
Peterbald cat: learn all about this breed here!

The Peterbald cat is a recent breed that appeared in Russia in mid-1994. However, the breed was only recognized in 1997 and is still quite rare around the world. So, if you want to know all the characteristics of this exotic cat, check it out here!


Discover all about the Peterbald cat breed

Afinal, você já conhece o gato Peterbald? Fonte: Unsplash.
After all, do you already know Peterbald the cat? Source: Unsplash.

With ancestors like Don Sphynx, Oriental Shorthair, Russian Blue and Siamese, the Peterbald cat appears in Russia. By the way, this is a very recent breed that appeared around 1994 in St. Petersburg. So Peterbald cats may have the hairlessness gene, or there may also be specimens that do not inherit baldness.

In addition, these cats are very intelligent and companions and like to stay indoors. Therefore, it might be a good option for older people who don't tend to spend a lot of time outside. So, want to know more about the breed? Just keep reading and we'll bring you all the main characteristics of the Peterbald cat! Check out!

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What is the peterbald cat?

Mas, afinal, você conhece essa raça? Fonte: Pexels.
But after all, do you know this breed? Source: Pexels.

So, the breed is quite recent and the crossings to obtain it started in Russia in mid-1994. However, the breed was only recognized in 1997 and has attracted a lot of attention due to its appearance of a hairless Oriental cat. Thus, the characteristic baldness in these cats comes from a genetic alteration caused by a dominant gene.

Although a Peterbald cat is expected to be hairless, it is quite common to find normal-coated kittens in a litter. Incidentally, there are cats of the breed that have hair smaller than 5 millimeters, and their touch resembles the texture of a peach. There are also those who have common hair, greater than 5 millimeters.

Furthermore, there is no pattern or characteristic color of the breed. That is, all colors and fur patterns are accepted.

Well, the Peterbald resembles the Oriental Shorthair cat a lot. In this sense, he is a slender cat with a muscular and elegant body, quite resistant. Its head is long and triangular, with a thin, long snout and pointed ears.

Also, their eyes are medium in size, almond shaped and not bulging. Like the Peterbald cat's coat, the eyes are also not breed-specific. Therefore, they can be of different colors.

Generally speaking, the Peterbald cat is an affectionate and friendly cat, in addition to being quite vocal. So, if you take the time to give your Peterbald some attention, they are sure to be best friends for life.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

Firstly, the Peterbald cat is a fairly recent breed, being made official only in 1997. Its breeder, Olga Mironova, sought to obtain a hairless cat that was different from the Sphynx, with an appearance more characteristic of the Oriental cat. Thus, it is important to say that the breed is still in development.

Therefore, the Peterbald cat is still not very well known, being more popular in Europe. Thus, a puppy of the breed costs around $5,000.00 dollars. By the way, some have already put him on the list of the most expensive cats in the world!

How big does it get and how long does it live?

So, the Peterbald cat is a rather slender breed with long, muscular legs. Thus, he tends to be a larger cat than his Oriental and Sphynx ancestors and is considered a medium breed. That is, its height varies between 20 cm and 25 cm.

Furthermore, Peterbald cats are robust, resistant and usually weigh between 3kg and 5kg. However, some larger specimens can weigh even more. Therefore, cats of this breed are agile and elegant, with long paws.

Because it is a hairless cat, or even with very short hair, as is the case with puppies with 5 millimeters of hair, for example, it is important to keep an eye on climate variation. In this sense, it is necessary to keep the Peterbald cat warm on cold days, and protect them from the sun on warmer days since they do not have thicker hair to perform this function. Furthermore, this breed does not have genetic health problems, which make them resistant cats. That is, the breed has a longer life expectancy, on average 15 years.

How to breed a peterbald cat?

Então, como criar essa raça? Fonte: Unsplash.
So how to breed this breed? Source: Unsplash.

First of all, this is a breed that is very attached to its owner. In this sense, he is a cat who will welcome his owner when he arrives, and also says goodbye to him at the door when he realizes he is going to leave. That is, the Peterbald cat does not like to be alone very much. So if you tend to spend long hours outside, this might not be the breed you're looking for.

Furthermore, Peterbald cats have a very calm and affectionate temperament. Thus, they are great with children and also get along very well with other animals. By the way, this cat does not like to leave the house very much, which makes them perfect for living in apartments or a smaller house.

Furthermore, this breed is very intelligent and playful. So, it's important that you separate time from your day to pay close attention to it. The Peterbald cat is also a vocal cat, which means he will love to talk to you, especially to get your attention and ask for affection.

Finally, this is a breed with a fast metabolism, which means that he will require more frequent and more balanced feeding. Furthermore, it is not a high maintenance cat, although regular visits to the veterinarian are encouraged. By the way, keep an eye on climate variations and protect your Peterbald from excessive cold and heat.

So, do you want to know another exotic and very affectionate cat breed? Well, access our content below and discover all the details of the Exotic Shorthair cat, a loving and patient breed that will delight you!

Exotic Shorthair Cat: Know everything about this breed

The Exotic Shorthair cat is an ideal family cat and gets along very well with children and other animals. Check out everything about this breed here!

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