25 curious names for cats: choose your pet's name!
Deciding your cat's name can be a time-consuming but fun task, isn't it? So, check out 25 curious male or female cat names and choose your favorite!
Discover the best names for cats and choose the one that best suits your pet
If you are looking for curious cat names to choose for your kitty, then you are in the right place! And, naming your pet is always a fun and funny task, isn't it?
That's because your pet can even have a simple name (or not have one, like in the movie luxury doll), but giving it an original name is always more fun, and it creates a bond between you and the animal.
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And when it comes to naming cats, then we can let our imagination run even further, as cats are funny and sometimes surprising.
With that in mind, we went after curious, funny, and original names to give cats. It could be based on looks, behavior, or even some reference from TV, movies, or music.
Names for cats: get inspired by movies, moments and the characteristics of the animal!
Even so, we know that the choice is totally personal. Maybe you want to honor a character you like, an actress, a food and even a football player.
So don't worry if it takes a while to find the perfect name. You and the pet must identify with it and the name must make sense for the situation, so we've brought just a few suggestions. Follow below!
25. Garfield
Traditional name for perhaps the most famous talking cat on TV. So, if your cat has an orange coat, is sleepy, gluttonous and lazy, this is the right name for him!
24. Tom
Another name that comes from TV, Tom is the most famous mute cat in American cartoons, because he is always chasing Jerry the mouse. If your cat is gray, this might be a really cool name for him.
But, did you know that Tom himself from the drawing is already a tribute? In England there is a breed called Tomcat, named after the popular book The Life and Adventures of a Cat, 1760.
23. Paçoca
One of the popular names for cats in Brazil, especially if yours is yellowish. Remember the name of the peanut candy, and if your cat poses as a tough guy, but doesn't spare a dengo, it will match the paçoca.
That is, it looks like hard food, but it all falls apart when we bite into it. Amazing, isn't it? And it's very easy to pick up and speak! However, it might not be as original as you hope.
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22. Sherlock
A great name for cats and cats who like to explore everything and can't stay in one place for too long. After all, all cats have this desire to discover the world, but some are even too curious.
Furthermore, against them, there is no secret that will not be revealed – just like the most famous detective in books and TV series, Sherlock Homes, by physician and writer Arthur Conan Doyle.
21. Moon
Everyone knows: cats are nocturnal animals. So why not name what lights up the sky at night? It would be quite an homage, in addition to a short and easy-to-pronounce name.
It can be for a white cat, like the full moon; for a tabby cat, like the nights of the waxing or waning moon or for a cat all black, like the nights of the new moon.
20. Simba/Nala
What better name for your cat, if not that of that distant ancestor, who is the king of creation, if not the names of the main characters in the film The Lion King? That's the name for those cat owners who are sure.
And that's who she is: who runs the house is her little beast, her cat or cat who, while being good, also knows how to be fierce when necessary. And there are more reasons why this is the perfect name for your pet.
You wake up, feed the cat, play with it, go to work, come back, and continue obeying its feline majesty – it's the cycle of life! And, if you like, you can also opt for Mufasa, who oozes wisdom.
19. Popcorn
One of the most delicious and popular foods in the world can also be the name of your cat or cat. Think about it: popcorn is something white and pops non-stop, and everyone loves it…
Isn't it exactly like your cat or cat? It will be the biggest hit, especially if you have kids at home. Also, did you know that popcorn grass is healthy for your cat?
It helps prevent diarrhea and vomiting, as well as reducing intestinal discomfort. Lastly, it also prevents cats from spitting up hairballs. So, calling your pet popcorn is combining business with pleasure!
18. Rapadura
Do you have a brown cat, who pretends to be tough, but is actually a sweetie and loves a treat? So rapadura is the right name for him or her, don't you think? It will match perfectly!
That's because, this sugarcane product, as the saying goes, is sweet, but not soft. So, if your cat is like that, an endless sweetness, but full of tricks, rapadura is one of the best cat names for him.
17. porridge
This is the name for those who are fans of Monica's Gang, because it's the name of Magali's cat. And, if your cat is white, gluttonous and lazy like Porridge in the comics, this name will suit him very well.
16. Tequila
This is a better name for cats and cats from child-free homes, but a name that goes great with cats, especially if your cat is yellow and party-going.
Your friends will love it and when you arrive with Tequila, everyone will want too much – but beware! We're talking about the cat huh? The pussy can be loved and kissed, without moderation, not the drink!
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15. Jelly
This is one of the curious names for cats and cats that are sweet and that you love to kiss them. It can be strawberry, pear, guava, quince jelly… In other words: it works for cats of all colors!
Plus, the whole family will love having a cat with a sweet and yummy name like that! Easy to remember, nice to pronounce… The perfect combination for a cute pet!
14. Edgar/Alan/Poe
If you've got a black cat and want to give it one (or three) original, slightly spooky names, why not pay homage to America's master of horror?
You can name your cat Edgar or Poe or Edgar Allan Poe, author of the ghostly tale The black Cat. Your friends might be terrified, but your pussy, the sweetest creature in the entire universe, is sure to love it!
13. Jack
Anyone who has already adopted a baby cat knows: the cat's sexual organs are not apparent. So why not give it a name that can suit both genders?
