
How to wear boots: 5 tips to include them in your look!

Knowing how to wear boots is a way to go beyond the usual and rock the style. Today, learn tips on how to use this item that is on the rise.


Discover how you can wear boots and make combinations

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how to wear boots

Today there are several ways to wear boots. Gone are the days, then, when they were limited to winter or rock 'n roll events.

Boots represent one of the pieces that stands out the most today. It is an undeniable trend. And this is largely due to a new vision that encompasses it. Today it is seen as a shoe that fits in the most diverse combinations.

That is, it is no longer limited to use with leather jackets and dark places. It is a piece that admits colors and combination with light and heavy clothes. In addition, it should remain high for a long time and taking into account different looks.

Therefore, learning how to use it is a way to be in fashion. And that's not all! By learning how to wear combat boots you go beyond rice and beans and bet on new combinations.

So how about learning today how to use your boots in a more plural way?

To learn how, see some unusual and perfect combinations to use it! Below you will also find other tips that will help you get these shoes out of your closet. In fact, know now: you will no longer want to take it off your feet.

Tips for using boots

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Tips on how to wear boots

1. Boots and shorts

For starters, we have a combination that has been killing it. The combination between boots and shorts is a smart way to wear this versatile shoe. One light and one heavy piece lets you play with styles. Still, you can close the look with a simple t-shirt and rock!

2. Boots and dress

Another combination of how to wear boots that is gaining more fans every day is with dresses. Again, this allows you to play with styles, as you have a light piece and a heavy piece.

Medium, knee-length and midi dresses are perfect for this combination. Also, you can bring a denim or leather jacket to add to the look and make it even more special and relaxed.

3. Boots and skirt

The logic here is very similar to how to wear boots with a dress. Skirts bring lightness to the look and the third piece can be a simple T-shirt or blouse. The maxim of the jacket to close the combination also fits here.

4. Boots and pants

This is one of the best known combinations. However, know that you can wear boots with different types of pants. That is, go beyond jeans or black pants.

Think of leather pants and pantacourts, for example. The only caution, in this case, is that less is more: the heavier the clothes that go with the boots, the greater the chances of looking like a costume.

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How to start wearing boots without making mistakes?

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how to wear boots

If you are not used to wearing boots yet, don't worry. For starters, always take the idea that less is more. For example, pants and a white or black T-shirt are perfect for wearing footwear.

In addition, you can take other heavy pieces, such as leather jackets, to the look. However, remember to leave lightness in one of the pieces, as in choosing a white cotton shirt.

Likewise, to do well in the task of how to wear boots, take a risk little by little. Likewise, forget what you knew until then about footwear. It goes far beyond what is imagined and today occupies all spaces.

Can you wear boots during the day?

This doubt is very common! Although many people believe that boots are limited to night environments, this is not true. By the way, it was clear with our examples above of pieces to match, wasn't it?

Boots can be combined with light pieces and, therefore, walks on the most diverse occasions and schedules. So don't be afraid to use it during the day. Here are some sure bets to get you out of the closet in the light of day:

  • Boots and dress;
  • Or boots, shorts and a T-shirt;
  • Boots, midi skirt and t-shirt;
  • Another combination can be that of boots and overalls;
  • Colored boots, giving a pop of color to the look and making the look more daytime.

5 practical tips on how to wear boots in your look

Finally, see 05 infallible tips on how to wear boots the right way and rock the look and style. So, check them out and replicate them, you will surely love them!

mix styles

First of all, one of the best ways to wear boots is by mixing styles. For example, light and heavy parts. Also, tailoring piece and boots. This is a fashion that is on the rise and therefore allows you to let your imagination run wild.

heel boots

Have a more formal event? So, in that case, think about boots with heels. By the way, it looks perfect with tights and a dress or skirt.

colored boots

Colored boots are great to get out of the commonplace of black boots. Today there are several colors of them that are high. Among the main colors are white, red and blue.

So, think about using boots as a way to color your look. Also, it helps to demonstrate your personality through your clothes. A good way to use it, for example, is by choosing an accessory or blouse in the same color.

Likewise, you can also bet on it as a color point for the look. For example, you know that classic combination of pants and a black blouse? Colored boots can be perfect for a fashionista touch.

How to wear boots with pants

Although the combination of boots and pants is classic, it still raises questions. Know that there are several ways to use them together. 

For example, while there is the option of wearing it over your pants, also consider folding the hem of it, leaving it a little above the boot to avoid wrinkling. Still, in the latter case, be sure to play with colored socks.

Elongating the silhouette with booties

If you're short and don't know how to wear boots without looking flat, don't worry. In that case, a good idea is to combine it with tights. Other good options are black leggings, which help elongate your body.

Hi-lo style: what is it?

Have you ever felt out of place for not breaking the dress code? Because the Hi-lo style can be perfect for you and, in addition, put an end to such discomfort.

About the author  /  Aline Mesquita

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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