
Feline diets: learn all about the different types

Are you a cat owner? So you need to keep an eye on feline diets and essential nutrients for your pet. Learn more about it!


Discover all types of feline diets and their benefits

Dietas para felinos
diets for cats

Each cat has a different nutritional need, this can vary by several factors, including behavioral factors, breed and region where they live. Therefore, feline diets must meet all needs.

And therefore, it is necessary to understand what types of diets are available for cats, in order to feed them and keep them healthy.

Different types of feline diets

When we talk about feline diets we are not just referring to those for weight control. In fact, they concern a balanced diet, essential for cats!

Soon, there are different types of food that help your cat's health. Therefore, they are not only important when he has a problem. That is, they are essential to good development in all stages of life.

However, the ideal diet for your cat depends on its health conditions.

In general terms, he needs proteins, healthy fats (Omega 3 and 6) and carbohydrates. Proteins are the most important substances among these three.

However, it is possible that this food needs other care. This occurs when your cat has some kind of restriction, such as allergies.

Likewise, in the case of feline obesity. Likewise, for gastrointestinal or urinary problems.

Thus, among the types of diets for cats are:

  • Natural food;
  • Natural foods combined with processed ones;
  • Special diets with restriction of substances due to allergies;
  • Fat-restricted and protein-based diet for weight loss.

Thus, this may seem like a complicated task. Meanwhile, with the right guidance and essential care, you can take this by letter!

So, below, find tips that will help you find the perfect balance for your cat's diet!

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What is the ideal diet for cats?

Tipos de dietas para felinos
Types of cat diets

The feline diet will depend on each cat. After all, health conditions bring about variations in foods and proportions of essential nutrients.

Currently, there are several types of diets for cats. This stems from the plurality of types of food for cats. See what their main types are:

  • Dry food: dry food is food and snacks. They are low in fat and often include ingredients like fish, vitamins and other proteins. It should not be the only type of food in cat diets. Many of the brands are heavy on dyes and preservatives, which can be harmful;
  • Semi-dry: these are the most difficult foods to preserve and also the most expensive. They contain a lot of nutrients;
  • Moist: are the sachets and canned. They stand out mainly for the hydration they promote. This is interesting due to the low intake of water by cats. However, they have many preservatives, so they must be controlled;
  • Natural food: finally, there are also natural foods. They are in natura products, such as meat, vegetables, tubers and others. In this case, there is the cooking of food for cats, without adding salt or any type of seasoning. They may take the most work, but they also offer the greatest food balance when done correctly.

However, given the plurality of foods, we also have the diversity of diets for felines. They can be guided by the use of all types of food or two of them. To understand how it works, check out the items that follow!

Is it better to give cat food or cat food?

Until a few years ago, it was common for pets to be fed homemade food. In that case, the same foods that went to the human plate also went to the bowl of cats and dogs.

This was due to the high price of industrial feeds. Likewise, the lack of knowledge about the best ways to treat the pet. However, today the scenario is different. The most common, now, is the use of dry and industrialized foods.

However, which is the best for feline diets? This will depend on each case. First, homemade food for cats, the same consumption style as humans, is not an alternative.

Also, it is not possible to share the same foods. After all, we consume spices, salt and various fats. Felines should not consume these substances, which can cause them irreversible problems.

However, this does not mean that homemade food is not possible for cat diets. In fact, homemade food is possible, but it must be natural, far from salt and added fat.

The best, at first, is to balance the diets for felines with food and homemade food, if it is not possible to maintain only the second option. With that, they absorb all the essential nutrients for a healthy body and strong, shiny hair!

5 tips for a good cat diet

Dietas para felinos
diets for cats

See, finally, 05 tips to develop a complete menu for your pet. With cat diets you improve your kitten's health and ensure longevity and quality of life.

1. Promote natural food in feline diets

First, consider natural food as a way to promote your cat's health. It consists of preparing food at home, following a diet with exact proportions.

For this, consult your veterinarian about your options. If it is not possible to fully adopt natural food for cats, at least use it together with dry food.

2. Invest in quality proteins

Another essential tip for feline diets is to use quality proteins. This is the main nutrient in cat food.

Furthermore, it is important that they are rich in omega 3 and 6. Also, the control of fat. Thus, great options are boiled eggs and cooked lean meats.

3. Watch out for fruits

Therefore, when looking for natural food, be careful with fruits. For some, such as avocado and grape, are contraindicated. They cause gastrointestinal problems due to excess fat and urinary reaction,

4. Never give your cat chocolate

Also, never give your cat chocolate. Feline diets completely exclude sweets, with chocolates being the main danger.

However, they are toxic to cats.

5. Hydration is essential

Finally, know that cat diets require care with hydration. These cats tend to drink little water. One way to promote greater consumption is to keep the pots always clean.

Or, still, invest in an electric source, behold, they prefer running water.

Important recommendations for the feline diet

The health of cats depends on respecting the recommendations for a feline diet. Discover, below, the main ones for the well-being of kittens.

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