
Shih Tzu: learn all about this dog breed!

The shih tzu breed dog has become very popular in Brazil due to its cuteness and easy adaptation to different environments. Know more about!


Discover all about the Shih Tzu breed 

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu

The shih tzu has become a real fever in Brazil in recent years. After all, he came to perform as a small dog, perfect for different environments!

This dog, like the Lhasa Apso, is of Tibetan origin. Not by chance, in fact, there is constant confusion between the dogs of these two breeds. Both are small, have a similar coat and face, but it is possible to tell them apart.

Below, learn more about the shih tzu dog and also fall in love with this breed that has already conquered Brazil. Now, it's your turn!

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What is the Shi Tzu dog?

The shih tzu is a small dog with large, dark eyes. In addition, he has a rather lush coat that grows in all directions. It has a flat snout, which is due to brachycephalic syndrome.

As a result, you may have difficulty breathing. It increases in cases of intense physical exercises, which are contraindicated for the breed. Also, on very cold or very hot days. As for the muzzle, it is black in adult life, despite being born pink.

Dogs of this breed also have long hair all over the body, which may or may not be maintained by the owner. Although beautiful, they are quite difficult to keep beautiful and lush. Although they are usually bicolored and have white and brown colors, they also have honey, black, white, cream and other colors.

As mentioned earlier, it is common for there to be confusion between dogs of this breed and the Lhasa Apso. Although they come from the same region and are really very similar, it is possible to differentiate them.

For example, the shih tzu's coat is softer and finer than the lhasa apso's coat. In addition, the eyes of the first are usually larger, while the snout of the second is wider. Therefore, it is possible to differentiate them in the small details.

What is the personality of the Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu

Although the breed's name means "little lion" from ferocious, the shih tzu has nothing. He is very loving and is very fond of his human tutors, who he loves to be close to. They also get along very well with other animals, both dogs and cats.

Therefore, those who already have pets at home can be sure that their shih tzu will adapt and play with them. In addition, he is a sociable dog who has no problems with the presence of other humans.

Still, they often present themselves as well-behaved dogs that accept training. This one, however, requires a certain amount of patience and repetition. Despite being intelligent and with a great cognitive capacity, dogs of the breed tend to get distracted and be averse to teaching. However, over time they take them quietly.

What is the difference between Shih Tzu and mini Shih Tzu?

The fad for smaller and smaller dogs is something that seems to be here to stay. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to appear in search of a special type of dog of this breed, the shih tzu mini. But what's the difference? Is it limited to the size of pets?

Well, first of all, it needs to be very clear that there is no mini subtype in the breed. That is, there is no shih tzu mini, zero or dwarf. Those that are marketed like this are either part of a scam or dangerous interventions for animals.

The search for smaller and smaller animals has led researchers and breeders to look for ways to present smaller dogs. However, no national or international dog organization recognizes the existence of smaller types.

By the way, know that promoting the industry of increasingly tiny dogs is extremely dangerous. First, because it can lead to the extinction of some races. Second, smaller dogs are not necessarily perfect miniatures of larger dogs.

What happens is that the limitation of the size of dogs affects their breathing, cardiac capacity and other functionalities of the organism. Not to mention the even greater weakening of your body, which is at risk of fractures and other types of dangers.

That way, know: there is no shih tzu mini. If you come across one for sale, know that this sale does not respect guidelines from animal protection and recognition bodies. In the same way, it foments the industry of human intervention – not necessarily positive, on the contrary – on animals.

How much does a Shih Tzu puppy cost?

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu

It is usually possible to find male puppies of this breed for R$ 550. Female puppies start at R$ 950. This difference is due to the possible procreation that the female will allow, which leads breeders to charge more.

However, know that the value of a shih tzu puppy can reach R$ 2 thousand reais. Before any purchase, remember to research the suitability of the breeding site, the way it treats animals and whether it complies with the law and good animal treatment.

How big is this breed?

The shih tzu is a small dog. Therefore, he is light and small, thinking, on average, 4 to 7.2 kg. The height usually reaches 28 centimeters.

How to raise a Shih Tzu?

Finally, here are some tips for raising a dog of this breed, ensuring all the care it requires! Check out:

  • Daily hair brushing: it is essential that this dog's hair is brushed frequently, especially if it is kept long;
  • Space: the shih tzu does not need ample space, and can easily live in small apartments;
  • Exercises: should never be high intensity. Short, low-intensity walks are enough for this little dog, who is not very active (although he does need activities).

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