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Goodbye paper, download the Digital Identity App

Digital Identity App, download it for free and have your document available directly on your cell phone!


The Digital Identity app is available for Android and iOS users and is your chance to access your RG on your cell phone. It's free and simple to download! With the app, you can consult and present your digital document anywhere in Brazil.


You will remain in the same website

In fact, you can even ask for the duplicate directly from your cell phone. So, see below how to download it to enjoy its functions! In addition, learn about the advantages of using the Digital Identity application!

Free app available in multiple states
Valid throughout the national territory
2nd copy available
Practicality and agility in handling the document

You will remain in the same website

For this, you need to have a Physical RG that has been issued from 2014 and that accompanies a QR Code on the back. So, just download the RG Digital app for your state, add your RG, scan the QR code, perform facial recognition and create an access password. Ready! So you already have the document on your cell phone.

Yes! The app is free to download and is available for Android and iOS devices. For the time being, it works in the states of Goiás, Pará, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in addition to the Federal District. Anyone over the age of 16, as well as an RG issued after 2014, can use it.

Let's assume that, using the RG Digital, you have left your physical document at home. But, your cell phone battery has run out and you need to present a document somewhere or to some authority. In this case, you can replace the RG with the National Driver's License (CNH) or your passport.

Viu como é prático ter o RG Digital pelo celular? Desde que mantenha ele carregado, você não precisa mais se preocupar com o documento físico. Então, que tal conferir a seguir uma lista com os principais apps de documentos digitais para facilitar a sua vida?

Aplicativo CNH Digital

Check out 6 best digital document apps

Descubra aplicativos que te permitem acessar documentos importantes no seu formato digital e com valor jurídico como CPF, CNH, Carteira de Trabalho e mais!

Mas, se você já tem o RG Digital no celular e está atrás especificamente de conseguir ter sua Carteira de Trabalho Digital, saiba que é possível sim! Veja a seguir tudo sobre o app e como fazer o seu download.

How to download the Digital Work Card app?

You can download the Digital Job Card application for free and easily from your cell phone's app store. Check out!

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