
Lip micropigmentation: all about this technique!

Lip micropigmentation is transforming women's lips. It is perfect for adding volume and highlighting the region. Meet today!


Understand the lip micropigmentation technique for a more prominent mouth

Micropigmentação labial
lip micropigmentation

Have you ever thought about waking up every day looking like you're wearing makeup? Lip micropigmentation is the perfect technique for this. She is able to highlight the lips in a natural way.

This technique is very similar to eyebrow micropigmentation. This happens for numerous reasons. For example, both use tabori. This is an instrument that has a needle. With it, pigments are deposited in a superficial layer of the skin.

Another factor that repeats itself in both techniques is the fact that they are not permanent. That is, here we are not talking about permanent makeup. This worked in the same way as a tattoo, that is, with deposits of pigment in the deepest parts of the skin.

Understand a little more about the procedure

Lip micropigmentation, as well as eyebrows, is not so deep. In fact, it allows cell renewal to gradually eliminate pigments. Therefore, it is ideal for those who are afraid to bet on a permanent technique on their skin.

Also, she is much less invasive and sore. This is a procedure that deposits the color in a delicate way. The result, therefore, is natural. Therefore, attention is drawn to the lips without it sounding artificial.

Incidentally, the result may vary according to your intention. Today it is possible to apply pigment only to the contour of the lips, something already famous in the market. On the other hand, it is possible to apply a coloring along the lips themselves.

This creates the feeling that the lips are always lightly made up. They then carry pigments that are similar to lipstick. Likewise, there are “wet” effects. In this case, the illusion of a permanent gloss is created.

Did it catch your attention? If the answer is positive, be sure to continue reading. Below you will find all the information about this technique. Whether it's about care, duration or effects, you'll leave this article an expert in lip micropigmentation.

How does lip micropigmentation work?

Lip micropigmentation follows the same logic as other skin pigmentation techniques. As we pointed out, it depends on the manipulation of a tebori. This is an instrument that has a needle that deposits pigments.

Thus, only a professional can handle it. In this way, it is essential that before doing this micropigmentation, you choose an experienced designer. Also, it's not enough to just go to the studio and do it right away. There is a period of preparation.

Before lip micropigmentation, you need to start a lip preparation process. It consists of prior hydration. This depends on the use of some specific products, as directed by the professional.

In addition, there are medications that require intake within 03 days before pigmentation. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand about the possibility of taking them. Also, to perform the procedure.

Finally, then, there is the application of the technique for pigmentation. Lip micropigmentation takes about 02 hours to get ready. However, the value may vary according to your intention.

Therefore, it is possible to opt for micropigmentation of the lips for the entire lip area. On the other hand, you can do it just for contouring. The time, then, will depend on what the technique, size and lip shape will be.

All about eyebrow micropigmentation

Eyebrow micropigmentation can be the solution to hair loss. Technique is on the rise, and it's a great opportunity. Know more!

How long does a lip micropigmentation last?

Procedimento de micropigmentação labial
Lip micropigmentation procedure

As we pointed out earlier, this is a technique with a temporary duration. With that, she tends to come out over time. The extraction of pigments is something natural. It is due to cell renewal, which is even faster on the lips.

On average, lip micropigmentation lasts for 1 to 2 years. This will depend on a number of issues. Among them are the age of each person, behold, cell renewal varies over time. Likewise, with care after applying the pigment.

Among the precautions, the most relevant are:

  • For at least 07 days after applying the pigment: do not expose yourself to the sun; do not come into contact with sea or pool water, as well as with steam from a sauna; equally, it is indicated not to use lipstick and to kiss on the mouth;
  • Always, after application: hydrate the lip region with a specific moisturizer, according to professional guidelines.

In addition, the technique requires retouching so that it lasts as long as possible and with quality. It occurs after 30 days of the first application. Thus, it is up to the responsible professional to analyze the need for a new application of pigments or not.

What is the value of a lip micropigmentation?

The value of lip micropigmentation is another factor that varies. Thus, it may be different according to the place in Brazil where it takes place. Likewise, if the professional attends in her own studio or in a beauty salon.

However, keep an eye out and always suspect very low values. This can demonstrate the absence of professional experience. Or else reveal about the low quality of application products. So the economy here can be a risk factor!

In general terms, the procedure for the entire lip area costs around R$ 550. On the other hand, just the contour starts from R$ 300.

What are the risks of micropigmentation on the lips?

Micropigmentação labial
lip micropigmentation

Just like any other type of pigmentation, lip micropigmentation also has risks. They are presented by the quality of the technique, as well as the situation of the person's skin.

Thus, it is assumed that people with healing problems, such as diabetics, should avoid it. Likewise, those with skin allergies or cases of cold sores. These situations can lead to the creation of wounds. Also, watch out for the development of scabs, spots or even viral infections like herpes.

So, everyone is recommended to take herpes preventive medication before a lip micropigmentation procedure: 5 days before and 5 days after, every 8 hours. In this way, the uncomfortable appearance of herpes is prevented, which can also harm the outcome of the procedure.

Likewise, those undergoing treatment that sensitizes the skin should avoid micropigmentation. Both lip and eyebrows, it is worth mentioning.

Other dangers refer to the quality of the procedure. It is crucial that the professional is experienced and certified in the field. On the other hand, that you use quality and hypoallergenic products.

Finally, care after application will make all the difference. With all these caveats, you can guarantee the quality of the service and the final result.

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