
How to set up an online yoga course: 4 amazing tips!

Learn how to set up an online yoga course today. So, here's how to make money all year round and how to share the art of meditation.


Discover great tips on how to set up an online yoga course

Como montar um curso de yoga online
How to set up an online yoga course

Want to put your yoga instructor certificate into practice? Then see how to set up an online yoga course and profit without leaving home!

For some time now, the search for alternatives to relax has intensified. Whether due to the pandemic or increased attention to self-knowledge, physical and emotional health, this is a reality. Therefore, it is also a loophole to earn money.

Yoga has been one of the main targets for those who want to relax and get stronger. And that's not for nothing! After all, it combines physical movements, positions and meditation. With that, it's something complete! But you, as an instructor, already know this.

What you may not know is that the internet is a vast terrain for offering yoga classes. That is, there are no more limitations to classes in gyms and studios. Today it is possible for each student to accompany you from their respective home.

Also, consider that there are two interesting options here. The first is to provide a course with live classes, which can be for one person or for groups. In this second case, there is a simple videoconference.

Still, another option on how to set up an online yoga course is by providing recorded classes. With that, you can record them only once and sell them to several people, making them yield the whole year. 

So, be sure to check out tips on how to set up an online yoga course. Whichever alternative you prefer, our strategies can help you develop your classes better, as well as sell more.

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4 tips on how to set up a course and teach a good online yoga class!

Como montar um curso de yoga online
How to set up an online yoga course

Below, check out the essential tips on how to set up an online yoga course. That way, earn money by launching a course that really attracts students. Sell more and, of course, conquer your financial independence!

How to set up an online yoga course 1: Decide the type of class you want to teach

First, think about what kind of lessons you intend to offer students. That is, if recorded classes, on streaming platforms. Or else, if they are online and live classes, with videoconferencing. 

Think that for the first case a single recording of each class is enough. Afterwards, it is possible to sell to several students for an indefinite period. Still, this leaves room for launching more advanced future classes.

On the other hand, when opting for the live online class, there is a need for daily availability and at more than one time. After all, several students and classes are needed to meet the monthly financial demand.

Therefore, the first option stands out, although nothing prevents you from betting on both fronts. Thus, it is possible to attract, with one course, more students to the other and vice versa. That is, there are several possibilities to profit!

2: Choose a course streaming platform

Also, remember to choose a quality course streaming platform. These are the ones that display the contents and host them, as is the case with eDuk, Hotmart, etc. There are currently several alternatives. Therefore, research is essential.

By the way, in this sense, research the quality of the platform and the fees charged on sales. Also, research what types of similar courses already exist. Or what they focus on and what are the contents, within yoga, that courses lack.

That way, you can get ahead when finding a niche that doesn't have courses or many of them available. And this is very important, as we will see in the next section.

When researching the course platform, remember to analyze how it publicizes the courses hosted on the platforms. Many of them bet on advertising content on social networks and banners on websites. It helps to sell, of course!

How to set up an online yoga course 3: Structure the course and define the modules

Como montar um curso de yoga online
How to set up an online yoga course

Continuing with our tips for setting up your yoga course, the time has come to define the content. And that requires several steps. After all, one must stipulate which is the specific niche, within yoga, that one will work on. For example, centered on what goals. 

Or, for which specific audiences, as is the case of yoga for pregnant and postpartum women. For this, remember to analyze what already exists on course streaming platforms. Especially, by the way, where you intend to host your course.

After that, move on to defining the modules. It is ideal that he has at least 03 to 04, and that each of them is composed of at least 03 steps (classes). 

Consider, for example, a yoga course to relax. In this case, each module can refer to the relaxation of each muscle group (lower, upper, central). Also, each of the modules could start with a theoretical class, which will be followed by exercises and training classes.

Thus, both the modules must be related to a general theme, and their classes must be progressive. This is what binds the course together and makes it concise and enjoyable. Therefore, structuring the theme, modules and classes is at the heart of how to set up an online yoga course.

4: Get the word out and start selling!

Finally, it is not enough to set up an online yoga course. It is also necessary to publicize it, because without sales there is no profit. Therefore, start using some simple digital marketing strategies that can arouse the public's interest.

For example, be present on social media. In them:

  • Create content about yoga and link to your course, inviting people to learn more about it;
  • Make explanatory content about what yoga is and some techniques;
  • Have wealth of images;
  • Make it clear who you are.

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Get to know the Ayurvedic yoga massage course today and see how it is possible to grant well-being and profit at the same time!

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