
Breed street cat: how to do it? See 8 simple tips!

Raising a stray cat requires some specific care. After all, you need to check his health, ensure his adaptation and give him time. Check out tips!


Find out how to raise a street cat

Criar gato de rua
raise stray cat

Many people decide to have a pet when raising a street cat. In these cases, they find them abandoned and thus adopt them and take them home. However, this requires care.

Adopting a cat can be a reason for great joy. However, he needs attention in some respects, especially when we talk about stray cats. In this case, we are not referring to those from NGOs or those that are for sale, but to those in a situation of abandonment.

And it is very common for the population of stray cats to be high, no matter how great the work of NGOs. This happens for several reasons:

  • Abandonment of the pet on the street;
  • Situations where the cat leaves the house and does not find the way back;
  • Due to the rapid feline gestation, which lasts only 02 weeks.

Thus, there are situations in which the stray cat has never had contact with humans. In others, they even had it, but they weren't good. Still, there are cases where they had a good relationship, but that ended up with the death of the tutor, pet escape and others.

Therefore, raising a stray cat requires some specific care. Especially since until then they were exposed to the dangers of the street. While some are visible, others are invisible enemies.

In this way, checking the health of the pet is essential. Still, that's not enough. After all, the pet needs time to adapt and give you confidence. This is rarely the case at first sight, but there are tricks that help to get closer.

What should be kept in mind is that stray cats tend to be more skittish. They are unaware of human contact or harbor bad impressions of them. In addition, the self-protection instinct also goes into alert at these times.

With that, not always the first days or weeks will be wonderful. However, with some care and tricks it is possible to improve the chances of approximation and adaptation. This allows you to create a loving environment. Also, ensure the well-being of the pet.

8 tips to help with the care of raising a stray cat

Criar gato de rua
raise stray cat

As we saw above, the adaptation of stray cats to a home can encounter some setbacks. However, there are tricks that help alleviate or even eliminate them. Also, it helps you to demonstrate confidence to the cat and, with that, conquer it.

Therefore, check the items below for 08 tips on how to raise a stray cat without major problems. With that, you get a pet, a company and a lot of joy for your home. At the same time, it ensures that he will gain a lot of affection and a quality life!

Make sure he's really street

First of all, before adopting any cat you see on the street as your own, make sure it really doesn't have an owner. Pets often run away and get lost. With that, know that somewhere there is a guardian in distress in search of your kitten.

So, first of all, take him home and leave him in a quiet room. In the meantime, get in touch with local NGOs. 

Likewise, talk to the neighborhood and find out if anyone was looking for a cat with the characteristics of the one you found. Only afterwards, then, if an owner does not appear, take it as yours. 

Take him to the vet

To raise a cat that was stray, it is essential to take it to the veterinarian for a complete check-up. After all, the street is a space with many dangers. Even if at first glance the pet does not appear to have fleas or sores, it may have other conditions.

The first thing to do is a blood test to determine if the pet is FELV or FILV positive. In such cases, he will need special care. The main thing is just to live with other pets that are equally positive for such diseases.

Also, at that time it is possible that the veterinarian will carry out other tests. Also, define the age of the pet, apply the necessary vaccines and anti-flea and dewormer. This is very important for the kitten's well-being.

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Make room for your pet in your home

Continuing the saga to raise a stray cat, remember to have the equipment he needs. Among them are:

  • Quality feed corresponding to the age of the pet;
  • Clean sandbox in a quiet place;
  • A corner for him to sleep, preferably with a blanket or pillow.

Still, in the first few days leave him in his own corner, like a room you don't use that much. Let him explore the house, but also make sure he has a place to hide whenever he wants.

Get closer little by little

Get closer little by little. To breed your cat you need to gain his trust. So don't touch it in the first few days. Let him come to you. Also, help him find the sandbox and interact with toys.

Be patient – it's part of the process of raising a stray cat

Criar gato de rua
raise stray cat

Patience is essential when raising a stray cat. As we mentioned earlier, he may have previous bad experiences with humans. Or else, ignore this contact. So give him the time he needs.

Don't do Felicia and don't go grabbing your kitten. Let him touch you whenever he wants. Gradually he will approach and become a very loving pet, be sure!

neuter the pet

Neutering cats is essential to prevent diseases, escapes and uncontrolled feline births. Therefore, neutering him is an act of care and it will not negatively affect his health.

Eliminate chances of leaks

As it is a stray kitten, remember to prevent it from having access to the street. Keep doors closed and close the gates, at home, or windows, in the case of apartments. 

Seek help from an NGO to raise a stray cat

Finally, raising a stray cat can be laborious, yet rewarding. If he is too aggressive or aggressive, consider calling an NGO to help him and give him instructions.

Today there are several that are dedicated to cats and that are in all regions of Brazil.

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