
Nanopigmentation of eyebrows: what is it? Look here!

Eyebrow nanopigmentation is the most modern thing when it comes to striking eyebrows. Learn more about it below and learn details about values, duration and more!


Discover the super eyebrow nanopigmentation technique

Saiba tudo sobre o procedimento. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn all about the procedure. Source: Pexels.

Eyebrows nanopigmentation will conquer you. After all, she is able to give volume, shape and color to your bows. This is a natural and lasting way to highlight your look!

This is a technique that deepens micropigmentation, an old acquaintance of designers. Thus, it modernizes the care and pigmentation applied to the eyebrows. For this, it uses specific instruments and techniques.

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By the way, there are several eyebrow nanopigmentation techniques. In fact, there is not a single one or even just one that is correct. There are several designers who develop their own techniques.

Thus, they develop filling forms. What all techniques have in common is precisely the use of nano needles. That is, very small and, therefore, less aggressive. Below, then, learn more about this technique!

How does eyebrow nanopigmentation work?

A nanopigmentação é feita com uma série de microagulhas. Fonte: Pexels.
Nanopigmentation is done with a series of microneedles. Source: Pexels.

Nanopigmentation works with the use of a taburi. It is the same instrument used in microneedling. However, in this case it has a series of nano-sized microneedles. That is, lowercase.

Thus, it reaches a superficial layer of the skin. This makes the technique less invasive. Also, it is lighter. In this way, it can be applied to very thin eyebrows without being artificial.

Also, eyebrows nanopigmentation is not permanent. It goes away with time. Even so, it has a good duration. Therefore, those who are afraid to make a definitive decision do not suffer from this.

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Nanopigmentation then deposits a pigment in a subcutaneous but superficial layer with the taburi. Thus, she is even lighter than micropigmentation. And, much simpler than the tattoo, as it is not lifetime.

Among the advantages of eyebrow nanopigmentation is the fact that the application of the pigmentation is more natural. That is, it does not look heavy or exaggerated, in addition to being available for those with few strands. 

What the value?

The value of eyebrow nanopigmentation may vary according to the professional who will apply the technique. First, because of her experience. Second, by the type of application it uses.

After all, as we said, there are several methods involving technique. Another point that influences the value is the region of the country. The scarcer the nanopigmentation services, the higher the values tend to be.

Modelo evidenciando sobrancelha

Eyebrow nano pigmentation techniques: see!

There are several techniques for filling in eyebrows, but you need to find the one that best fits your face and hair type. See some here.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the place of application, whether it is in a salon or studio or in home care. All this can change the value for more or less. Likewise, the type of eyebrow.

And finally, the number of sessions required. Therefore, values can vary and greatly according to these factors. However, it is possible to say that in general the application of eyebrow nanopigmentation costs between R$ 770 and R$ 1,100.

How long does eyebrow nanopigmentation last?

The duration of application of pigments in this way takes, in general, 2 and a half hours. Therefore, patience is needed. But the result is worth the wait, rest assured. Also, it is necessary to consider that retouching may be necessary.

It is also possible to carry out maintenance, which lasts 01 hour and allows for greater durability. The duration of the technique on the eyebrow lasts, on average, from 03 to 06 months.

It is less durable than micropigmentation precisely because it reaches a more superficial layer of the skin. However, in order for it to last as long as possible before the next maintenance, specific care must be taken.

Among them are:

  • Avoid sun during the 07 days after the application of the technique;
  • In the same period, avoid swimming pool and sea water;
  • Do not expose the eyebrows to water or steam for 24 hours after applying the eyebrow nanopigmentation;
  • Maintain hygiene in the region, after 24 hours, only with non-saline serum;
  • Avoid makeup in the region for 07 days;
  • Do not pluck any scabs during healing.

In addition, it is necessary to apply the ointment or type of healing that the designer eventually indicates. It's very important to follow all the professional's guidance, after all, she's the expert here!

Who can do?

First, you need to understand who should not use this technique. After all, like other pigmentations, it also has contraindications. See which are the main ones:

  • Cancer treatments, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
  • Pregnancy or lactation phase;
  • Skin diseases such as vitiligo;
  • Inflammatory acne;
  • Wounds on site;
  • Skin treatments such as peeling.

In these cases, the application of eyebrow nanopigmentation can only be done with medical authorization. So, be careful. In the same way, a previous visit to the dermatologist can be a good preventive measure.

On the other hand, those who do not fit the above contraindications can usually take advantage of the technique. Even people with very flawed eyebrows or few strands can do it.

Does eyebrow nanopigmentation hurt?

The nanopigmentation technique uses an instrument that contains a series of microneedles. Therefore, there is skin perforation, which can cause discomfort or pain. But, specialists usually use anesthetic materials.

With this, they manage to reduce or even limit the discomfort of the application. In some cases, however, it still persists, albeit to a lesser degree. However, it is a very bearable pain, not being a seven-headed bug.

Still, the pain is usually less than in cases of microneedling. This is because the needles are smaller. That is, they make perforations of a lesser degree. Therefore, they harm the skin less.

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Finally, it should be remembered that anesthesia, in this case, is topical. That is, it occurs by ointment or gel, on the skin, and never with intravenous materials. Even with that, dermatologists indicate that it can cause adverse reactions.

Therefore, always be careful with the specialist you hire. Get as many references as possible. Also, make sure the materials are of good quality and that she has experience.

And, if you want to know more about the technique, we suggest you check out the following article! After all, betting on micropigmentation is the ideal way out for those who have few hairs in the region!

Learn all about eyebrow micropigmentation

Eyebrow micropigmentation can be the solution to hair loss. Technique is on the rise, and it's a great opportunity. Know more!

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