Learn all about eyebrow depigmentation!
Eyebrow depigmentation is one of the most modern techniques for care in the region. She can be the perfect solution for poorly done micropigmentation.
Learn more about eyebrow depigmentation
Did you micropigmentation and regret it? Because eyebrow depigmentation can solve your case. With it, you don't have to wait 06 to 12 months.
This is the time that a micropigmentation usually stays in the eyebrow region. As its application is on a superficial layer of the skin, it is not a tattoo. Thus, it is temporary and goes away with time.
However, there is not always time to wait for it to come out naturally. Many cases rely on exaggeration of pigment in the eyebrows. Or else, choosing the wrong formats and disastrous results.
It is in these situations that eyebrow depigmentation is illustrated as the solution. It is she, after all, who can remove excess pigment or all of it. To learn more about this method and how to apply it, read on!
What is eyebrow depigmentation?
Pigmentation is the application of a pigment to the eyebrow. So, depigmentation is nothing more than a procedure for removing this pigment.
Imagine a procedure that got out of hand. The pigment tone became too dark or even greenish over time. Another not uncommon case is the use of a model that does not fit that type of face, with disharmonious eyebrows.
All these situations illustrate hypotheses that represent real nightmares, don't they? For eyebrow depigmentation comes as that welcome and desired awakening. It is a technique that can remove pigment from the skin.
Thus, it finds great application mainly in cases of eyebrows with micropigmentation. In this case, the technique applies pigments with the aid of a device that contains needles.
With them, small holes are made in the skin. In this way, there is a deposit of pigments in these holes. The pigmentation, then, lodges itself in a more superficial layer of the skin. This is what allows the color to come out over time.
But when the end result is not as expected, eyebrow depigmentation appears as a suitable procedure. It aims to remove pigmentation from the skin. It is capable of doing so even with those pigments that are impregnated in the first layer of the skin.
For this, there are several types of techniques. Some are better known than others. The same occurs in relation to the effectiveness of the results, side effects and those responsible for the application.
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Techniques for eyebrow depigmentation
Discover now which are the methods that currently allow the reversal of an eyebrow micropigmentation. With them, it is possible to remove the pigments from the first layer of the skin. See the pros and cons of each and how they work.
Depigmentation with application of acids
The first technique uses a mixture of products. Among them are some with acidic characteristics. When they come into contact with the skin, they promote exfoliation and make it thinner. This stimulates cell renewal.
Thus, there is skin peeling and the color gradually comes out. However, this leads to peeling of the skin, which can be uncomfortable and negative. Therefore, this is not the best technique currently. As we will see, there are others that are less invasive and more effective.
saline technique
The second technique is saline. It is based on water and salt solutions that are applied to the area where the pigmentation is to be removed. The application of this method of depigmentation of eyebrows takes place with a dermograph.
That is, there is use of the same device that is dedicated to micropigmentation. The solution promotes dehydration of the region. With this, the pigment is expelled, but only with difficulty. This, therefore, the tissues dehydrate. There is then formation of a rather unpleasant scab on the skin.
In this way, this is also a technique in disuse. It is therefore not the best for promoting depigmentation.
laser depigmentation
The third and final technique we bring uses the laser for eyebrow depigmentation. It emits light for 1 second, enough for each dot with pigment. Thus, it is the same technique for removing tattoos.
Here, however, it does not require numerous sessions, just one or a few more. In addition, although it is not painless, it is not very uncomfortable. Results appear quickly and have no side effects. This, therefore, is the best technique for depigmentation.
How much does an eyebrow depigmentation cost?
Here, we will talk about laser depigmentation. After all, she is the least harmful and the most effective. However, everything it offers also comes at a pretty hefty price tag. On average this is R$ 300 per session.
The number of sessions will depend on how dark the pigment is. Likewise, the time that has passed since micropigmentation. The sooner there is a search for a professional to remove the pigment, the better. It tends to soak in over time.
Also, do not try to remove the pigment at home. This can make the situation even worse and even cause some kind of allergy.
How does the eyebrow look after depigmentation?
The application of the laser aims to remove the eyebrow pigment. Thus, in the first few minutes after the session, the strands tend to become whitish. However, in a few minutes, they also regain their natural color.
Since in some situations more than one session is necessary, it is possible that the skin region still has pigments. However, it is possible to notice the difference with each session, with the skin and eyebrows getting closer to the natural tone.
What to use after eyebrow depigmentation?
Some care is crucial after the depigmentation session. For example, you should avoid exposure to the sun for at least 30 days. In the same way, you should not remove any scabs that the skin forms, as well as scratch it.
Sea bathing and swimming pool are also prohibited in the first 30 days after the laser session for eyebrow depigmentation. Some foods should also be left out of the menu. Among them are chocolate, pork and other fatty foods.
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