Maine coon: know all about this cat breed!
Maine Coon cats conquer for their size, majesty and beauty. Get to know everything about them today and be enchanted yourself too!
Discover all about the Maine Coon breed
Do you know the maine coon cat breed? Know that the animals of this modality are known as “gentle giants” and that is not for nothing, as we will see today.
This breed stands out for its size, as its representatives are among the largest domestic cats in the world. In addition, its charm does not stop there. In fact, felines of this type exude positive and attractive characteristics.
For example, cats of this breed are known to be intelligent. Also, for being excellent hunters at the same time that they are great for socializing. And, about that, know that they are extremely attached to their tutors, as well as love children.
These characteristics add to countless others that make Maine Coon cats one of the most beloved cats in the world. Today, then, learn more about them, their characteristics and curiosities about the breed. So, enjoy yourself too!
What is a Maine Coon giant cat?
Maine Coon cats are famous, among other things, for their size. After all, this is one of the first factors that really draw attention when we come across such a feline.
The name of the breed comes from the state of Maine, in the United States. It was there that cats of the breed were officially recognized for the first time. Incidentally, for this very reason this is a breed that is considered to be of American origin.
In truth, their true origin is unknown. However, experts believe that it is the result of crosses between European cats with long hair and American short hair. Thus, having been found for the first time in the USA, it is considered to be a North American feline.
In addition to its large size, this cat is also famous for its long hair, sumptuous and full of royalty. By the way, the fur is not only long, but also dense, which makes them even more beautiful.
And despite all this size, cats of the maine coon breed also illustrate themselves as gentle. They are friendly and really enjoy interacting with humans. In this case, both with adults and with children.
In this way, they end up being the favorite choice of many people with children at home. After all, nothing better than introducing a pet to the home that really fits in with the people present there, right?
With that, they become perfect for homes looking for companion pets and who are attached to tutors. In this regard, it should be noted that these gentle giants love to show affection. So expect cuddles and lots of purrs!
Know more about them
Despite all this, it should be remembered that Maine Coons are still domestic cats. So remember that naturally these pets will have some independence. Also, they will have a love of hunting and here we have excellent hunters!
Still, these cats can be perfect for those looking for quieter animals. That's because, unlike some other cat breeds, Maine Coons don't have the habit of meowing. With that, they are felines that act in silence.
Another fun fact that makes Maine Coon cats even more interesting is the fact that they love water! That's right! Although many cats have an aversion to water, here we have felines that love to play with it. Thus, bathing and even playing with water is released.
The 10 Most Common Big Cat Breeds
Cats are fascinating creatures. Each of them has something special that catches your eye. They have breeds that are furry and fluffy.
How much does a Maine coon cat cost?
Although more and more people refuse to buy pets and prefer adoption, Maine Coon cats are still the target of constant sales. This is mainly due to the fact that they are exotic, at least in Brazil, where they are less common.
The trade value of a suit of this breed is usually R$ 3,000. However, the value will vary according to the place of purchase. Likewise, with the quality of care that the tutors give to the cats that breed and the kittens. Also, the existence of a license for the sale of animals from the seller.
All this, then, will influence the trade price of giant cats. It is worth remembering that in Brazil it is extremely rare to see them, especially when we are referring to the possibilities of adoption.
How big is this breed?
As we mentioned above, the Maine Coon is rightly known for being the “gentle giant”. And with that, we can immediately keep in mind that they are not normal-sized cats, but huge!
To be aware, cats of this breed on average reach 100 cm in length, that is, one meter! In addition, their height usually varies between 34 and 44 centimeters, which makes them even bigger.
The biggest maine coon ever recorded is Omar, an Australian cat that has a Guinness Book record and everything! This pet reached 1.20 m in length, which is quite surprising.
As for weight, these cats usually have a variable weight between 7 and 11 kg. Thus, they really are the kings of the piece when it comes to size and magnificence.
How to raise a Maine Coon?
Like other cats, Maine Coon cats require some general care. For example, quality food. Also, always clean and fresh water, as well as a litter box that is cleaned periodically.
Due to their size, Maine Coon cats require a good amount of space to play. However, don't even think about pet cages or isolation: this is a cat that loves contact and depends on it to feel good.
Therefore, close your windows and leave your cat free around the house so that it can explore the environments and interact with humans. As for the rest, the Maine Coon is a normal cat whose needs are similar to those of other felines.
What can change a little also refers to the curiosities of this breed. For example, he has daytime and not nighttime habits, unlike most cats. Plus, he loves playing with water, which increases his entertainment options!
10 Instagram pages for cat lovers
Who lives together with a cat, knows the figure well. In addition to being super cute and affectionate, cats can also be very funny.
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