
Personal style: how to know yours? See 8 tips!

Do you know how to recognize your personal style? Learn today, then, how to recognize it and show more about yourself with your looks!


Discover great tips for defining your personal style

Estilo pessoal
personal style

Personal style should be your horizon when dressing. But how to recognize it? Today, check out 08 incredible tips on how to define it and rock it.

Dressing up is an act that goes far beyond putting on clothes. After all, your pieces speak a lot about you, your tastes and your personality. In the same way, they can include you in a social circle or in a situation without it making you appear disguised.

But how do you know what your style is and how to put it into practice? Check out all the tips below that will help you in this endeavor. With them, you can find your style once and for all. Also, a better relationship with your wardrobe and with yourself!

What is personal style?

Personal style is not fashion, that is, it is not just about the clothes or shoes you wear. Or else, the make-up and accessories for her looks. Therefore, it has nothing to do with using current trends.

It is possible to be very stylish without using the main trends of the moment. The same thing happens when giving up branded clothes.

Thus, a person's style is their identity and thus reflects their personality. It matches the message you send with your image. It also concerns your mood, the way you face life.

In short, personal style is a signature. Below, see how to identify yours and how to put it into practice!

Why discover my personal style?

Estilo pessoal
personal style

Recognizing your style is important for many reasons, check out the main ones:

  • Feel good about yourself;
  • Empower yourself;
  • Practice self-esteem;
  • Practice conscious consumption;
  • Put together a useful wardrobe that has your face;
  • To get the clothes right.

Below, then, see how to conquer all these benefits and feel good about yourself!

8 amazing personal style tips for you 

Estilo pessoal
personal style

We separate 08 tips on how to recognize your style and rock your choices!

have references

First, to find your personal style, have references. Use fashion apps that allow you to create a virtual wardrobe. Also, that they present options for you to save and be inspired in the future.

Thus, you can find pieces that you like the most and the colors that catch your eye. However, be careful! Pieces are often so popular and appear so much in your social media feed that you get used to them. And so it may appear that you want them.

However, it's not because a piece is high that it fits your style. So always think about whether it fits into your wardrobe, how you would wear it and if it would really feel good. As we said earlier, having a personal style is not about using trends.

identify patterns

Use your references to find patterns. Also, quickly think about what your favorite pieces of your wardrobe are and analyze them. What do they have in common? Which clothes repeat? What are their styles?

Thus, you can identify your personal style from, for example, the fabrics you like. Just as important, cuts and shapes. For example, more or less tight pieces. Equally, more relaxed or more formal.

Test your clothes in front of the mirror

Take a day to try on your clothes and get them out of the closet. With that, make a personal parade. Put the piece on, analyze how you feel and how you think it looks on you. Afterwards, try to compose this piece with others and repeat these analyses.

It helps you understand your personal style. In addition, it helps to identify which are the functional parts. Also, which ones do you have that you don't like or feel comfortable with. Likewise, identify which ones you really like.

Try on different pieces and see how you feel

Another very interesting point to understand your personal style is to try on different pieces. You know that combination you saw on the mannequin, but you think it's not for you? Taste! So you can analyze how your image looks and if you like it.

Not only that, but if you feel good. That's the first step to transforming your wardrobe. After all, we often have many pieces (even most of them) in styles that don't suit us. So experimenting this way helps you.

It also prevents you from buying a piece you won't be using. Therefore, always wear the pieces before buying them and have a conscious consumption.

Consider your lifestyle

Your lifestyle is also inseparable from your personal style. For example, it's no use loving winter pieces and living in a warm place. After all, if you bet on them, you will make them unusable.

Consider, in addition to the local climate, your daily activities and what pieces can fit into them without compromising your personality.

Hi-lo style: what is it? See tips on how to use it!

Have you ever felt out of place for not breaking the dress code? Because the Hi-lo style can be perfect for you and, in addition, put an end to such discomfort.

Look x Be

Also remember what you want to look like and what you are. It is necessary to find a common point. Personal style requires personality, so understand if you wear one thing to look like something else entirely. Style and parts are not fantasy!

be firm

Do you have a completely different style than your group of friends when it comes to dressing? Everything is fine! Don't give up your personal style just because it's not the most common. This is even a way to stand out.

Be firm with what you like and what makes you feel comfortable. This is essential for your personality and well being. Being who you are, after all, is delicious!

practice letting go 

Remember the analysis of your closet pieces? So do your personal style a favor and discard the ones that don't fit. That is, the ones that don't fit well, or make you uncomfortable. Likewise, those that have nothing to do with you.

Find a style consultant

Finally, don't rule out seeking help from a personal style consultant. This professional specializes in this and can help you a lot!

Online style course: 4 options to do!

Personal image is very important. Therefore, an online style course can be perfect to really convey the image you want.

About the author  /  Aline Mesquita

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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