
How to set up an online makeup course?

Use the internet and your knowledge to profit! Learn here how to set up an online makeup course and earn money all year round.


Discover tips on how to set up an online makeup course

Descubra dicas de como montar um curso online de maquiagem
Discover tips on how to set up an online makeup course

Are you a makeup expert? Then see how to set up an online makeup course and expand your possibilities of earning money. This is a profitable and creative option for this.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, many people had to reinvent themselves to keep making money. Among them, the beauty professionals. However, that same moment also made people look for ways to occupy their free time.

And among the alternatives that stood out was the search for new learning. That is, courses that could be taken at a distance, over the internet, without leaving home. Free courses with practical teaching, for example, were highlights.

And among these courses are those that focus precisely on the area of beauty. With the sum of all these factors, then, why not bet on setting up an online makeup course? Know that this is a smart alternative to profit.

After all, you will share knowledge you already have, with materials you already have. In addition, today there are several distance learning platforms for free courses. Likewise, you can sell a single material and recording thousands of times.

And all this with low investment. Equally, acting in a field that is really in demand. Every day women of all ages look for product and makeup tips on the internet. And the make-up courses rock the enrollment numbers.

However, for your effort to get the results you want, some precautions are essential. Below, then, check out some tips on how to set up an online makeup course. With them, you guarantee success and many sales!

Manicure, makeup and eyebrow course

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What does it take to set up an online makeup course?

O que é preciso para montar um curso online de maquiagem?
What does it take to set up an online makeup course?

First, knowledge is needed. After all, it will only be possible to give quality classes and pass on lessons if you really master the techniques. Therefore, bet on what you really are an expert on.

Also, you need to have makeup supplies. For example, brushes, foundations, eye shadows, lipsticks and powder. By the way, it is necessary that they are diverse in relation to skin tones. Also, you will need a camera, as well as a place with good lighting and acoustics.

However, don't worry. With today's quality of cell phones, it is even possible to record your course at home, as long as you take some precautions.

How to set up an online makeup course from scratch in 8 steps

Como montar um curso online de maquiagem do zero em 8 passos
How to set up an online makeup course from scratch in 8 steps

Below, check out the step-by-step guide on how to set up your online makeup course and profit from it. Entering the field of distance learning in free courses is, after all, an incredible way to earn money!

set the purpose

First, when setting up an online makeup course, establish its purpose. That is, what it will be used for. Is it automation? Third-party makeup? Makes for special types of skin? Artistic makeup application? Or for parties?

Makeup is a very complex universe. She deals with different types of skins and products. Also, with different purposes and techniques. So, for example, you can teach basic makeup to everyday life. Or professionals. Or else just for the eyes.

Note, therefore, that this is a subject that must precede any other task when setting up an online makeup course.

Think of the target audience

Also, establish the persona of the target audience of your online makeup course. For example, what age group are they? What do they want from the course? What attracts them and what are their preferences?

All of this is crucial when putting together an online makeup course. This is what allows you to connect with the public and also attract them.

Create your course structure

Then, knowing the purpose of your course and the target audience, create its structure. Think progressively. That is, the simplest steps first and then the more complex ones. Still, think of them as an interlocking chain.

To create structure, consider dividing course parts into modules or topics. Thus, each of them has 3 parts (or more, or less). Remember that the first part of each module is the simplest. The last one is the most complex and the one that usually involves training and practice.

Develop the content

After setting up the structure, finally develop your course content. It must be consistent with the topics you have listed. Still, they must give answers. Likewise, be sure to analyze the type of language you will use, the examples and ways of interacting with the students.

Choose an online teaching platform

It is not enough to set up a quality makeup online course. It is also necessary to choose a platform to allocate it. That is, to make it available online, for access upon purchase. Research the alternatives and analyze which one is more interesting for you.

Be sure, by the way, to consider the image that the platform has in the market and its reach. It is essential that she work in favor of publicizing and marketing her course.

Test before launch

When your course is ready, test it. Present it, pre-recorded or pre-recorded, to a specific group of people who resemble your target audience. With this, you can ensure that it flows well and that it reaches the goal.

Be sure to consider the opinions of everyone who participates in the test. So you can enhance your course for the public.

Promote your makeup course online

After launch, it's crucial that you market your course. Don't just leave it up to the platform where you make it available. Use your social networks, contact networks and even strategies such as creating a personal website.

Consolidate your professional image by creating other content on networks and on your website. Use them to publicize your course and to answer questions from students, for example.

Make partnerships

Finally, seek partnerships with makeup stores or product brands. With that, get sponsorship in exchange for using products from them in your classes. Also, don't rule out advertising on social media.

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