
Pilates course: learn more about it and how to do it!

The pilates course has become popular across the country in recent years. With it, it is possible to strengthen the musculature and gain balance. Find out more here!


Learn more about taking an online pilates course

Curso de pilates
pilates course

Do you know the Pilates course? For it emerged from the creation of the technique by John Pilates. Over the decades, it presented new variants and also modalities.

Therefore, today this type of course is quite comprehensive. From the initial conception of the sport by the creator, other movements were added. For example, there are Pilates techniques that combine circus arts with it. And this is just one of the variants.

In a Pilates course, then, you find opportunities. First, to know different modalities. Or, to deepen in a specific technique that pleases you more. Either way, you become an expert on the subject.

In addition, with it you are able to train strengthening movements without needing teacher instructions. After all, after the course you already have all the knowledge to teach the activities. With that, you stop spending on studio classes and become your own teacher.

Still, depending on who takes the Pilates course, you can also become a third-party teacher. That is, you can teach classes to other people. With that, there is the transformation of Pilates into a profession.

Interested? So keep reading to learn more about the course in this modality. Below you will find all the relevant information. In the end, there is no doubt about how this type of course could be perfect for you.

How is the Pilates course?

Dúvidas sobre o curso de pilates
Questions about the pilates course

The courses for teaching Pilates are of the Free type. That is, they do not correspond to a higher education degree. Also, they do not find regulation by MEC (Ministry of Education) or diploma with recognition of this.

Therefore, courses to learn the arts of Pilates can be simpler. This does not mean, however, that they are not complex. After all, here are countless different exercises and techniques.

The Pilates course, then, is usually face-to-face. This is important so that you end up being an expert in correct posture, muscle contraction, among other things. Despite this, it is also possible to find alternatives online and at a distance.

Here, a very important point about Pilates. Although it is an open course (that is, without regulation by the MEC), the teaching profession is regulated. According to Brazilian legislation, only those with training in Physiotherapy or Physical Education can exercise it.

That is, when finding a course, it is important that you analyze whether those responsible have training in one of these areas. Likewise, you can only become a Pilates teacher if you have a degree in these areas.

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Main questions about pilates course

To put an end to doubts about Pilates courses, keep reading. Below you will find the answers to the main questions on the subject.

What is the cost of the course?

The cost of the course will vary according to a number of issues. Among them are the length of time, the experience of the teachers and the plurality of techniques. Likewise, the face-to-face course is more expensive (and also more complete).

In general, a good Pilates course costs between R$ 3 thousand and R$ 4 thousand. However, it is possible to opt for other simpler courses. In this sense, they are limited to one technique, for example. That way, they get more value.

Still, most courses allow the installment of the amount. That way, you can take the course and pay for it little by little with installments that fit in your pocket.

Who can take the Pilates Course?

Curso de pilates
pilates course

In principle, anyone can take the course in the area of Pilates. After all, this is a free course. Therefore, it only requires that the student be 18 years of age or older. Also, that you don't have delicate heart health conditions, for example.

In the case of pre-existing illnesses, it is very important that the student has medical advice. Thus, he usually needs to present a medical release certificate to take the course.

Although anyone can take the Pilates course, not everyone can use it professionally. That is, the exercise of the profession of Pilates teacher has limitations.

Brazilian law only gives this possibility to physiotherapists and physical educators. Therefore, those who do not have training in these areas will not be able to teach Pilates, even if they have a course in it.

However, this does not prevent taking the course for learning purposes. Many people seek the Pilates course precisely to apply knowledge about themselves. That is, to do exercises at home without having to pay a teacher.

That way, everyone can take the course to learn Pilates. However, only physical educators or physiotherapists can use it to teach classes.

What is the best training course to work in this area?

The best Pilates course will depend on what you are interested in. Also, to the ultimate goal in doing so. For example, consider that you are taking the course for self-application. That is, for yourself.

So the best course will be one that has the techniques you want to use. On the other hand, those with training in physical education or physiotherapy benefit from more complete courses. In this case, the more techniques you learn, the more students you can attract.

That way, we have that there is variety in the Pilates course. That's what makes the best vary with each student and their objective, availability of time and financial possibilities. Thus, what is best for you will not always be best for others.

In any case, the best Pilates course has some essential features. First, it is crucial that the teacher has training in Physical Education or Physiotherapy. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to teach.

Also, research more about the institution and the types of techniques they offer. Another good strategy is to search for students and alumni of the course. That way, you'll know if he delivers what he promises. Equally, whether or not it is a good alternative.

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