How many dog breeds are there? Find out here!
Have you ever wondered how many dog breeds there are? For know that there are many! Today, see exactly how many there are and meet some of them!
Find out how many dog breeds there are
How many dog breeds are there? The answer exceeds 3 hundreds. And it involves many different races from all over the world. Today, read more about it!
Dogs are famous in Brazil and the world. And they come in a variety of sizes, personalities, coat types, and behavior. In addition, some are more adaptable to certain climates and others to different types.
Another interesting point is that there are dog breeds that have been present in the world for centuries. Several of them, by the way, do not have human intervention. Interesting, isn't it? In this case, natural selection has clearly been kind to canines.
Below, then, learn more about how many dog breeds there are in the world. So, see how they are divided into classes, who their representatives are and some interesting curiosities!
German Spitz: all about this dog breed
The German Spitz is a breed of dog with a long coat and can vary between caramel, black and white colors. See more about the breed here!
How many dog breeds are there in Brazil?
Brazil is one of the countries with the most dogs in homes. However, it is basically impossible to answer how many races have already arrived here. After all, the export of breeds is common, so that they reach the whole world.
For example, consider that the Poodle, a dog with French registration, but probably German origin, is very famous here. The same occurs with the Pomeranian Lulu, of German origin. Or the bulldogs and Yorkshires that came from England.
This is a factor, therefore, that makes dogs of different breeds today all over the world. Exceptions are due to the rarest dogs, such as those specific to a region, as is the case of the Tibetan shepherd.
Thus, it is possible to say that there are hundreds of breeds of dogs even in Brazil! Some of them have Brazilian origin, as is the case of these types:
- FIFA-Brazilian;
- Brazilian Great Dane;
- Gaucho sheep;
- Brazilian Terrier;
- Brazilian tracker;
- Pampean deer and others.
Just as we import many of the dog breeds that exist in the world, we also export them. Below, learn more about the types of dogs that exist in the world and how they classify.
How many dog breeds are there in the world?
According to data from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), one of the main international organizations dedicated to the classification and recognition of dog breeds, today there are 339 dog breeds worldwide.
And, you know, here are not considered several races. For example, despite the Gaucho sheepdog being recognized by Brazilian agencies as a breed of its own, the FCI has not yet recognized it. This is repeated in several other countries in relation to several other races.
Discover, below, the 10 classes of dogs that exist in the world and be surprised!
Herding and herding dogs
Among the number of dog breeds that exist are those for herding and herding dogs. They were used in herding several cats. In addition, most of them come from Europe. Among the representatives are the German Shepherd, Australian Cattle Dog and Border Collie.
Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossers, Mountain Dogs and Swiss Cattle Dogs
Following our list of dog breeds that exist in the world, we have the shnauzer, molossers and mountain dogs. This is also where the Swiss cowboys come in. Its creation was focused on guarding and protection.
Representatives of this modality are the Boxer, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard and the Tibetan Mastiff.
Terriers, on the other hand, are the type of dogs that exist in the world that are hunters of burrow animals. That is, of rabbits and hares. So, here we have some breeds that are now seen as companions, such as the Yorkshire and the Bull Terrier.
Here we have a very interesting modality! After all, here is just one of the breeds of dogs that exist in the world. This is the category of dogs of the same name, dashchunds. He is nothing more than the famous sausage. They are dogs with a long back and small paws.
Spitz and primitive types
The fifth category that makes up how many dog breeds there are in the world are Spitz and primitive. Here we have dogs that preserve characteristics from centuries ago and have ancient records. They have some common and more wolf-like traits. For example, long muzzle.
Representatives of this modality are the Siberian Husly, Spitz and Chow Chow.
Sniffer dogs and similar breeds
Another modality with some of the breeds of dogs that exist are the sniffers. They were developed to help with hunting and investigations and have a very keen sense of smell. Among the breeds found here are the Dalmatian and the Beagle.
Pointing dogs
Pointing dogs rely on the breeds of dogs that exist in the world that have peculiar behavior. They stop in a position that statically points in the direction of prey. They are represented by the Irish Setter, among others.
Retrievers, Lifters and Water Dogs
Here we have some of the cutest and most charming dog breeds in the world! Retrievers, setters and water dogs are resistant to aquatic environments. Before becoming domestic dogs, they were used in hunting to scare them.
Here you can find, for example, the Labradors and the Golden Retriever.
companion dogs
Companion dogs are those whose breeds were developed precisely to keep humans company. Therefore, they have small size and friendly behavior. Among the best known are the Maltese, Chihuahua and French Bulldog.
Still, close the modalities that add how many breeds of dogs there are in the world the Greyhounds. These are slender dogs that are normally used in racing. After all, they reach high speeds, which is possible due to the shape of the body.
There are several types of them, such as the Irish Hare and the Greyhound. Just like the previous modalities, there are today several representatives of the modality in Brazilian lands.
So, see how there are hundreds of dog breeds in the world and one of them is definitely perfect for you!
Cat breeds preferred by Brazilians
There are several breeds of cats spread around the world, but there are some that are more common in Brazil. Discover some now here!
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