
Your cat's human age: how to find out?

Did you know that it is possible to find out the human age of the cat? See here, today, how to calculate and be surprised by the age of your feline!


Find out what your cat's human age would be

Qual a idade humana do seu gato
What is your cat's human age?

Maybe your feline is older than you, you know? That's because the human age of the cat is quite fast. By the way, if you thought that calculation was the same as that of dogs, forget about it!

Cats develop much faster than dogs. So, know that a 02-year-old dog is younger than a 01-year-old cat. Amazing, isn't it? And just to give you an idea of how different felines are, at 02 years old they are 25 human years old.

Thus, it is clear from the outset that their development is much faster! Anyone who has a cat realizes, day by day, how they learn things and adopt behaviors and routines. And that's not just in appearance, their organism also develops quickly.

Another interesting point regarding the calculation of the cat's human age is that it does not advance at the same rate. That is, until the age of 03, each year has a correspondence in human age. From the 4th year, then, this stabilizes.

So how about learning your pet's human age right now? For that, keep reading. Below, you'll find everything about how to calculate your cat's age. Also, in case you don't know it from normal calculations, here's how to find out how old he is!

How to calculate the human age of a cat?

As mentioned above, cats develop very quickly. Between 01 month and 01 year they become hunters, have daily hygiene habits and get a routine. In addition, they recognize stimuli and learn forms of communication (the meow of hunger, sand or water!).

Want an example? Feline gestation is only 08 weeks. That's right, 02 months! Their development, therefore, is rapid from the feline uterus. In addition, they become less dependent in a month, open their eyes and become interested in their surroundings.

That said, be prepared to be surprised at the cat's human age. It is quite possible that your feline companion is older than you are.

Understand the relationship between feline age and human age

Idade humana do seu gato
Your cat's human age

This stems from the fact that 01 cat year corresponds to 15 human years. That's right! A single feline year corresponds to more than 02 canine years, which add up to 07 human years each year.

Well, the first year is 15 human years. The second, in turn, is 10 years old in human age. As we said, in the first 03 years this evolution varies. This is due to the fall in the development of the cat.

In the third year, then, the cat adds 04 years. And from that age, every year he will add another 04 years. For example, consider calculating the human age of a cat that is 5 years old:

  • First year: 15 years;
  • Second year: 10 years;
  • Third year: 04 years;
  • Fourth year: 04 years;
  • Fifth year: 04 years.

The total, then, is 37 human years. A 6-year-old cat is 41 human years old, while a 7-year-old cat is 45 human years old, and so on. 

But how can I find out the cat's human age if I don't know how old it is (365 days, "Normal")? Don't worry, you'll be able to satisfy your curiosity. Below, we separate tips on how to find out the age of your feline.

This is interesting even for your cat's health issues. By adopting him directly from the street, for example, you don't have age information. And it directly influences food, veterinary care and vaccines.

Despite this, when adopting with a feline NGO you usually have the estimated age of the cat. Who can say for sure, will be a veterinarian. However, follow the signs below to know or check the date of the kitty!

Adult cat age

On the other hand, an adult cat is one that is between 01 and 07 years old. During this period, teeth show signs of tartar. This is revealed in the yellow color that takes over the felines' teeth.

At the end of adult life, the feline's teeth tend to show the beginning of wear.

The change in behavior here takes place gradually. The cat is very active in the first years of its adult life. For this reason, he continues to be interested in games and hunting (even a butterfly). Gradually, over the years, he settles down. That's natural.

However, it is normal for him to alternate some moments of laziness and others of intense play. Therefore, it becomes active for a long time.

kitten cat

Veja a idade humana do seu gato
See your cat's human age

Kittens are the easiest to recognize. Firstly because in the first month they don't open their eyes completely and are completely dependent. Already at 03 months they are already able to use the litter box, have hygiene and routine habits.

It is around this age, too, that they become interested in games and hunting. Other indications of a cat's human age, as well as its "normal" age, are its teeth.

When he already has permanent and white teeth, this is an indication that the feline is 04 months old (16 weeks old). It is worth remembering that cats are considered kittens up to 01 year old.

elderly cat

Finally, the elderly cat is one that already has 07 years or more. The sign of this, in addition to more advanced tooth wear, is the loss of some of them. This is natural and occurs from the age of 10, mainly.

However, the absence of teeth, when adopting an elderly cat, may indicate that he is 10 to 15 years old. Cats, after all, live a long time, much to our delight!

As for behavior, the cat becomes more lazy, tends to eat less and interact less frequently. However, it remains an anytime companion.

What are the diseases that attack cats?

In the past, when there were no vaccines, humans and animals were subject to the constant risk of contracting diseases and dying.

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