10 things you need to know before adopting a cockatiel
Do you want to adopt a cockatiel? So, know that this is a playful bird that lives up to 20 years! Follow here the best tips to take care of your pet and ask your questions!
Know important tips to take care of your cockatiel
Regarded as one of the most friendly and playful birds of all, this is a bird for those who like excitement. So, if you are thinking about adopting a cockatiel, check out the main characteristics of the bird below!
By the way, did you know that she is very popular for her animation, her feather topknot and her “makeup cheeks”? Yes, the Australian bird has been increasingly conquering Brazilian homes.
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Incidentally, part of the popularity of the cockatiel is due to the ease in adopting it. The bird is one of the few that, in order to be raised as a pet, does not need a special license (just look for an accredited and reliable petshop/breeder).
Finally, who adopted a guarantor: the cockatiel is an animal full of energy, which loves to live with other pets and with people. Plus, she's super smart: she can learn to play, sing and even talk!
What do I need to know before adopting a cockatiel?
Including, one of the habits of the cockatiel is to yawn as soon as it wakes up, to scare away sleep. Nobody is made of iron, right? However, do you know what you need to have at home when adopting one?
Do you know how to prepare your home to receive the cockatiel? Do you know which cage is correct? What type of feed? Looking to know more, we list here 10 things you need to know before adopting a cockatiel! Check out!
10. When to adopt a cockatiel?
When should you adopt a cockatiel? This question is important, because the bird is cute and playful – but it needs to be taught! So, it's important that she lives with the tutors from her early days.
But which days are these “firsts”? Well, the ideal thing is that the cockatiel already has the face of a cockatiel (and not that appearance of a puppy, almost without feathers). In the case of the cockatiel, this happens around 60 days.
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A little after 60 days, inclusive, will make it easier for you. This is because, depending on the needs of the bird and the assessment of the veterinarian responsible for the adoption, you will need to feed it.
That is, using a pasty food suitable for birds, via syringe (all of this is available in the pet shop, okay? Don't worry). So the best answer is: adopt the cockatiel after 70 days of birth!
09. Cockatiels grow too much?
Some people look at the cockatiel on the internet and think it's a tiny little bird. Because, in fact, the cockatiel is not as big as, for example, a chicken or even a dove.
On the other hand, these birds are much larger than a parakeet, for example. Even the cockatiel can reach 35 cm and weigh up to 90 g when adults. That is, she is a small bird - but even so, she takes up some space.
08. What is the best cage for cockatiels?
The cockatiel needs space to fly, walk and play, as it is very agitated. She hates feeling smothered or trapped. If the cage conveys this feeling, the bird will begin to experience symptoms of stress and depression.
Therefore, before adopting a cockatiel, know that the cage must be at least twice its size – that is, 60 cm. In addition, perches of varying heights help the bird to be distracted when he is not playing with you.
By the way, toys suitable for birds, such as ladders, ropes, swings and balls are important for your friend to live happily. They will help her to de-stress, wear down her nails and beak, and stimulate the bird's intelligence.
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07. Can cockatiels learn tricks?
Like other parrot species, cockatiels can learn many tricks. They can learn to speak, vocalize songs, open boxes and doors, hide things...
They are very intelligent birds. With love and patience, the tutor manages to teach limits and rules of coexistence. And in a short time, the little one learns who her tutors are, making a party when they approach.
06. Can cockatiels run away from home?
In general, cockatiels are homegrown. That is, they don't run away. They become attached to their tutors (when they are affectionate and offer toys and adequate food) and to their home. However, you shouldn't give chance to chance.
Sometimes, your cockatiel may want to go for a walk, and if you're not careful, it could fly off and not be able to find its way back. So if you go for a walk with her, opt for a bird collar.
05. Do cockatiels like children?
When cockatiels are trained and taught from the first months of life, they become fun and loving friends. This means that cockatiels can be a great pet for a child.
In addition to being playful, cockatiels love cafunés on the top and nape of the neck. Games such as hiding food or running around the house are not only recommended – they are vital for the bird's health.
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You just have to be careful that the child doesn't squeeze the bird, or put his hand on the beak or claws, okay? When you are going to adopt a cockatiel, remember to talk to the child beforehand.
04. What do cockatiels eat?
In the wild, cockatiels eat insects, fruits and seeds. However, this diet needs to be adapted for domestic life. For example, some seeds and fruits may have too much fat for the cockatiel.
In the wild, it would expend all that energy flying thousands of miles every day. In your house, she probably won't have that energy expenditure.
So, prefer the proper feed for cockatiels – found in pet stores – and complement the diet with fruits, seeds and vegetables that the veterinarian indicates.
03. Do cockatiels get dirty?
Because they are small animals and have a diet rich in fiber, cockatiels are very clean. The stools are drier, and in small amounts. Soon, cleaning the cage will be easy.
Another peculiarity is that cockatiels like to clean their feathers themselves. They are also not birds that shed a lot of feathers.
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02. How long do cockatiels live?
A healthy cockatiel lives around 20 years. It's a bird that will grow old next to the tutor!
01. How much does it cost to have a cockatiel?
Adoption fees for a cockatiel are usually not less than 150 reais. This is when we are talking about an accredited nursery, which takes care of its birds with responsibility and quality.
Food costs are usually low. In general, a pack of food, which will last around 30 days, costs 20 reais. The cage, in turn, will be around 250 reais (but it is an expense that you will only have once).
Finally, medical expenses vary greatly. But, if this factor is decisive, it might be better for you not to adopt any pets, for now. Do a good financial planning and then decide.
Conclusion: is adopting a cockatiel worth it?
If you like animals, and have already adopted one, but never a bird, maybe the cockatiel is the best option! She is adorable, smart, affectionate and fun. Mishaps will exist, but those who adopted a cat or dog also had them.
The important thing is that you think well, consider, analyze the pros and cons. If this decision is correct, you should adopt a cockatiel and be happy! And if you want to know more about domestic birds, check out the content below!
Meet domestic exotic birds and how to care
Domestic exotic birds can be raised in an environment conducive to maintaining their health. See more about them here!
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