
Braid hairstyle: how to make a built-in braid to rock the look?

Doing a French braid is easier than you might think. The step by step is simple and you can create stylish variations to rock the looks of any occasion, such as weddings, graduations and more!


Discover how to make a perfect braid: infallible tips for you to learn!

Confira como fazer a trança. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out how to braid. Source: AdobeStock.

Overall, there are few hairstyles that are as versatile as a braid. In fact, there are several different types of this arrangement, from the simplest to the most elaborate. So, if you want to do a French braid, for example, to go to a wedding or even to go to the gym, there is the ideal hairstyle for the occasion!

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However, many believe that this type of braid is something complex to do at home, but this is not the case. In fact, doing a French braid can only take a few minutes, and you'll still rock a classic and beautiful hairstyle! So, do you want to learn how to do this very popular hair arrangement? Just check it out below!

What is a built-in braid?

Afinal, o que é uma trança embutida? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what is a built-in braid? Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, did you know that braiding hair is an African custom? Well, this style dates back thousands of years and there are records of people from the Namibian region who braided their hair as early as 3,500 BC According to historians, braids were used to differentiate peoples, religions, social status, among other categories.

Currently, the braid is so present in our daily lives that it is already considered a style. In this way, many use it as a hairstyle to complement the look, bringing fashion information to the composition. What's more, doing a French braid makes for a cute and neat hairstyle for any occasion!

Although there are many types of braids, the built-in braid remains one of the most popular. In this sense, this is the style we see starting at the top of the head, following close to the scalp until the end of the hair. However, there are different ways of doing this type of braiding, achieving true works of art in the threads.

What are the types of built-in braid?

First off, there are a few different ways to do a French braid. Although they all bring a unique style to your look, the method for creating this hairstyle works very similarly. That is, if you know how to do the most basic braid, learning the other types is much easier. See some variations of this hairstyle below.


This is the most common braid braid, certainly the most popular and easiest to do. In this sense, the look consists of braided strands from the top of the head, down to the end of the length of the hair. By the way, it is a perfect hairstyle for warmer days, keeping the strands away from the face in a stylish way.


Although not very well known, this braid has a method very similar to the Classic. In other words, doing an inverted French braid is as easy as the other! This hairstyle also starts at the top of the head and goes to the end of the length of the hair, but the braid is done underneath, leaving the braid more prominent.


Need an easy hairstyle to go to a party or wedding? Then you need to learn how to do a waterfall braid! In this hairstyle, the braid is usually on the side of the head, acting as a frame. Thus, one of the locks is always left loose, giving the look an air of complexity, even though it is quite simple to do.


Lastly, one of the simplest styles to achieve is the herringbone braid. This hairstyle is done with just two locks of hair instead of three, but the result is simply one of the most beautiful on our list! This way, you will have a sophisticated look on your locks in just a few minutes.

How to make a built-in braid: check out the step-by-step to create your looks!

Então, confira o passo a passo para fazer sua trança raiz. Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, check out the step by step to make your root braid. Source: AdobeStock.

Well, as you can see, there are many different styles of French braids to choose from. In fact, there are countless ways to use the basic technique, creating different and stylish looks for any occasion. So, do you want to learn how to do a built-in braid to rock your productions? See a simple step by step below!

Separate the locks

First of all, like any other braid, you need to separate the three strands at the top of the head. Remember that this is where your French braid will start, so the height is up to your personal taste. Generally speaking, the taller you are, the more prominent the hairstyle is.

start braiding

Just like a normal braid, start by passing the right strand over the center one and repeat the movement with the left strand. By the way, it is worth mentioning that, to make an inverted French braid, you will pass the strands under, not over! But the rest of the process is the same.

add hair

Well then, after braiding the strands just once, pull another amount of hair at the same height and incorporate the outside strand. Do this with the left and right sections and braid the hair one more time like you did at the beginning. Then add more hair to the right and left sections again and keep repeating the process until you reach the nape of the neck.


As you can see, doing a French braid basically consists of braiding the strands and adding more hair. This will create the effect that the braid is rooted to your scalp. After reaching the nape of the neck, just continue braiding until the desired height and tie the hair with the elastic of your choice. See how simple it is?

By the way, are you thinking that your hair is very frizzy and the built-in braid ends up showing the unruly strands? Well, don't worry! You can use a natural and homemade product to help reduce frizz and even recover your dry hair. Want to know how? So check out how to use coconut oil on your locks below!

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