
Feline communication: all about cat language

Feline communication is full of signals and sounds that cats emit when they want to send a message. Know more about her!


Find out what feline communication is like and understand your cat better!

Comunicação com gatos
communication with cats

Have you ever thought about finding out what your cat is saying? For feline communication studies exactly that. She turns to the signals and noises that cats make.

These signals mainly involve body language. Cats talk – and a lot! – through its posture, position and movement of the tail, ears and eyes. Understanding what your kitten wants or what it's feeling can be a simpler task than you might think!

To do this, just know some of the main signs they give. They have already been mapped by numerous experts. And knowing what they are can completely change your relationship with your kitten. And for the better, of course!

After all, consider that with this information you can understand him better. Acknowledge the times when he is uncomfortable and give him space. Equally, some hint of discontent or pain. This helps to get veterinary care as soon as possible.

Moreover, the same applies to hunger or the search for affection. In this regard, know: your cat declares himself daily and you may be letting this act go unnoticed. For all this, be sure to check below how to recognize feline communication!

How is communication between cats?

Communication between cats takes place through the use of several ways. While some are physical, others are sound. In this way, they make use of numerous resources. This is both for talking to other felines and for communicating with humans!

For example, consider the following body signals when they are communicating with other cats:

  • In case of a possible confrontation, the cat tends to arch its back to appear bigger;
  • When he realizes that the fight is really going to happen or that his bluff is in jeopardy, the cat tends to lower himself. This demonstrates that he prepares to flee at any moment;
  • To express affection to other cats, felines make use of licks. This can occur, for example, after a fight with another cat, as a peace sign.

On the other hand, feline communication with humans, to express these same feelings, is different in parts. For example, it is common for cats to show affection by purring.

However, many of them do it with light licks. On the other hand, he expresses fear or tension through a withdrawn posture and arches his back when he senses a threat. In that sense, the ways of expressing yourself are quite similar.

What should be clear is that cats use different means to communicate. They include posture, the position of the eyes and ears, as well as meows, grunts, and other sounds. Keep reading to see, at the end of this article, what each movement and noise means.

feline health issues

If you have a cat, don't miss our tips on feline health problems. With them, you prevent diseases and ensure the well-being of the kitty!

How to facilitate feline communication between you and your cat?

Comunicação felina
feline communication

There are a few ways you can also pass messages to your cat. Learn, then, how to be fluent in feline communication:

  • How to say no to a cat: avoid using the same tone of speech as always, especially the docile one. The feline must understand that he is not welcome there (like in a room or piece of furniture). To do this, adopt an incisive tone, but don't shout;
  • Call your cat to play: choose a different tone of voice than your normal one to call your cat to play. But only use it when you're really going to play with him, so he can associate the “little voice” with the proposed action;
  • Accustom him to signs. For example, a finger snap calls them to cuddle, while tapping the fingertips, on furniture or the floor, calls them to play.

Understand body language in feline communication

Como se comunicar com um gato?
How to communicate with a cat?

As we said above, cats are champions of using body language. Here she really takes herself seriously. There are several movements and positions that reveal a feeling or need. To understand what they are and what they mean, check out the items that follow!


See how cats' ears influence feline communication! They say a lot about what is going on with your little friend:

  • Down: sadness or fear;
  • Upright and facing forward: alert;
  • Slightly curved and facing forward: I'm ok and at peace;
  • Upright and facing backwards: the hunt is about to begin.

eyes and pupils

Feline communication also makes use of the eyes to convey messages:

  • Dilated pupil: fear;
  • Blinking an eye or both: affection and love;
  • Staring and serious: challenging;
  • Staring and less serious: curiosity.


The tail is also part of feline body language, here's how:

  • Face up and with bristly hair: defense position;
  • Bristling and loose: I'm on fire;
  • Between the legs: bad mood;
  • Agitated: bothered by some situation;
  • Facing up and with low hair: tranquility;
  • Up and with the tip facing forward: I want to interact.

sounds the cat makes

However, sounds are an essential part of communication between cats and from them to humans:

  • Short meow: Hello;
  • Acute: pain or fear;
  • Purring: sign of love and affection;
  • Excessive meows and a little more acute: hunger;
  • Excessive in normal tone: happiness.


Still, posture is another form of feline communication:

  • Arched back: feels threatened;
  • Bristled hair with nails sticking out: I will attack;
  • Lying on the side: I am resting;
  • On your back, lying down or rubbing yourself on the floor: I want attention;
  • Withdrawn: fear.

Physical contact

Finally, physical contact is also part of feline communication:

  • “Kneading bread” (paws up and down): I feel good here;
  • Rubbing your legs: I like you;
  • Rubbing cheeks: I want affection;
  • Little licks: I love you.

feline natural food

A natural feline diet guarantees your cat the intake of all the nutrients it needs. See how to enter it!

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