
Pet at home with a child: see 5 tips for a good relationship!

Pets bring many developmental benefits to children. However, care and attention is needed for a peaceful and healthy coexistence. Here are some tips to ensure a good relationship!


Check out how to develop a healthy relationship between animals and children!

Veja algumas dicas para que a criança e o pet tenham uma boa relação! Fonte: AdobeStock.
Here are some tips for the child and pet to have a good relationship! Source: AdobeStock.

Although it's cute to see children and animals together, you need to teach both of them some rules to have a good relationship. Thus, you can have a pet at home with a child and continue with a peaceful and safe environment.

But for that, you need patience and dedication, in addition to putting into practice some steps that can help you. After all, animals are not toys and it is important that you make this clear to the little ones in order to avoid conflicts.

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That way, you can enjoy all the benefits of having a pet at home. Did you know that he can help with children's development? In addition, animals are great company, both for babies and adults.

So, do you want to know how the two can coexist in the same environment in a friendly way? Continue reading to check out some relationship tips and have a pet at home with a child without conflicts!

What are the benefits of having a pet at home?

Afinal, vale a pena ter um pet em casa? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, is it worth having a pet at home? Source: AdobeStock.

First, it is important to emphasize that there are numerous benefits in the interaction between children and animals. And we're not just talking about responsibilities and bonds of fellowship between them.

In this sense, experts and scientists say that having animals at home during the child's development can generate several positive results. For example, strengthening the immune system.

That's right, animals like dogs and cats contribute to reducing the risks of some diseases like rhinitis, asthma and even stimulate connections between neurons! In addition, animals can also contribute to:

  • Emotional development;
  • Stress control;
  • Socialization;
  • Physical activities, among others.

That is, having a pet at home with a small child is an excellent choice, both for the family and for the little ones. So, choose the species that best fits your child's profile and embark on this experience!

Is it possible to have a baby and a pet at the same time?

Even though having a pet at home might seem like a great idea for those with children, that story can change if you have a newborn baby. This is because many parents are afraid of living together.

However, there is nothing wrong with having animals and babies in the same environment, as long as there is supervision. Also, it's important to be careful if the baby is less than 6 months old.

By the way, if you have any doubts, you can contact your pediatrician and follow his guidelines. But, in general, coexistence with animals can happen normally.

Check out 5 essential tips for a good coexistence between pet and child!

Veja as principais dicas para um bom convívio! Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out the top tips for a good get-together! Source: AdobeStock.

Before taking an animal home, it is essential that everyone in the family agrees, okay? After all, a pet requires responsibility, attention and lots of love and affection! So think carefully about your decision.

On the other hand, this may be the best choice for everyone in the family! Especially in a home with a small child, having a pet will positively influence their development.

So, here are some tips to establish a good relationship between them.

Choose the perfect pet

Although the most popular species to have at home are dogs and cats, there are many others that you can choose as a pet. However, it is necessary to take into account the age and profile of the tutors.

According to experts, children as young as 5 years old can get along well with animals such as guinea pigs, which do not require much attention and maintenance. In addition, they are resistant and sociable animals.

Preserve the space of the pet

As we already mentioned, pets require a lot of responsibility. It is necessary to clean the space where he is like cages, walks, sandboxes and toilet rugs.

In addition, it is essential that the pet has a safe and comfortable place to stay, away from young children. This way, he can rest and enjoy his alone time in a clean and well-groomed environment.

Different animals to have at home: meet 15!

How about choosing different animals to have at home when adopting a pet? Today there are several options, so meet some!

family activities

A golden tip to improve the relationship between the pet at home and the small child is to play together with the whole family. In that sense, it's worth taking walks, using toys and even teaching commands.

However, it is essential to have an adult around at this stage to encourage safe living and teach the child how to treat the pet. Keep an eye out for the little ones to respect the pets!


It's not just playing and company that pets live. While young children may not be fully responsible for caring for pets, it's important that they participate in chores.

By the way, take the opportunity to teach them about responsibility and care by making them participate when putting food for the animal, brushing, cleaning and walks. This will strengthen the bonds between the child and the pet.

supervision and respect

Many still think that, after the first introduction, children can be left alone with pets. However, this might not be a good idea! Incidentally, it is essential to teach about respect and behavior with pets.

Remember that animals are not toys, and it is important to keep an eye on children and supervise their behavior with the pet. That way, you will always foster a safe and healthy relationship between them.

In this sense, if you want to educate your pet effectively, there are professionals who will help you with commands and techniques, like Henrique Perdigão. Professional dog trainer, he has a course for you to train your puppy!

This way you avoid unwanted behaviors from the animal and can make socializing with children a little safer. Want to know more about how the course works and how to gain access? Just check it out below!

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