
Ocicat cat: learn all about this cat breed!

The Ocicat cat is of wild descent and has a shiny, piebald coat. By the way, this is a slender cat, in addition to being very affectionate. So, check out everything you need to know before adopting an Ocicat!


Discover all about the Ocicat cat breed

Confira tudo sobre a raça. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out everything about the breed. Source: AdobeStock.

Elegant, loving, and with a wild air, the Ocicat breed appeared in the United States in 1964. In that sense, it was an attempt to create a Siamese cat with stripes, and the breed was recognized only in 1966. Furthermore, the Ocicat cat is quite affectionate and loves the company of its owner. So, want to know more about this breed? Check out all about it below.

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What is the Ocicat Cat?

Mas, afinal, qual é esse gato? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But what is this cat anyway? Source: AdobeStock.

Well, this breed of cat emerged in the 1960s to imitate a wild cat. Thus, it has a very characteristic coat, with stripes and dark spots in several different colors. Incidentally, the Ocicat cat breed has participated in several championships since 1987. However, it is not very common to find in Brazil.

So, the coat of the Ocicat cat is soft in texture, and glossy in appearance, in addition to having a mottled pattern. Furthermore, the breed is large in size, and the cats tend to be long and slender.

With its well-defined muzzle, it has large almond-shaped eyes with the famous “mask”. That is, darker lines around the eyes and cheeks. In addition, its tail is long and its hair is generally short and fine. In this way, its maintenance is not very difficult and weekly brushing is recommended.

Furthermore, the Ocicat cat is very agile, playful and very sociable. In general, the breed gets along well with everyone in the house, but it usually chooses one person to love unconditionally. Therefore, it is interesting that he has company, since he does not like to be alone for long periods.

Although he is a sociable and affectionate cat, he needs training to deal with children. However, each cat has a different personality, and yours may not find it difficult to live with children.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

So, the Ocicat cat is known to be a dog in a cat's body. In that sense, it is an intelligent cat that you can teach some tricks and games. In addition, this breed has a characteristic coat of a wild cat, although it is extremely affectionate and companion.

Incidentally, the breed emerged in the United States and today participates in many competitions to show off its bright and spotted coat. Thus, when encountering an Ocicat cat, we could easily mistake it for a wild cat, were it not for its personality.

The breed is not very common in Brazil, it can be difficult to find accredited breeders. Therefore, be wary of puppies sold for less than R$1,200.00, as a specimen of this breed can cost R$3,000.00.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Então, qual seu tamanho? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So what's your size? Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, it is important to remember that the Ocicat cat came from a wild lineage in an attempt to create a Siamese cat with stripes. Thus, the Ocicat breed accidentally appeared in the United States, with spotted fur and large size, quite reminiscent of its wild ancestor, the Ocelot.

Thus, an Ocicat cat can vary in height from 29cm to 31cm, and can weigh up to more than 7kg. However, this breed has a characteristic long and lean body, making it a graceful and slender cat.

In addition, the Ocicat cat is considered an easy-care cat, with an athletic build, without presenting many health problems. However, it may have gingivitis throughout its life, in addition to some genetic diseases from the breed's ancestors. In these cases, the puppies are neutered and do not produce offspring.

Therefore, the Ocicat cat is a healthy cat that will not require a lot of special care, just brushing, attention and lots of love. Their life expectancy is around 13 years, but there are cats that live longer. By the way, it is important to remember that you carry out routine visits with your cat to the veterinarian.

How to breed an Ocicat Cat?

First of all, if you intend to have a cat of this breed, it is important that you have time to keep your new furry friend company. That's because the Ocicat cat is very attached to its owner, and doesn't like to be left alone for long periods.

Furthermore, the breed has a docile temperament, curious, playful and extremely affectionate. In fact, the Ocicat is known as a dog in a cat's skin, as it usually asks for affection, is a cat that is faithful to its owner and even learns tricks such as fetching the ball.

Therefore, only its appearance resembles that of a wild cat, as its personality is the complete opposite.

Furthermore, Ocicat cats are cats that need space to expend their energy, so it is interesting to invest in vertical toys and scratching posts. By the way, take the time to play with him too, as this breed loves attention.

Although it is an active cat that likes exercise and challenges, the Ocicat cat is a real foodie! Therefore, discipline is needed not to give in to its meows, as the Ocicat can become obese if it eats more food than necessary.

Finally, this breed is also known for its easy maintenance. In summary, keep the hair brushing up to date, make routine appointments with the veterinarian, and provide an environment rich in activities and games. And, of course, give your furry friend lots of love and affection!

By the way, do you want to know more cat breeds before definitively choosing which one best matches your profile? So check out everything about the Angora cat below!

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