this way, depending on the degree of curvature, the value of the pup is determined. In addition, the breeder also takes into account the sex and physique of the puppy in question. That is, the amounts can vary between 900 to 2,600 euros! Probably because the breed is not very widespread yet.
Furthermore, it is also very important to verify the origin of the cattery or breeding place where you are purchasing your American Curl cat. So, look for references from other people who bought in the same place, in addition to knowing the establishment. That way you avoid funding clandestine breeders.
How big does it get and how long does it live?
As we said before, the American Curl breed is still quite recent. That is, so far there is no record of congenital diseases that cats of the breed may present. Incidentally, American Curls tend to be quite healthy cats, and rarely have veterinary emergencies.
However, some cases have already been presented of progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to feline blindness. But to determine whether this is indeed a breed predisposition, more in-depth studies will be needed.
Furthermore, the American Curl cat has an elongated and muscular body, with medium bones. Thus, it is considered a medium-sized cat and its size varies from 40 centimeters for females to 50 centimeters for males. In addition, they can weigh up to 5 kg.
Although the breed does not have any characteristic disease, regular follow-up with the veterinarian can prevent more serious illnesses. Therefore, keep a routine of visits to the professional, in addition to vaccination and vermifugation up to date.
How to breed an American Curl cat?
First of all, it's not just the curved ears that make the American Curl cat such a charming animal. This is because the felines of the breed are patient, loving and calm cats, and may be ideal for children, in addition to getting along very well with other pets.
Furthermore, these cats are playful and intelligent, and can adapt very well to homes or apartments. So look to invest in interactive toys that challenge your intellect. In addition, scratchers are also essential to maintain the health of the kitty.
As their ears have the characteristic curvature, it is also interesting to keep their hygiene up to date. That way, you'll avoid fungus and other irritations that can happen with the accumulation of dirt. So keep an eye out!
Finally, it is also interesting to invest in a quality food for your American Curl cat. Incidentally, a balanced diet can even prevent some diseases, so talk to the vet and consult some indications for the breed.
So, do you like this quirky kitten with folded ears? Do you want to know more exotic and different cat breeds? Well, just access our content below and check out everything about the Devon Rex cat, the curly short-haired cat.
Devon Rex cat: learn all about this breed here!
Meet the Devon Rex cat, the breed that is known for its charming, dog-like personality. Also, its very short fur and large ears.
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