
Oriental Havana Cat: learn all about this breed here!

In addition to being a very affectionate cat, the Oriental Havana has a very sociable personality. That is, it may be the ideal pet for those who have other animals of different species.


Discover all about the Oriental Havana cat breed

Então, conheça tudo sobre essa raça de gato. Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, know everything about this cat breed. Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, did you know that the Oriental Havana cat is a rare breed? Developed in the mid-1950s in England, this feline has a brown coat and large, green eyes. Furthermore, it is a slender and agile cat, with a very affectionate personality that delights its owners.

Although there are very few examples of the Oriental Havana cat in the world, breed breeders are still committed to generating more and more of these cats. So, have you thought about getting a puppy from this cat? Do you want to know more about its history and personality? Well, just keep reading to find out all about it!

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What is the Oriental Havana cat?

Although there is a lot of controversy as to the origin of this cat, the first known kitten of Havana dates back to 1952. However, it is not known whether the birth of this feline was accidental or deliberate. According to experts, breeders of the Siamese cat breed had the goal of creating a brown cat.

Soon, the first kitten with a chocolate coat is born in England, which others followed in the next litters. So, it was in 1958 that the breed was finally officially recognized by feline clubs and its first specimens arrived in the United States. Thus began the spread of the Oriental Havana cat.

Breed standards call for an animal with a silky, chocolate-colored coat, the only color accepted. Incidentally, its name is due to the similarity of the brown tone with Cuban Havana cigars. Meanwhile, they also have large eyes, usually a very bright green color that end up standing out a lot against the dark fur.

In addition, its ears are pointed and separated, well set in the head, which has a more rounded shape. In addition, its body is lean and muscular, with strong and agile paws. In general, this feline is very playful and affectionate, which is why it delights breed fans. However, it is worth remembering that there are very few specimens in the world, being considered an endangered cat.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

Afinal, qual o valor do filhote? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what is the value of the puppy? Source: AdobeStock.

Although it is a highly desired breed for its beauty and personality, the Oriental Havana cat is a very rare feline to find. That is, be careful when looking for a cattery or breeding place to acquire your puppy. In that sense, always look for indications and reviews from other tutors to avoid headaches.

In addition, it is very important to demand the Pedigree of the breed and to know the ancestors of the puppy that you are going to take home. Therefore, visit the site to make sure the animals are healthy and that the establishment adheres to breed standards. However, it is worth remembering that you may not find a breeder or cattery for Havana in Brazil.

Furthermore, you can find breeders abroad, more specifically in the United States or England, from where you can import a puppy. Generally speaking, the Oriental Havana cat has a slightly above average value, ranging between US$1,000.00 and US$1,500.00 due to the difficulty in finding specimens of this feline.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

First of all, the Havana is a slim-looking cat, but with long, muscular legs. In this sense, their height tends to vary between 25 centimeters and 30 centimeters, the female being a little smaller than the male most of the time. However, its weight is not the greatest, ranging from 2.5 kg to 4 kg.

That is, although it is a slightly taller cat, it is a strong and slender feline, being considered a medium-sized cat. In addition, its athletic paws give it an agile and fast cat appearance, matching its playful personality. By the way, the Oriental Havana cat is a fairly healthy and disease-resistant animal.

However, there are some health problems that are characteristic of the breed, such as a propensity for kidney stones, or Urolithiasis. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a regular routine of visits to the veterinarian, performing tests regularly. Remember that urinary tract diseases are dangerous and need to be monitored frequently.

Finally, the Havana is not a very cold-tolerant cat. Thus, it is important to keep him warm in case the temperature reaches very low levels in his region, which could make the feline sick. When well taken care of, this cat can exceed 15 years of life! That is, it is indeed a strong and resistant animal!

How to breed an Oriental Havana cat?

Veja como criar essa raça. Fonte: AdobeStock.
See how to breed this breed. Source: AdobeStock.

If you have an Oriental Havana kitten and you are in doubt about its behavior, know that you have a very affectionate animal at home. In this sense, these felines are companion and affectionate pets, always friendly and sociable, they are excellent companions for children and the elderly.

Incidentally, these cats have a privileged personality, getting along with other animals even of different species. However, this is a feline that does not like to be alone, needing human interaction or with other animals during its day. Therefore, if you are away from home for long periods, this is not the ideal breed for you.

In addition, these cats are quite intelligent, even if they have a moderate energy level. That way, a few scratching posts and toys will be enough to keep him entertained during the day. Also, these pets love to nap on their tutor's lap, drawing attention whenever they feel alone.

The Oriental Havana cat is also very patient with children, being a faithful and affectionate animal with the little ones. Don't be surprised if you find your Havana carrying your personal items in its mouth, such as socks and small objects, as they are very playful. How can you not fall in love with this breed?

Well, if you like affectionate and companionable felines, how about knowing everything about the Munchkin cat? This dwarf cat breed is, in addition to being adorable and cuddly, one of the most affectionate breeds among felines. Its soft fur and short paws give it a docile and loving look, which is true. Check out all about it below!

Dwarf cat: meet the Munchkin breed

The Munchkin is a domestic breed of dwarf cat. It has short legs due to a natural genetic mutation. It looks like a miniature cat.

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