
Devon Rex cat: learn all about this breed here!

Meet the Devon Rex cat, the breed that is known for its charming, dog-like personality. In addition, its very short fur and large ears are outstanding features. Find out all about the Devon Rex breed!


Discover all about the Devon Rex cat breed

Conheça o gato Devon Rex. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Meet the Devon Rex cat. Source: Adobe Stock.

If you are looking for a companion, playful and energetic kitten, you will love to meet the Devon Rex cat. Incidentally, this is a very similar breed to the Cornish Rex cat, as both have curly hair, but their genetics are totally different. So, if you are a fan of different and exotic cats, read on and find out everything about the breed.

Thus, Devon Rex cats are not only peculiar in their appearance and coat, but also in their behavior. In that sense, they are famous for their friendly personality that is very much like a dog! Interested and want to meet this unique cat? Check it out below!

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What is the Devon Rex cat?

Então, qual o gato Devon Rex? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
So what is the Devon Rex cat? Source: Adobe Stock.

Although this cat has a small, slightly triangular head, what stands out about its appearance are its ears. Thus, the breed has large ears that are always up, as if in a state of alert. The Devon Rex cat's eyes are also larger and give the impression that he is always aware of his surroundings.

In addition, another striking feature is its short hair. Incidentally, if you meet him from afar, you will have the impression that this kitten is devoid of fur. However, in addition to having a fine layer, their hair is also slightly curly, giving them a unique and exotic appearance. Furthermore, there is no specific pattern for the Devon Rex coat, and all colors are accepted.

First, the breed appeared in the 1960s in England. At first, it was believed that the Devon Rex cat was just a variation of the Cornish Rex breed due to the great similarity of the type of fur they present. However, after some experiments, it was found that race was an independent variation and that they had no genetic link.

So, the breeders ended up turning their focus to the development of the new breed, which ended up being made official just 10 years later in England. And it was only in 1979 that it was recognized in the United States.

Also, this is a good breed for people who are mildly allergic to cats. This is because, due to the smaller amount of hair, the Devon Rex cat tends to lick itself less and shed less hair around the house. So it might be a good choice if you or someone in your household suffers from allergies.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

First of all, if you've decided to acquire a purebred animal, the first thing you should do is find a reliable breeder. By the way, avoid very advantageous offers, as you may end up financing cruelty to animals. So do your research and look for directions, visit the cattery and ask to meet the kittens and their parents.

This way you can be sure that you are purchasing a puppy from a reputable and correct company! Also, demand the pedigree of the breed, because that way you can attest to the official status of the puppy, in addition to helping you to know the temperament and size of the cat.

So, if you are enchanted by the Devon Rex cat and want to have this playful companion to be part of your family, you will need to spend between R$1,500.00 to R$3,000.00 to buy your kitten. Values may vary according to coat and sex, as females tend to be more expensive than males.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Então, qual o tamanho? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
So what size? Source: Adobe Stock.

Well, the Devon Rex cat is considered a medium-sized cat, and its height can vary between 27 centimeters and 38 centimeters. Incidentally, females tend to be smaller than males and the weight of a cat of this breed can reach 4 kg.

Although this breed may seem fragile, the Devon Rex cat has a strong health and good life expectancy, being able to exceed 15 years if it has a good quality of life. However, there are some genetic disorders in the breed and it is important to require a DNA test from the breeder to be sure your kitten will be healthy.

In this sense, some Devon Rex specimens may present diseases such as spasticity, which directly affects the nervous system, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which affects the heart of cats, and patellar luxation, which may have congenital or traumatic origin. Therefore, it is important to know the kitten's ancestry, in addition to requiring tests to make sure your kitten is healthy.

Also, remember to take your cat for regular veterinary appointments, performing exams and keeping vaccinations up to date. Thus, you will be offering quality of life for your pet, making sure that he will be healthy for life.

How to raise a Devon Rex cat?

First of all, this is a cat breed that is sure to delight you and your family. That's because the Devon Rex cat is very loving, gentle and loyal to its owners, which makes it a perfect cat for families. Furthermore, this breed is reputed to be very playful and energetic and will look for different ways to get your attention around the house.

However, they are cats that do not like to spend a lot of time alone. Therefore, if you tend to be away from home for many hours, this may not be the ideal breed for you, as he can become depressed and ill. Furthermore, as it is an active cat, it is interesting to invest in a good environmental enrichment with shelves and scratching posts so that it can play and expend its energy.

Toys and games that encourage his intelligence can also be a good option to keep him entertained for a long time. But, of course, nothing will replace your tutor's affection, love and lap.

While the vast majority of cats require a regular grooming routine, this concept does not apply to the Devon Rex cat. That's because their skin is very sensitive, and you can hurt your kitty if you brush her too often. Furthermore, this is one of the rare breeds in which the veterinarian recommends regular baths. Because it has a skin prone to oiliness, you may need to bathe your Devon Rex more often.

So, if you like exotic breeds like the Devon Rex, you will be delighted with the Selkirk Rex cat. Also famous for its fur and curly whiskers, the breed is docile, loving and was recognized in the 1990s. Check out everything about it by accessing our content below.

Gato sentado no sofá de olhos fechados

Cat Selkirk Rex: learn all about this breed here!

The Selkirk Rex cat has distinctive features such as its curly fur that resembles a sheep. Check out all about the breed here!

About the author  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Lover of literature, animals and writing, always in search of knowledge and new challenges. He believes that wisdom gained is wisdom shared, and that everything can be done in a creative and uncomplicated way.

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