One option is the name Jack, which in English: can be the diminutive of John (João), but it can also mean jack, it can be the diminutive of Jackeline… In addition, it is a name that gives the style your kitten deserves!
12. Sushi
This is one of the curious cat names that became popular here, not only because of Japanese food, but because sushi looks like a black and white cat, and that's a word that works for both males and females.
Also, almost everyone loves sushi, the same way that almost everyone will love your kitty. So, if you prefer a short name for your pet, betting on this one is an excellent idea!
11. Hemingway
A tribute, this time, to the bohemian writer Ernest Hemingway, who loved his thousands of cats. Including, if you have a fat cat, who loves to eat and rest all day, Hemingway is the right name for him.
Furthermore, if your cat is white, like the beard of the American writer, this will be one of the most special names for cats. Therefore, although it is not so easy to say, it must be taken into account!
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10. Lovecraft
This is another tribute that will make your friends' hair stand on end. That's because the American writer HP Lovecraft was a fan of Edgar Allan Poe and cats, so much so that he wrote the short story Uthar's Cats.
The macabre story involves cats and a terrible event – but watch out for spoilers! The event was with people who didn't like cats. If you love your kitty, you will certainly be loved by the your Lovecraft!
09. Flair
A cat name for those cats who like to tease their owners a lot, especially in important moments, like… All. Cut your nails and shave your fur, for example.
That's because the word frills means exactly that: virtuosity when playing ball, or, in other words, the ability to "fool" other players and reach your goal. But doesn't every cat do that?
08. Pharaoh
This is the perfect name for those who have cats like the Sphynx (also called Canadian hairdresser), because, if you look closely at this breed, it looks like those cats in hieroglyphs and pyramid paintings in Egypt.
Also, the Egyptians believed in the goddess Bastet, a woman with the head of a cat – and let's be honest, every cat is kind of the “god” of the house where it lives, isn't it?
Sphynx cat: learn all about this breed here!
If you like affectionate, playful and exotic cats, then you will be delighted with the Sphynx cat. This feline has wrinkled skin and almost non-existent fur!
07. Chewbacca
This name is best for cats with very long hair, full of courage and spirit of adventure, just like the character Chewbacca in the movie. Star Wars.
And even though Chewbacca is called he by the hero Han Solo, we can't tell if Chewbacca is male or female, so the name is for both cats and cats. I'm sure your feline friend will love it.
06. Camembert and Brie
These are names for those who have two white or yellow cats or cats, fat and lazy, but super cute, chic and loved by everyone.
After all, the French cheeses brie and camembert are similar in their manufacture: they have a white rind and a creamy interior and make all the difference in a meal. Just like your cats, who make all the difference in your home.
05. Primo/Prima It
Another cat name taken from TV, inspired by the hairy cousin of the Adams Family, and despite being cousin, who guarantees that under all that hair there isn't a cousin?
If your cat has very long fur that falls over her face, this might be the ideal name for her. Even more so if he lets out loud and confused meows, just like the character in the TV series.
04. Jô Penteado
This is a cat name for those who like soap operas, especially the older ones. That's because Jô Penteado was the name of Cristiana Torloni's character in the cat ate.
This was a comic soap opera about a rich and snobbish girl, who keeps making and breaking engagements. So, if your kitten is all bashful, full of pampering and tricks, this name will fit her like a glove.
Spoiler! In the end, Jô finds love and lives happily ever after – just like your kitten, living with you. Cute, isn't it? Also, this is a Brazilian 100% name. So, be sure to think about it before you decide!
03. Gandalf
This one is for the fans of Lord of the Rings: imagine naming your cat after Gandalf, the old and powerful wizard of good, from the books? If your cat has long white or gray fur, especially around the face, the name is perfect!
Besides, cats always have that air of superiority and wisdom when they look at us, don't they? Just like the fantastic character Gandalf!
02. David Bowie
This cat name is especially useful for those who have Angora cats, which almost always have one eye blue and the other brown or honey-colored.
That's because the English singer and actor, author of great hits like let's dance, had this feature as one of his personal brands.
But, unlike Angora cats, which have heterochromia (the name for this condition) naturally, in the singer's case, it was because of a fight.
So, if your cat with different eyes is the sensation of any party, is loved by everyone and loves to dance, David Bowie, or simply Bowie, is the right name for him!
01. Daenerys Targaryen
That's a cat name for those who are fans of the books A Song of Ice and Fire by writer George RR Martin or the adapted TV series, game of Thrones (played by Emilia Clarke).
The name comes from the queen of one of the kingdoms in the plot, called by some characters The Mother of Dragons – that is, she is a powerful girl, respected by all her faithful subjects.
In addition, the beautiful queen has almost white and shiny hair. That is, if you have a white and bossy kitten - but that you obey, because you love her as if she were the owner of the house, this is the ideal name!
Well, there are many curious cat names for you to choose the one that best matches your kitty's appearance and personality, right? But surely one of them will make perfect sense to you!
And if you want to know more curiosities about the feline world, check out our recommended content below! In it, we give you an idea of how many cat breeds there are and we also talk about some of them.
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A curiosity surrounds the mind of feline tutors, how many breeds of cats are there? Would you have an idea? See here and find out!
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