
See 10 behaviors that cats hate!

Want to adopt a cat and looking for information about them? Here are some behaviors that cats hate, such as direct looks, noises and scolding, and don't reproduce them!


Know some behaviors that cats hate

Ambientes fechados, barulho e sujeira são algumas situações que os gatos detestam. Fonte: Unsplash.
Closed environments, noise and dirt are some situations that cats hate. Source: Unsplash.

Tutoring a cat, giving it love, affection and care is as important for the animal's mood as it is for its health. However, not everything we do is understood as a form of love and care. Sometimes the cat is also stressed or angry and therefore can scratch you. But what works for a cat? Check out 10 behaviors that cats hate below and don't get scratched (or not so often) anymore!

How to deal with an anxious cat?

Learn what to do if your cat shows signs of anxiety, such as baring teeth, bristling fur, or not sleeping well.

10. Closed environments

Cats have a strong solitary hunting instinct – coming from their leopard and tiger relatives. But not only, also because of the way they were historically inserted in society. Imagine the situation: the cat was left in a large barn to hunt mice and other pests.

Thus, your cat needs to have space to circulate in your home. Even if you live in a kitnet, your cat needs to have access to all the environments you circulate, at the risk of becoming stressed and irritated, if this is not possible.

He will feel belonging to that place, and therefore, more confident in the tutor.

09. Too Much Noise

The deck issue is already something complicated for people. But for a cat, an animal that has refined instincts and hearing capable of hearing frequencies much higher than ours, it is paramount.

With such powerful hearing, it's no wonder cats are much more stressed in noisy environments. Imagine any car sounding almost like an airplane and you will understand what we mean.

Therefore, it is essential that your kitty has a quiet house, or at least somewhere for him to take refuge, when very noisy situations happen. This will make your kitty not so grumpy, therefore, less likely to respond to any provocation with a good scratch.

08. Medicines

Anyone who has any animal at home knows: giving medicine to your pet is difficult, many times, because it realizes that there is something different there. With cats, the situation can be a little worse. That's because cats have a more sensitive palate. So, if your cat needs medicine, be prepared: he's going to be mad at you.

Of course you can't give in. Tips like holding the animal between your legs, offering treats or asking someone for help are very valid. However, be prepared to take some good scratches, and maybe a little indifference session for a few hours.

07. Dirt

Anyone who sees a cat tutor's house, full of hair spread everywhere, has the wrong impression that cats are animals that don't care about cleanliness. On the contrary: among the behaviors that cats hate is living in dirty environments.

Cats are extremely hygienic. His licks aim, among other objectives, at hygiene (but be careful, bathing is also important). Burying the feces in the litter box is another.

Therefore, it is very important that the house where the cat lives is clean. Both the sandbox and the garbage cans, the corners, the leftover food. In dirty homes, cats are more stressed and nervous, more likely to attack the owner or guests.

06. Scolding

Para os gatos, os limites devem ser ensinados de forma sutil e atenta aos sentimentos deles. Fonte: Unsplash.
For cats, limits must be taught in a subtle way and attentive to their feelings. Source: Unsplash.

Cats are very sensitive animals and have strong personalities. Therefore, they do not like to be confronted. Or at least, not with harsh words.

When you scold a cat, what it will understand is the tone of your voice and your gestures. Therefore, if you scold him more firmly, he will understand it as a threat. And if he feels threatened...

Setting limits is important, but for an animal, especially if it is a cat, this must happen in a very subtle, sensitive and attentive way to its feelings.

05. Excess of catnip

Everyone who has a cat knows: catnip, the famous catnip, is critical to your friend's mood. If inhaled, it makes the cat more agitated; if ingested, it makes you calmer.

However, like everything in life, in excess, it can be harmful. Not that your cat will overdose - if he eats too much, he might vomit, but cats will know how to follow their instincts, and stop when the time is right.

The biggest problem is another: he is too exposed to the smell. This can make your cat overstimulated and therefore tired. Just imagine: how do you feel when you drink a lot of coffee? The tip is, use the catnip no exaggeration!

04. Cold food

Do you remember your mother, or your grandmother, telling you to heat up food, that cold food is bad for you, etc.? For a cat will agree with them.

Not that the cat needs hot food - but cold food, the animal will probably refuse. Cats have a very sensitive tongue and sense of smell, so cold food can upset the cat.

Thus, you will understand the expression “an ugly face, for me, is hunger”. Your cat may scratch you because you are not giving her enough food or not at the temperature she likes. And what is the right temperature? Room temperature, or slightly warmer (about 15 seconds in the microwave).

03. Caresses on the belly

A caress on a cat's belly is a crass mistake, committed, 90% of the times, by those who have only lived with dogs. Jokes aside, cats hate it when you touch their bellies.

They love affection, but it's on the head and neck, sometimes on the back. When the cat lies down with its belly up, what it is demonstrating is that it is comfortable there. But this is not an invitation to cuddle.

Cats have sensitive abdomens (that is, they are ticklish), but this is not a good thing for them. Thus, stroking a cat's belly is fatal: in a few moments, the cat will jump and scratch you.

02. Walking around too much

Veja porque passear com os gatos é um erro. Fonte: Unsplash.
See why walking cats is a mistake. Source: Unsplash.

Another mistake made by those who know more dogs than cats. Walking too much is one of the behaviors that cats hate. That's because they don't feel reassured when they get out of their routine.

You go out with them, from time to time, it's good for the animal to feel new air, sunbathe, receive some stimuli. But it will only benefit the cat's mood if it is a special event.

Your cat needs the security and stability of a routine to be able to live peacefully. If you go out with him too much, your cat will be stressed, exhausted... And we know how the cat responds to stress, don't we?

01. Direct glances

Eye contact is very important – for people and dogs. For cats, it's a sign of challenge, threat, or coping.

Your cat wants to live with you, wants to feel part of your day and wants your attention. But he won't like it if you look him in the eye, because instinctively it triggers the feeling of threat, as if you were calculating your moves to attack.

This way, the cat is in a state of alert, and interprets simple movements as an attack. And he won't attack you if he doesn't feel attacked first. So, instead of looking your cat in the eyes, look at him from the side, with your head down, or even with your eyes closed (when you are petting). Thus, your cat will feel much more loved and confident.

If you're thinking about adopting another feline and want to meet affectionate breeds, check out the content we've prepared below!

The 15 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

Do you know which are the 15 most affectionate cat breeds that exist? Check out the kittens who love human affection here!

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