
Depilation course: find out everything about and how to do it!

The depilation course is one of the many opportunities to work in the area of beauty and aesthetics. Find out more about this opportunity here today.


Learn more about taking an online hair removal course

Entenda mais sobre fazer um curso de depilação online
Learn more about taking an online hair removal course

The depilation course trains the student to work with different types of hair extraction. Thus, it is comprehensive, presents several techniques and creates countless possibilities.

When we talk about depilation, it is natural that one that is aimed at women comes to mind. It is only in this context that we can see the numerous applications of the epilator's work. For example, for intimate, facial, leg, arm and armpit hair removal.

However, make no mistake. Waxing is not exclusive to women. More and more men are looking for hair extraction techniques for aesthetic purposes. Likewise, many times this search even has a sporting intention.

Regardless of the reason, it is clear that the hair removal course can find male and female clientele. And, for the professional, the more, the better. After all, it becomes possible to take advantage of a little explored market, as is the case of male waxing.

In the same way, you can offer your services to different types of customers. For professionals, the plurality of potential customers opens up more opportunities for profit. And here are several of them.

What are the main advantages of taking the course?

In this area of activity, the depilation course allows constant performance, since this is an area that is never in decline. Even in times of crisis, professionals in the aesthetic field find jobs that basically do not suffer impacts.

In the case of depilation, this is also due to the fact that we associate hair removal with hygiene. Thus, the search for this service remains constant. Therefore, betting on a hair removal course can be a way to pursue a stable profession.

However, many people still have doubts about the possibilities. Is it really possible to survive on a waxer's salary? Which courses to take and which ones are the best? How long do I need to study to start practicing the profession?

These are all questions that come up frequently. However, don't worry. Thinking about it, we separate for you the main information about professional waxing. Below, then, check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

Top questions about hair removal course

Principais dúvidas sobre curso de depilação
Top questions about hair removal course

Depilation at the beauty salon or studio with a professional is natural for most Brazilian women. By the way, it is not for nothing that foreigners call the extraction of more hair “Brazilian style depilation”.

This, in itself, already demonstrates how normal the act of removing hair is for us. And that's not for nothing. We live in a tropical country where short, airy clothing is common. In addition, the presence of hair can increase the concentration of sweat, which is very unpleasant.

Thus, depilation is not only popular in Brazil. Likewise, it does not have taboos, being seen naturally by the Brazilian population. That makes it one of our nation's customs. And this custom and habit can turn into a profession.

So that there are no doubts left, check the items that follow for answers to the main questions about the depilation course. Also, about the exercise of the profession in this area, the profits and other relevant details.

How much does a hair removal professional make?

The waxing professional earns on average R$ 1,300. However, it varies, of course. For example, this is the average figure for workers who provide services in beauty salons and studios. That is, as employees in the private sector.

Those who work as a freelancer can earn much more. In this case there is the opportunity to work exclusively in this way. Or, alternatively, tying odd jobs to formal work at a third-party company.

Also, you can open your own business, like a studio. Also, you can opt for the itinerant practice of the business. In this case, to serve customers at home, going to them and not the other way around.

Finally, we emphasize that the salary of those who take a depilation course also varies according to the city and region of Brazil where they work. Equally, professional experience, dissemination of services and their quality.

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Where can I take a hair removal course?

Onde posso fazer um curso de depilação?
Where can I take a hair removal course?

There are countless alternatives to learn the art of depilation. For this, the best are the free courses. That is, there is no college for depilation. You can learn it, for example, in the technical course (graduation) of aesthetics. However, it is only one of the modules.

On the other hand, the free courses, which last for hours (which spread over days or weeks), go straight to the point. With them you can specialize directly in depilation, not having to go through other teachings of techniques unrelated to hair removal.

But where, then, is it possible to take the depilation course? Among the options are courses from well-known education platforms, such as Senac. There are also brands of waxes that also give courses.

In addition, you can take courses with professionals in the field who teach. Or, alternatively, on free course platforms, which offer online or face-to-face classes.

What do you learn in the depilation course?

Some courses are specific to some techniques. Other courses, in turn, cover various forms of hair extraction (with hot or cold wax, thread and others). In general, it is possible to learn in the depilation course:

  • Skin preparation (cleansing and exfoliation);
  • Depilation of armpits, legs, face, arms and intimate area;
  • Analysis of the type of skin and hair;
  • Depilation methods (with thread, with cold or hot wax, Egyptian, etc.).

Who can take the hair removal course?

Anyone who is interested in working in the area of aesthetics and beauty can benefit from hair removal courses. In general, this work is indicated for people who are interested in the field, but not only that.

Those who are easy to deal with the public and like to interact can do well. Also, you need to be organized and very discreet with customers. The delicacy and ease in learning new techniques also influence the success of the profession.

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About the author  /  Aline Mesquita

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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