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Mister Gato's recommendation for you is the Rabies Vaccination Campaign

Rabies Vaccination Campaigns, vaccinate your dog and cat to keep them healthy and safe!


The rabies vaccination campaign is essential to keep this disease under control in Brazil. Furthermore, this is the only way to protect our furry friends and the population against this deadly disease. The applied doses are free, just go to the service stations. Do you want more information about campaigns and fixed vaccination posts? So go ahead and check it out!


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Check out the advantages of vaccinating your pet against rabies!

Free doses of the vaccine
Protection for you and your pet
annual campaigns
control of zoonoses

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The rabies vaccine, or anti-rabies, must be applied when the animals are still puppies. Although the veterinarian's recommendation is essential, the first dose usually happens when the puppy is 6 months old. Meanwhile, for cats, the first dose of the rabies vaccine happens at about 12 weeks of age. Both cats and dogs should receive a booster dose of rabies once a year.

Although the main means of transmitting rabies is through bites from an infected animal, this is not the only way to become infected. After all, it is the animal's saliva that carries the virus. That is, licks of mucous membranes and even scratches can lead to the infection of the individual with the rabies virus. Between humans, transmission occurs through organ donations, but these cases are extremely rare.

Vaccination campaigns are organized by the municipal government of each city. Therefore, some municipalities may choose not to carry out or suspend campaigns, making doses available at fixed posts throughout the city. In general, vaccination campaigns against rabies in dogs and cats usually take place between October and November. Meanwhile, fixed posts must offer doses throughout the year.

If your city hall is carrying out a rabies vaccination campaign, check the agents' opening hours. So, just go to the place made available with the animal to apply the dose. However, if your municipality is not carrying out the campaigns or it has passed the deadline, you can go to a fixed post during opening hours for the application. Remember to contact the Health Department if you have any questions!

Protect your furry friend against rabies and take advantage of dog and cat vaccination campaigns to take him! The doses are free and are the only protection against the disease. Want to know how to do it? So go ahead and check it out!

Cachorro e gato com veterinário ao fundo

How to register your pet in vaccination campaigns?

Rabies vaccine is mandatory by law, but you don't have to wait for vaccination campaigns to keep your pet protected. You can request the dose for free!

A pet health plan like NoFaro can make a difference in your little friend's health and in your pocket! After all, you can pay a fixed monthly fee to be entitled to various resources such as consultations, vaccines and exams.

By the way, NoFaro works as a health plan for humans and you can even choose the modality according to the services you need. Want to take the opportunity to protect your pet? Then see below how to hire!

Logo NoFaro azul

How to make the NoFaro pet plan?

You can make your pet health plan with NoFaro without having to leave your home, the process is 100% online. See the step by step and hire in a simple way!

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