
Leptospirosis in cats and dogs: see all about it!

One of the crucial precautions for tutors refers to leptospirosis in cats and dogs. Meet this silent disease today.


Find out all about leptospirosis in cats and dogs

Descubra tudo sobre a leptospirose em gatos e cachorros
Find out all about leptospirosis in cats and dogs

Cases of leptospirosis in cats and dogs are alarming. After all, they can lead these pets to death. Likewise, they are zoonoses, that is, they affect humans as well.

This is a disease that has long been linked to cats. However, according to experts, these are the animals that least present themselves as carriers of them. In fact, it is much more common for it to hit dogs than cats.

In any case, whatever organism it is in, it is dangerous. After all, it can cause tissue destruction, causing organ damage. And this is very dangerous, and can even lead to death.

Therefore, knowing about leptospirosis in cats and dogs is essential knowledge for pet owners. Below, then, check out everything about the silent disease, its dangers, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

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Which animal transmits leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a disease that is largely associated with stray rats. And that's no wonder, because all over the world they have infection with the Leptospira bacteria. However, rodents live peacefully with it, which does not cause them problems or reactions.

However, rat fluids are capable of transmitting this bacteria to other animals. Thus, it is possible for cats to contaminate themselves by ingesting an infected mouse.

Or else when they come into contact with his fluids. The same goes for dogs. Both, therefore, can pass the disease on to humans.

It should be noted that humans are not the final host of the bacteria. In fact, your infection happens accidentally. However, if it occurs, it can cause serious problems, just like leptospirosis in cats and dogs.

What are the symptoms of leptospirosis in cats?

Qual o sintoma de leptospirose em gato?
What are the symptoms of leptospirosis in cats?

When we talk about leptospirosis in cats and dogs, we also need to know how to identify its presence in pets.

Felines have more easily identifiable symptoms than dogs. They are: lack of appetite, vomiting, changes in the color of the mucous membranes and fever.

So, if your cat has any of these symptoms and they persist for more than a day, contact your veterinarian immediately. The sooner your kitten is examined, the greater the chances of healing and avoiding sequels.

How to know if the dog has leptospirosis?

On the other hand, it is not just cats that are affected by leptospirosis. Although many people still associate it with cats, it is even more common in dogs. And in that case, your symptoms may take longer to appear. This then makes it even more dangerous.

Among the symptoms it causes in dogs is also the change in the color of the mucous membranes. Here, note the appearance of a yellowish tinge to the gums and eyes.

Also, he tends to have fever, vomiting and loss of appetite, just like in cats. Other symptoms that may appear correspond to the presence of blood in the urine.

Again, the onset of symptoms requires immediate care. After all, it is common for the dog to start showing symptoms only when the disease has already started to advance by leaps and bounds. So always pay close attention to your pet!

How to cure leptospirosis in cats and dogs?

There is no homemade recipe for curing leptospirosis in dogs and cats. Therefore, do not postpone the search for veterinary help. Time runs against you and your pet in that case. Thus, the sooner there is care, the greater the chances of cure.

Also, the treatment for the cure is in charge of the veterinarian responsible for the care and follow-up of your pet. After all, he will take tests and give a diagnosis. From this, you will choose the best path to restore the pet's well-being.

In some cases, leptospirosis in cats and dogs requires hospitalization for professionally supervised care. In other situations, however, only medication at home and hydration of the pet. The sooner help is sought, the easier it will be to treat it.

How to prevent leptospirosis in cats and dogs?

Como prevenir a leptospirose em gatos e cachorros?
How to prevent leptospirosis in cats and dogs?

Finally, it is not enough to know how to treat leptospirosis in cats and dogs. It is crucial that there is prevention against this disease caused by bacteria. Not just for your pet's well-being, but for yours as well! After all, zoonosis can also affect humans.

And, know, prevention is simpler than it looks! And with that, the dangers that leptospirosis poses to everyone are avoided.

To begin with, avoiding your pet's access to the street is crucial to prevent leptospirosis in cats and dogs. Especially for felines. Thus, they are not in danger of coming into contact with rats or other contaminated animals.

In addition, circulation control avoids other dangers inherent to the street. For example, infections with other diseases. Still, violence or even running over. Likewise, it helps to control the population of stray animals.

See more about ways to prevent it here

Another important issue is the care in cleaning the place of residence, especially when you live in a house with land. This avoids the presence of mice that can transmit diseases to your pets.

As for dogs, also avoid their free movement on the street. However, since they need walks, create some habits. First, never leave him without a guide on the tours. In the same way, clean the animal's paws when you return home.

You can also opt for special “socks” for walks. With this, your dog does not come into contact with any type of fluid that exists on the street. Another important issue is to avoid walks in times of more intense rainfall. With them, after all, the risks of contamination increase.

With this care, then, you avoid leptospirosis in cats and dogs. However, it protects your pet and its health. Finally, always remember to be aware of any type of symptom that your pet presents.

If so, contact your veterinarian immediately. The sooner you act, the smaller the dangers!

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