
Can you leave a cat alone for how many days?

Even if your cat is an independent animal, watch out! This does not mean that he can be left alone at home for days. Here are alternatives on how not to stress or harm you for when you need to leave.


Find out if the cat is really independent to be left alone for several days

Mas, afinal, posso deixar meu gato sozinho? Fonte: Pixabay.
But after all, can I leave my cat alone? Source: Pixabay.

Although the cat has a very independent personality, these animals need care and attention from their guardians as much as any other pet. By the way, people mistakenly think that they can be away for days and their cat can be left alone at home. That thought is not true and neither is it safe for the kitty!

However, that doesn't mean cat owners can't go on trips or even go out to work. In fact, everything is a matter of planning and care to make the house safe for the cats that live there. Thus, you guarantee that you can be away for a short period without causing trauma to your pets.

But after all, how many days can your cat be left alone at home? Well, if you need to go on a trip, we've brought you some tips on how to prepare and prepare your kittens for your absence. That way, you can ensure everyone's health and well-being while you don't return home. So, check out all about it below!

Gato se esfregando em cachorro

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Can cats really be left alone?

Although they are known to be more reclusive and independent pets, this does not mean that cats can be left alone for a long time. In that sense, imagine that your cat is like a small child. While they can be entertained with toys and activities for a few hours, cats need human attention too!

Incidentally, it is common for many cat tutors who live alone to have to leave their animals at home while they are working. However, it is worth remembering that this only happens for a few hours! Therefore, if you are wondering how many days your cat can be alone at home, know that this is harmful to your health!

That is, the answer is no, your cat cannot be left alone for several days. If you need to be away for a long time, ask a friend to visit your kitty to socialize with him, put fresh water and food, and clean the litter boxes. Or, you can look for a hotel for cats to stay while you travel.

What happens when the cat is left alone for a long time?

Então, o que acontece com o gato? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So what happens to the cat? Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, it's important to remember that cats are routine animals. That is, they like and feel safe when their day to day follows a planned schedule, with times to eat, play and even use the litter box. So imagine what happens when you have to disappear from his life for a few days.

Well, cats that are left alone without any human intervention can end up stressing out, becoming anxious and developing health problems. Some cats may even stop feeding, and with high stress levels, you may come home only to find your pet very sick.

Furthermore, remember that cats are explorers and can climb high places, causing accidents and even injuring themselves. Therefore, do not risk thinking that for days your cat can be left alone at home without any problems! Make plans for your pets if you need to travel so they are safe and healthy when you return.

How long can a cat be left alone?

First, it is important to take into account your cat's personality and particularity before deciding how many days your cat can be left alone. For example, there are cats that don't like to be left at home even for a few hours. Meanwhile, others don't mind and may even spend the day sleeping.

In addition, you also need to think about your pet's age and whether it has any health issues. For kittens less than 1 year old, it is not interesting for them to be alone at home for more than a few hours. On the other hand, adult and healthy cats can spend a whole day alone without major problems.

However, remember that if you need to be away for more than one day, make arrangements for a friend, family member or even a professional to come to your house and take care of your pets. In addition, cat hotels are also great options for those who need to leave the house for a long time.

Care for those who need to leave the cat alone for 3 days to a week

Confira algumas dicas. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out some tips. Source: AdobeStock.

Well, now that you know that it is not at all recommended to leave your cat alone for days, know that there are some incredible tips to ensure the health and well-being of the cats in case you need to be away. Therefore, if you need to travel or even spend days away from home, be sure to check below.

This way, you can ensure that your cat will be more comfortable and safe and you can prevent it from becoming stressed or even sick. So, check out some simple tips for your cat to stay at home without major problems and include some changes in your travel planning.

Ask a neighbor, friend or relative for help

First of all, now that you know how many days your cat can be alone, you can ask someone to visit your house if you need to be away for more than 24 hours. So, talk to a friend or neighbor and ask them to come to your house at least once a day to interact with your pet.

Also, it's interesting to change the kitty's water, clean the sandboxes and even put more dry or wet food for the pet. It is worth remembering that games, affection and attention are also very welcome so that the kitten does not feel too lonely or stressed.

Leave cardboard boxes, toys and food

Well, if you need to be away for just one day, then you can choose to leave your cat alone at home until you return. However, make sure he has enough dry food until you get back! By the way, an automatic feeder can be a good option for those who often spend long hours away from home.

Also, leave clean and fresh water, as well as clean litter boxes so he can use it quietly. Another essential option is to provide hiding places such as cardboard boxes so that he can play and be distracted while he is alone. Besides, use and abuse toys and scratching posts around the house!


Regardless of the number of days your cat can be alone, it is very important that you leave the house safe for your pet! In that sense, do not leave open outlets or loose wires where it can get tangled up. So do a house sweep before you leave and make sure everything is secure.

Also, leave a few cracks of windows open to circulate the air, but avoid places where it can escape. Anything goes to minimize the risk of more serious accidents while you're away. And remember that it is never recommended to leave your cat alone for more than one day at home, ok?

Now, if your problem is not leaving the house, but taking the cat out of the house to take it to a veterinary appointment, for example, we can also help you. Check out a complete guide of everything you need to do to not stress your pet when you get him out of the house. Access our content below and see our tips!

Cat's first visit to the vet

If you are a first-time owner, or even if you have more than one pet, it is important to understand what to do on your cat's first visit to the veterinarian.

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