
Neutralization of eyebrows: how to do it?

Neutralizing the eyebrows is a way to correct problems with their tone. Discover the technique, below, and find the solutions!


Understand everything about how to neutralize eyebrows

Neutralização de sobrancelhas.
Neutralization of eyebrows.

Hair coloring is not always successful. Neutralizing the eyebrows is a way to correct the tone and recover the beauty of the arches of the face.

Eyebrows, as we know, are essential parts of the face. They light up the look. Also, they make all the difference and that depends on their shape and color. This, however, may encounter damage in micropigmentation and the like.

You've probably come across some weird colored eyebrows. We refer, for example, to those that obtain a bluish color. Other not uncommon effects are with grayish, purplish or greenish colors.

This can result in numerous reasons. Firstly, the fading of the color after a pigmentation. In addition, the quality of products and pigments also influences. They can react negatively with the skin and get unwanted colorations.

And what to do in these cases? It is precisely here that the neutralization of eyebrows comes into play. As the name implies, it neutralizes the color. With this, it seeks the original or ideal tonality for the hair.

Learn all about eyebrow depigmentation!

Eyebrow depigmentation happens when it is necessary to remove all the micropigmentation technique that was performed. See more here!

What is eyebrow neutralization?

This is a technique to solve problems with eyebrow hair colors. It focuses on neutralizing incorrect or strange coloring in the region. Thus, it returns the harmony of the face and the look.

When pigmentation is applied to the eyebrow, the coloring will depend on the mixture of dyes. For example, to form brown, you need to mix the colors blue, red and yellow.

Thus, when the eyebrow leans towards one of these colorings, it means that the proportion when dyeing it was incorrect. This happens due to exaggeration in the use of a tonalizer. Or else, the lack of use of another.

To resolve this situation, eyebrow neutralization seeks balance. That is, she analyzes the current hair color. So, study which colors can correct it.

Note, by the way, that it is not only blue, red or yellow colors that can stand out. As we mentioned above, it is not uncommon to see purple, gray, pink and green hair. For each of these cases, there is a solution.

With this technique it is possible to immediately correct an erroneous coloration. And it can appear right away, shortly after dyeing. Likewise, with the fading resulting from the passage of time, after weeks or months.

In this way, the correction is early. You don't have to wait months for the erroneous coloring to completely fade. It is not even necessary to bleach the hair. See below how to successfully neutralize the eyebrow.

How to neutralize the eyebrow? Tips and doubts

Técnica de neutralização de sobrancelhas.
Eyebrow neutralization technique.

This eyebrow neutralization must necessarily be done by a professional. It is he, after all, who has the specific knowledge for color correction. In addition, it has the ability to analyze the current color and how to correct it.

Neutralization, then, begins with a kind of triage. In it, the professional analyzes the current color. Also, ask questions about customer habits that may be related to the color change.

In the same way, it promotes a study regarding the condition of the hair. It is he who directs the professional to the answer on the proportion and types of tones that neutralize the eyebrow. Therefore, this initial part is important for the success of the procedure.

After, then, the application of tones on the hair occurs. The professional is responsible for measuring, applying and removing them. Therefore, all care is up to her. Soon after, she must advise the client on subsequent care.

What color neutralizes the gray of the eyebrow?

When the eyebrow hairs get a gray color, the neutralization makes use of yellow and red tones.

How to neutralize henna?

Henna, in turn, is different from micropigmentation. This is a kind of tattoo on the surface of the skin, lasting between 06 months and 01 year. Henna, on the other hand, only dyes the hair. So she leaves around 20 days.

With this, it is clear that henna that is too dark or in a strange color does not require eyebrow neutralization. At least you don't need it in the above terms, that is, with the application of new shades in the mix.

Since henna has a shorter duration, methods to neutralize it are simpler. Here, by the way, it is possible to apply them at home. See some solutions:

  • Mixture of turmeric, baking soda and water;
  • Wash the hair with baby shampoo with plenty of water;
  • Exfoliate the region with olive oil and sugar, gently;
  • Apply apple cider vinegar on the hair with cotton and then wash with detergent.

All these solutions are simple. A simple scrub is usually able to neutralize the henna. So you can remove the color.

How do I neutralize blue eyebrows?

The neutralization of blue eyebrows depends on the application of a new tone to react with the bluishness of the hairs. Usually the solution of professionals is the use of an orange tint.

Depending on the shade of blue, red pigments can also be solutions. Thus, it is possible to adjust the color of the micropigmentation.

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Thread-by-thread eyebrows have become fashionable in recent years and should continue to be a trend. Learn more about the technique and how to do it!

Neutralization x Depigmentation of eyebrows

Mas, afinal, qual a diferença entre neutralização e despigmentação?
But, after all, what is the difference between neutralization and depigmentation?

Eyebrow neutralization is different from eyebrow depigmentation. In the first case, the intention is to fix the hair tone when it takes on a different color. The main examples of this case are red, purple, gray, blue or green eyebrows.

Therefore, here there is maintenance of the coloring, only the adjustment of the tone occurs. On the other hand, depigmentation removes hair color. With this, she does not seek to adjust the tonality, but to remove it.

So, they are different techniques. While in eyebrow neutralization you keep them colored, in depigmentation you get rid of the color.

Neutralization, then, takes place with the application of new tones. The combination depends on the current hair tone. Depigmentation, on the other hand, occurs through laser, use of saline solution or acids. The first option (laser) is the safest and most effective.

Thus, the use of eyebrow depigmentation or neutralization will depend on your objective. In the first case there is color extraction. In the second, the pigmentation technique is maintained, only with an adjustment in tone.

Well, now that you've already seen the main tips and information about neutralizing eyebrows, how about checking out our recommended content below and finding out if henna eyebrows are a good option for you?

Is henna eyebrow worth it?

The henna eyebrow was once a fever. Despite finding other competitors today with the same purpose, it is still an interesting option. Know more.

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