
How to become a professional in dance: know everything!

Did you know that it is possible to make dancing a profession? See today how to become a professional in dance and see how to follow your future with art!


Find out how to become a professional in dance 

Dicas de como se profissionalizar em dança
Tips on how to become a professional in dance

Dance is the great passion of many people. And it is possible to become a professional in dance and turn your hobby into a profession. By the way, the labor market is also quite rich.

Dance allows its professionals to work, for example, with shows. Or, even, that they teach others the art of dance, whether professionally or not. Still, this can happen privately or in gyms and clubs.

Likewise, it is impossible not to mention that dance has countless types. That is, there are various rhythms and various dance styles. So this is rich ground. And this richness is not imposed only in relation to entertainment, but also to the use of it as a profession.

Today, then, check out everything about how to become a professional in dance. Below, we separate the main information about the course and about the career. So, if body art is your passion, be sure to see how to take it up as a profession.

What is dance college like?

Dicas de como se profissionalizar em dança
Tips on how to become a professional in dance

In fact, college dance, although it is one of the options, is not the only way to become professional in the area. Other options are degrees in arts education or physical education.

Still, many people bet on specific courses. For example, in ballet companies. Or else, in open courses that even without recognition as a degree allow the student to teach in the future.

With regard to training in dance graduation, it lasts 04 years and can be a bachelor's degree or a degree. In the first case, it is possible to act as a teacher, choreographer or producer, for example. In the second, the course returns to the classroom.

To enter the dance course, it is not enough for the student to pass the theoretical subjects of the entrance exam. After all, much of the course mixes theory and practice. In this sense, the entrance exam at the dance school requires a theoretical test and a dance test, really. Therefore, becoming a professional in dance is a serious thing and requires preparation and a lot of dedication.

Learn more about training

In addition, today there are private and public dance college courses. The former have monthly fees ranging from R$ 700 to R$ 1,400. Publics, on the other hand, as the name implies, are free.

Among the public courses to become professional in dance are those at the federal universities of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Viçosa. Also, the State Faculty of Arts of Paraná. Also, the universities of Campinas and the state of Amazonas.

On the other hand, they usually follow a very similar curriculum. This is due to the fact that the course, to be recognized by the MEC (Ministry of Education) needs to follow predetermined guidelines. Take a look at some of the main disciplines:

  • Kinesiology Applied to Dance;
  • Motor Behavior;
  • Classical and Contemporary Dance;
  • Dialogues between Dance and other Languages;
  • Dance Dramaturgy;
  • Musical Elements and Dance;
  • Choreographic Aesthetics;
  • Movement Studies;
  • Ethics and Environment;
  • Art History;
  • Improvisation;
  • Educational Legislation;
  • Dance Logics;
  • Scenic Assembly;
  • Cultural Plurality and Sexual Orientation;
  • Poetics of the Scene;
  • Science, Technology and Society Relations (STS).
  • Dance Techniques: Analysis, Expression, Investigation, Perception and Creation;
  • Dance Theory.

What do I need to teach a dance class?

Dicas de como se profissionalizar em dança
Tips on how to become a professional in dance

First, you can teach dance classes without a college in the area. After all, you can become a professional in dance in specific segments. In this case, you must have, in addition to dedication, experience in classes in gyms and schools.

On the other hand, classes at arts universities and at some specific schools necessarily require a degree in dance. Therefore, the scenario varies according to your professional desire.

Likewise, whatever the case, it is crucial that the professional has a knack for dealing with the public. That is, that you can really communicate and deal with other people. Otherwise, training will not be enough.

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How much does a dance professional earn?

Again, this varies according to how the profession develops. For example, those with a degree in dance can earn, as a professional dancer, R$ 12,500 monthly.

On the other hand, choreographer salary is usually R$ 2,500. There is also the possibility of giving private lessons. For example, in your own studio, for groups of students or individually.

In this case, the professional can earn between R$ 80 to R$ 150 per class hour, which ends up being quite lucrative.

In any case, it is possible to become a professional in dance and guarantee a good salary. In addition to the applications mentioned above, the choreographer can also dedicate himself to dramaturgy or production. Still, research. Therefore, each case will demand a specific salary.

Is it worth it to become a professional in dance?

Finally, the question remains: is it worth it to become a professional in dance? For the answer varies, again. This time, however, it's up to you. It is necessary to analyze, for example, your love for dance and the desire to really take it into your life.

A dance professional must train daily. Still, you should keep an eye on new trends in art. With that, always seek to be with the best quality with regard to dance.

Also, think about your desire to work with the public or at events. Thus, it is crucial to link reality to the analysis of the dance course for your life.

However, if you are passionate about dance and want to take it into your life, this could be a great course option. First, because it offers good wages. Secondly, by the fact that it meets demand.

Thus, it is possible to work in schools, universities, theater groups and television stations. Likewise, in their own studio, gym or in shows with dance groups. Either way, this is a great alternative.

online dance courses

Have you ever thought about taking online dance courses? They are great for loosening the body, exercising and creating body awareness. Check options!

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