Brushing a dog's teeth: how to do it correctly?
Brushing a dog's teeth is a very important task. So, find out today tips on how to take care of your dog's teeth and his health!
Discover how to brush a dog's teeth easily
Brushing dog teeth is just as important as brushing human teeth. After all, the accumulation of leftover food can also generate bacteria, tartar and oral diseases.
Therefore, it is essential that you have a routine for your dog's oral hygiene. This is important to maintain the pet's health and well-being. And to do so, just a few simple steps are needed.
If you don't know where to start or what are the essential care, don't worry. Today we prepared a step-by-step guide to brushing a dog's tooth. Also, what to use, when and how to do it.
So, continue your reading and check out everything about your pet's teeth. With our tips you will be able to keep it healthy, without pain or bad breath. So, see below how you take care of dogs' teeth.
Is it necessary to brush the dog's teeth?
Yes. Just as humans need daily brushing of their teeth, dogs do too. After all, during meals they accumulate food remains in their teeth and gums. And if they remain there, they can cause the development of bacteria.
Not only from them, but also from oral diseases. Among the most common and known are gingivitis, tartar accumulation and plaque formation. These then can lead to teeth falling out as well as pain from cavities.
That way, the solution is really to brush the dog's tooth. Only in this way is it possible to leave the pet's mouth free of bacteria and possibilities for the development of diseases. Still, that's how you leave your pet with good breath.
Therefore, it is clear that brushing canine teeth goes far beyond the aesthetic issue. In fact, this is a way to maintain your pet's well-being. Equally, to rid you of pain and the risks of developing diseases.
Below, then, see how to brush your pet's teeth. With this, you guarantee the oral and dental hygiene they deserve. In the same way, it protects them and guarantees great advantage of every moment!
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Check out some tips for running with dogs today. With them you can safely join your exercises to those of your pet!
Can you brush a dog's teeth with regular toothpaste?
No. It is essential that when brushing your dog's teeth you use suitable materials. That is, toothpaste fit for canines. Otherwise, it could cause intoxication, for example. Therefore, it is crucial that you use dog paste.
Also, the toothbrush must also be suitable for canine mouths. With that, you can better manipulate it inside the pet's mouth. In the same way, it guarantees that it will go through all the teeth and recesses.
How to brush a dog's tooth: step by step!
Finally, see the step-by-step guide on how to properly brush your pet's teeth. Thus, succeed in taking care of your pet's teeth and ensure its health and well-being.
Choose a suitable place and time
First of all, before you go out brushing your pet's teeth, you need to get organized. Brushing time is very important, as it is necessary to ensure that the dog acquires the habit. Also, that it is as calm as possible to carry out the cleaning.
Thus, it is not indicated to use the times after meals. In these cases, digestion can make you grumpy. And this will get in the way (and a lot) in controlling the restlessness and even in the calm of the pet.
In addition, you should determine the time to brush your dog's teeth according to your routine. After all, you have to use the same period, daily, to perform the brushing. This is important for him to understand the activity as a habit.
So think about your routine and willingness to brush your pet's teeth every day at that time. A good tactic is to use the early evening or late afternoon times. At that moment, dogs tend to be more tired and relaxed.
Get the materials you need to brush your dog's teeth
Still, before you start brushing your dog's teeth, get the necessary supplies. They match the brush to your pet. Also, toothpaste suitable for dogs. It is essential to use your own materials.
Thus, in case of ingestion of the paste by the pet, this will not pose any danger to the dog. Therefore, always think about the safety of the dog.
Brush calmly and without applying force
When brushing, apply a small amount of paste to the brush and moisten it. Then slowly start brushing the dog's teeth. It is very important that you are careful not to force the brush. Otherwise, you could hurt your gums and even cause bleeding.
Also, analyze the state of the pet's mouth. In some cases it is better, before starting to brush the dog's teeth at home, to take him to the veterinarian. With this, the professional can analyze the pet's mouth.
You can also do a preliminary cleaning to remove tartars. Also, give instructions for you to take care of the dog's teeth on a daily basis. Therefore, remember to have the different materials and also to always count on veterinary guidance.
Use treats as ways to congratulate yourself after brushing a dog's teeth
Finally, a good strategy is to use, at the end of teeth cleaning, a snack. With this, the dog realizes that its behavior is being rewarded. Still, relate the time to brush your teeth with something good.
So make use of that positive psychology. Your dog tends to become calmer and more patient over time. But still, you can help him speed up this custom. It is enough, then, to relate the rewards with the moment.
Another interesting issue is that today there are several dental snacks. That is, at the same time that they please the pets, they help in cleaning their teeth. Also, in maintaining good breath.
So apply these tips to brush your dog's teeth successfully. With them you keep your pet safe and also promote its well-being.
Do you brush your cat's teeth?
Did you know that cats need to brush their teeth? An act of hygiene that is not talked about much, even among the most dedicated tutors, cleaning your furry's fangs.
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