
Free online photography course for beginners

Whether shooting a wedding, landscapes, friends or food, the photographer must be experienced. How about starting a free online course for beginners to improve yourself? Meet some here.


Learn how to take an online photography course!

Saiba como fazer um curso online de fotografia. Fonte: Unsplash.
Learn how to take an online photography course. Source: Unsplash.

You know the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Maybe by taking a free online photography course for beginners, you'll start to understand better, because it's the purest truth. What would great reports be without photographs accompanying the text? Or advertising campaigns without an impactful image? The fact is: taking a good photo makes all the difference. But this requires skill on the part of the photographer.

It's not just about using a professional lens, with super-precise focus, or advanced lighting equipment. These devices help to produce the photo, but they are only useful if you know how to take a minimally good photo without them. If you don't have notions of framing, lighting and lines of composition, no camera will produce a good photo. On the other hand, if you know how, even your cell phone photos will look good.

Quoting, freely, the photographer Anselm Adams, a photo is not taken – but produced. Whether shooting a wedding or covering a civil war, the photographer must be extremely experienced in his craft. But it all starts from one place: the basic principles of photography. So, how about getting to know better what a free online photography course is like? Stay with us and find out everything you need to know!

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Understand the benefits of the free online photography course

Entenda os benefícios do curso online grátis de fotografia. Fonte: Unsplash.
Understand the benefits of the free online photography course. Source: Unsplash.

So whether you are a journalist, graphic artist, designer or simply someone who wants to learn and improve your photography skills, we have the right course for you. Escon – Escola de Cursos Online – is offering the Photography for Beginners course, completely free and online.

In it, you learn the history of photography, basic principles of photography and find out about the most different types of cameras (from old analogue cameras to complex professional digital cameras). You also know the first steps to walk the professional path of photography.

Whatever your area of interest and expertise, if you want to work with photography, master concepts of light and framing, and understand what a Pinhole, a Diaphragm and a Shutter is, it is vital to be on the course. You pay nothing and the contents are available 24 hours a day. This means you can study at your own pace and you can attend the same class as many times as needed.

In addition, the Escon course has several modules, with a minimum of 80 hours and a maximum of 280 hours. You only pay for issuing the certificate (if you are interested). But even without paying, you will have access to all the course contents, 24 hours a day – and completely remotely. That is, you study at the time you want, anywhere in the world, receiving a certificate recognized by the MEC.

What is a photography course like?

Conheça o conteúdo do curso online de fotografia. Fonte: Unsplash.
Discover the content of the online photography course. Source: Unsplash.
  • History of Photography
  • Physical Principle of Pinhole Light
  • Basic Principles of Photography
  • Digital Photography X Analog Photography
  • Manual X Semiautomatic Mode
  • Diaphragm and its Effects
  • Shutter and its Effects

What is the best free online photography course? Check out 4 options!

So, are you interested in the course? Do not waste time! So choose your free online course, and start this new training in your professional life today! But to help you, we separate four excellent free options to do online! Check out!

Prime Courses – Digital Photography

Because this Prime course is aimed at beginners who have never taken any photography course before. Thus, you learn from how to hold the camera correctly to lighting tricks, photo editing and more.

Udemy - Photography course

The Udemy platform offers free online photography courses and guarantees a lot of technical knowledge for the best photo capture. Just access the platform and search for the Photography category.

INEAD – Digital Photography

The National Institute of Distance Learning (INEAD) offers a basic digital photography course free of charge. Thus, you can learn about the History of Photography, how to use lights and colors, types of equipment and how to use them correctly, among other subjects. Just access the INEAD platform and search for the Photography category.

Fundação Bradesco – Introduction to Digital Photography

Fundação Bradesco is famous for having several free and online courses in its Virtual School. Thus, among the courses on the platform, you will find Introduction to Digital Photography, for beginners. In this course you will learn in four modules several tips and concepts to start taking pictures. However, it is not a professional course, just an amateur one.

So, we come to the end of our article. But if you're still looking for other types of free online courses, how about checking out our recommended content below? Until later!

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