
Tips for winning a giveaway on Instagram: increase your chances of getting a prize!

In addition to promoting brands and products, Instagram sweepstakes also please users. Those who enjoy participating can take advantage of some tips that will increase the chances of winning, so get to know them here!


Raffle on Instagram: see 4 tips to win!

Confira algumas dicas para participar de sorteio. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out some tips for participating in the draw. Source: AdobeStock.

Did you know that you can take advantage of tips to win a giveaway on Instagram? After all, in addition to pleasing the audience that participates, many brands use this method to generate engagement on social networks.

And who doesn't like to win a raffle, right? Whether it's a makeup kit, cell phone, book... It's always good to get a treat from a page that we've been following for a while.

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And the best thing is that there are some techniques and tricks to increase the chances of winning the prizes, even if it is not possible to guarantee a victory with certainty.

Either way, it's worth trying some of these Instagram giveaway tips when entering. So read on and check out some tricks!

How do giveaways work on Instagram?

Afinal, como funciona? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, how does it work? Source: AdobeStock.

First, it is worth knowing that the purpose of holding a draw on social networks is to advertise and publicize products and brands, services and works.

In this sense, companies use their own profiles or even digital influencers to organize the raffle, which generally works for a limited time and has specific rules.

In general, the brand that carries out the draw determines an official content and post where the rules are listed. In fact, what companies are most looking for on social networks is to increase their followers and visibility.

Therefore, among the tips for giving away on Instagram, see that it is very important to pay attention to its regulation. Generally, you should tag a friend in the comments or share official giveaway content.

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And remember that, even if it seems like something easy and advantageous to participate in, it is important to always verify the veracity and authenticity of the sweepstakes on social networks.

This is because, when deciding on the person who will win the draw, there are specific digital platforms where the names of the participants are uploaded so that the draw takes place automatically.

So, avoid participating in many at the same time and always check if the organizer profile information is true before participating and if the owner or company of the raffle really exists.

Raffle on Instagram: check out 4 tips to win!

Então, confira algumas dicas! Fonte: AdobeStock.
So check out some tips! Source: AdobeStock.

Well, check out some tips for drawing on Instagram that can help you win! After all, who doesn't want to take home amazing prizes for nothing?

But attention! Remember that draws are carried out by digital platforms randomly and automatically. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee that your name will be drawn on social networks.

However, by following these tricks, you can take advantage of increasing your chances when you choose to participate in a raffle for a product or service that interests you.

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Follow the giveaway hashtag

Did you know that there are hashtags for the giveaways that happen on Instagram? Well, if you want to choose the best prizes or the products that are most like you, you can choose to follow the hashtags!

So, just use the search tool and search for brands and awards that you are interested in. For example, use the keyword sweepstakes and add the name of the brand you want to participate in.

Or, just search for the giveaways that are happening on Instagram and see which ones are worth participating in. If you choose to follow the hashtag, you will be notified whenever a new giveaway for that brand or product appears.

Keeping an eye on the rules

As we've said before, one of the most important tips to win an Instagram giveaway is to follow the rules correctly to guarantee your participation.

In this sense, it is necessary to access the official content of the draw, such as the photo or video, for example, and check all the prerequisites to be able to participate.

This is because, as soon as the digital tools carry out the drawing automatically, the organizers must verify that the person has in fact followed all the imposed rules.

In case of non-compliance, a new draw is held and the person loses his chance! So check carefully so you don't get disappointed later!

Comment more than once a day

Most of the time, the main rule of a giveaway is to leave comments below the official photo or video, tagging one or more friends.

Thus, companies ensure greater reach and visibility of the content, working as an advertisement. However, many people leave only a few comments and are waiting for the result day.

So if you want tips to win Instagram giveaway, this is the main one! Comment more than once a day, everyday!

By the way, avoid tagging too many people in a short period of time, or the platform will end up blocking your account. Instead, choose to tag people throughout the day, ensuring more comments and more chances to win!

open profile

Well, are you going to participate in a giveaway on Instagram? So don't forget to leave your profile open! If you don't feel comfortable, you can choose to open only on the day of the draw.

But be careful not to forget! After all, if your profile is private, the organizers will not be able to verify compliance with some rules.

That is, you may end up losing your chance of winning and being disqualified if you don't remember to open your profile on the day of the draw.

By the way, it's also important to keep an eye on your mailbox in case someone from the organization tries to get in touch with you. So be smart! Especially at draw time.

So, did you like our tips for winning an Instagram giveaway? How about entertainment app tips? Although not popular for holding sweepstakes, the Likee app is one of the biggest competitors of the giant TikTok!

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