
Deaf cats: causes, prevention and care

Do you know what feline deafness is? Do you know how to prevent? How to deal with a deaf cat? Find out more about this condition, and learn how to care for your deaf cat.


One of the least discussed problems when we think about cats is feline deafness. Can cats be or become deaf? The answer, unfortunately, is that yes, they can. The quiet part is: a deaf cat can live as comfortable and happy a life as a hearing cat.

However, do you know what feline deafness is? How to identify and prevent? How to deal with this problem if it affects your friend? And, the question every cat owner has asked, and which is a 50% of Google search results about deaf cats:

Seeking these and other answers, we researched for you. Check out this post for your definitive guide on feline deafness!

Feline deafness: what is it?

When we talk about feline deafness, we are faced with two possible problems. The first is related to the anatomy of the cat's ear; the second, to the sensorineural part of the cat. Let's see:

1. Structural deafness

Structural deafness refers to some alteration in the anatomy of the cat's ears. Some organ trouble, as it were. The causes can be the most varied: an infection by an external agent (mites, bacteria, etc.), the presence of fluids, polyps (abnormal tissue growth) or tumors, scars or dislocations…

The “good” part in this case is that this type of deafness (when identified early) is usually temporary, and can be treated with medicine, ointments or operations. This means that:

You need to catch up on vet visits! Only this professional will know how to identify symptoms of deafness in your cat!

2. Neurosensory Deafness

Sensorineural deafness has its complicated name for a reason: because it relates to your cat's neurological sensors. That is, how the brain receives and interprets sound information.

This type of deafness is much more serious, because it is generally irreversible, and part of its causes may be related to genetic anomalies in the cat. Factors such as diseases and exposure of the cat to very loud sounds can also be the cause.

Does this mean that there are cat breeds that are more likely to go deaf than others?

In part. It is not exactly a breed, more a gene that changes some characteristics of the cat, such as the coat and eyes. Like this?

At the time of fertilization, a gene called W by veterinarians will be present and may influence, more or less, the genetic formation of cats. This influence of the W gene can make the cat be born with completely white fur, blue eyes (one or both) and can also influence the cat's hearing system.

So yes, white cats with blue eyes has a greater tendency to deafness, than cats of another color. But remember:

Having a tendency does not mean a rule.

White cats with blue eyes will not necessarily develop deafness.

Thus, the question arises: how to identify deafness in a cat?

Feline deafness: diagnosis

Diagnosing feline deafness is not always easy. First, because sometimes it's in just one ear. Second, because sometimes the action expected by the patient (the cat) is not due to deafness, but to mood swings.

For this reason, the veterinarian will order a series of tests to identify symptoms of deafness in the cat, or even the total impairment of the hearing aid.

Examinations may include otoscopy (an examination of the inner ear), medical histories, interview with the tutor, to identify behaviors. Screening for parasites, bacteria, and other invaders may also be required.

Finally, there is a test called BAER, which involves electrodes and is used to measure electrical activity in the brain – a painless test, by the way.

The most important thing to remember is this: if the deafness is temporary, it can be coped with. And if it is definitive, the veterinarian will know how to guide other specific care.

So you already know: Never stop going to the vet often!

Can I identify signs of feline deafness?

If you have suspicions, but don't know if they are justified or not, pay attention to some signs that may indicate that your cat is deaf - total or partial.

  1. Do you call your cat by name and he doesn't respond?
  2. You come home (noises at the door, with the keys) and he doesn't react?
  3. Is there a very loud noise (a car braking or a firework) and your cat is not scared?
  4. Does he seem to be more sensitive to scents?

These signs may indicate some deviation in the auditory system. But, as we said above, only the veterinarian will be able to give a diagnosis with 100% precision.

My cat is deaf: now what?

If your cat is deaf, temporarily or permanently, the first step is not to despair. Cats are some of the most adaptable domestic animals out there.

Think that your cat receives information about the environment that surrounds it through various organs. By the whiskers, the eyes, the mouth, the fur, the paws and the nose. All this is complemented by hearing. So, if the cat loses a skill, it will make up for it with others.

Also, some things are essential for your deaf cat to live well.

avoid scares

Your cat will not be aware of your presence by sound, and scaring them (arriving without them noticing) will make the kitty amis stressed.

Then, you can start to associate his presence with other things, like a perfume, a light turning on or off, a specific toy – for example, you throw a ball of cloth whenever you want to get his attention.

Retrain your cat

Contradicting the myth that cats cannot be educated and trained, they not only can, but ideally they should. Where to pee, where not to go, what is prohibited…

With a listening cat, this is a little easier, because he will associate the word “No” with an expected behavior. With a deaf cat, you will need other forms of communication.

Prefer facial expressions, hand gestures, or the old technique of rewarding behavior (you reward a correct action with a treat).

As we said in article about dressage, the water spray does not work. It will only make your cat angry, or scared. So, imagine now, that he lost one of his abilities, which means doing something, and suddenly… that cold water!

Keep your cat safe

If before the cat became deaf, going out into the street was no longer recommended (due to diseases, cars, other animals and mean people), now that he cannot hear it is simply prohibited.

Your cat is not going to hear a territorial dog bark if he eventually jumps into a yard. You won't hear a car if it's driving at night. Won't hear you calling him back...

If walking is essential for your cat (but it's not always), prefer to put the collar on him.

Make your deaf cat interact with other animals in the house

If you have other animals at home, if they get along well with your cat, it's time for collaboration.

Promote pranks between pets, with toys. Stimulate coexistence. Make your deaf cat and the other pets share spaces when you are not present.

Your deaf cat will copy other pets (especially if they are cats). He will be guided by the other pets, either when he hears you call, or when he hears a possible threat.

the most important thing is

Remember, a deaf cat can still do pretty much everything a non-deaf cat can do. And the main thing is to love you (in the cat style of loving). For that, you just have to be there, careful, dedicated and patient, ready to donate for your deaf cat.

Feline deafness is a problem. But it's a problem your cat, with your help and affection, will overcome in no time!

And you, have you ever had or have a deaf cat? How did he go deaf? What was it like to adapt and take care of him? Tell us in the comments

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