
Protect the cat from running away: 8 practical tips!

Protecting the cat from running away is essential for the pet's safety. And, also, for your peace of mind! So, here are some practical tips.


Find out how to protect the cat from running away into the street

Proteger o gato de fugir
Protect the cat from running away

Is your kitten a runaway? Although this is natural, you need to protect the cat from running away. After all, these escapades can have serious consequences. Today, see how to avoid them.

Cat escapes are stimulated by a number of factors. First, cats are naturally curious. In addition, they have a hunting instinct and a lot of energy. Added to this is their interest in exploring environments and conquering territories.

That way, the cat tends to run away. Also have influence on this pheromones. However, in addition to feline nature, there are also human issues that can influence this. For example, the lack of comfort or security. Or adequate space.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to protect the cat from running away. Otherwise your little companion could face great dangers. They offer themselves to the physical integrity and even the life of the pet. 

Below, then, check out tips on how to prevent your cat from running away.

That way, keep him safe and take care of your kitty as he deserves. After all, being a pet tutor, whatever it may be, requires care. And in the case of cats, this requires circulation control.

How to prevent the cat from running away?

Proteger o gato de fugir
Protect the cat from running away

Protecting the cat from running away requires some care regarding space and security measures. For example, avoiding going out to the street requires that doors and windows are always closed. Also, that the cat has at its disposal what it needs.

Otherwise, he tends to look for things he doesn't have at home in the wild. In addition, even if you apply all the affection in the world on a daily basis, there are crucial precautions. Without them, your other efforts for feline well-being will be in vain.

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8 tips to protect your cat from running away and getting hurt on the street

Proteger o gato de fugir
Protect the cat from running away

We separate 08 tips below so you can avoid feline escapes. So, ensure that your cat is always safe at home and that everything he needs is available there. So read on and check out everything you can do to deal with a runaway cat!

neuter your cat

Firstly, neutering is essential for protecting the cat from running away. Otherwise, you can never stop his nature and instincts. Castration inhibits the production of some hormones.

When it does not occur, a kitten's heat will be fatal in her care. That is, a cat in heat tends to run away. Also, it tends to attract the male kittens in the area. When castration takes place, however, this problem is over.

Still, there are countless reasons to invest in castration. She prevents cats from developing diseases like uterine and prostate cancer. It also makes pets more sociable and less aggressive.

Keep screens on windows

Our second tip is to keep screens on the windows. This is essential when we are talking about an apartment. After all, here you are dealing with escape precaution. At the same time, with accident prevention elements.

Still, in homes screens are also important. You can use them on the gate, windows or other exit places. With this, it prevents the cat (able to pass in tiny places) from running away. So, be sure to invest in a good screen system.

Don't get used to little getaways

Another very important point to protect cats from running away from home is not to get them used to running away. Many people let their cats roam freely at times. However, this poses numerous dangers to him.

It is not because the event is rare that your security increases. Therefore, no need to make connections for him between the exit door, the external environment and fun.

A good solution here can be to accustom your cat, from a young age, to walking on a leash. Although it's rarer to see cats walking with tutors, they are also able to parade around.

For this, remember to always leave it on the leash, attached to you. Still, start small. First go to the home garden or nearby. Then start with small distances like a block or even less. Gradually he gets used to it and relates to going out as a moment with you.

Have a cattery to protect the cat from running away

An option for those who live at home and have land available is to set up a cattery. In this case, it is made with screens that give the feline space to move without posing a risk of escape.

enrich the environment

To protect the cat from running away it is essential that you enrich the environment. This relates to the arrangement of objects that really amuse the cats. Get their attention and, with that, avoid monotony.

Among the instruments available to catify your home are scratching posts, wall niches, hammocks and cat ladders. Also, small toys, like balls or stuffed mice. All this helps your cat to “hunt” in a controlled environment.

Keep litter boxes clean

Remember that if the cat is not comfortable at home, it will look for other places. In this sense, the sandbox should also be considered. Felines are extremely clean and demanding about it.

Therefore, it is crucial to have at least 1 litter box per cat. If possible, keep an extra one. Especially if you are away from home for long periods, without time to clean the box throughout the day.

entertain your cat

Still, entertain your kitty. It takes time to play with him and give him the attention he deserves. Cats are full of energy and need to expend it. In addition, they also love to spend a good time with their human.

Watch out for doors to protect the cat from escaping

Finally, it is essential that your home follows a careful door policy. Cats are very fast and smart. Also extremely curious. So make sure everyone is careful opening doors, leaving, and the time it takes to close them.

In the same way, they should always observe whether a cat has escaped. Finally, try to draw the cat's attention to a place other than the doors.

Precautions when neutering a cat

Neutering is very important for cats. Likewise, care when neutering a cat is essential. Know what they are and guarantee your pet's health!

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